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Why no stories about Playable Races in new expansions?


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19 minutes ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

I wasn't thinking the centaurs would continue using the Bloodstone as a combatant drug, but rather more in ransacking nearby mursaat ruins for weapons to use in the same light as White Mantle. And while they didn't succeed in the long run (thanks to the Commander assassinating Caudecus), the White Mantle did have the upper hand for quite a while - including against airships and watchknights.

But yes, in of itself it wouldn't be enough of a game changer - which is where the idea of a return of the Sinister Triad situation comes in. But as said, the idea of the Centaur War being a focal point is... slim, to say the least. I'm half surprised we didn't get a report on an invitation to the alliance for the centaurs littered about in the Alliance meetings, like we did for the Largos, quaggans, and some other groups.

Yeah, you might notice that in the first post of mine that you quoted in this thread, I was sarcastically commenting about the total impossibility that the titans that were the gamechanger of the charr-ascalon war being something that the centaurs might access as a gamechanger themselves. But that's the thing - there'd need to be that gamechanger in play, and that gamechanger would probably then be what the PC is concerned about, not the centaurs specifically.

A big mass alliance of hostile factions is... possible, but I'd be wary of what could easily feel like a repeat of the Scarlet arc. The main enemy factions still in play in the region don't seem like they'd be likely to make common cause with centaurs.

I suspect the reason they didn't get an invite is that the centaurs still appear to be primarily hostile, apart from the mostly pacifistic Dry Top centaurs which probably aren't a significant enough force to bother. Quaggans are mostly friendly, and largos are... suffice it to say that diplomacy appears to be possible and redirecting the largos to prey that are dangerous to the alliance would be useful.

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1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Yeah, you might notice that in the first post of mine that you quoted in this thread, I was sarcastically commenting about the total impossibility that the titans that were the gamechanger of the charr-ascalon war being something that the centaurs might access as a gamechanger themselves. But that's the thing - there'd need to be that gamechanger in play, and that gamechanger would probably then be what the PC is concerned about, not the centaurs specifically.

True, which is why I've been saying that more likely than not, the centaurs and similar lower-tier threat level plots aren't likely to happen, or if they do they are just a subplot to something bigger.

Centaurs finding and harvesting a Bloodstone after their dealings with the White Mantle is just one of two of the biggest methods I can see centaurs becoming a primary focus - the other being that the land / earth spirit that is the subject of their worship, becomes proactive in some form. But that would just make them the Forged to their Gaia-adjacent Balthazar.

1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

A big mass alliance of hostile factions is... possible, but I'd be wary of what could easily feel like a repeat of the Scarlet arc. The main enemy factions still in play in the region don't seem like they'd be likely to make common cause with centaurs.

That's kind of why I cited the Sinister Triad, which was a different form of alliance compared to Scarlet's "take two groups that shouldn't co-exist and fuse their tech/magic".

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6 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

The is very much untrue. The Centaur War has been going on since 300 AE. Do you really think that Ulgoth and Caudecus are the only things that kept the war going for 1,000 years, when they weren't even a century old?

The centaurs have been off-and-on warring because Krytans slowly took the land they were living on (and not all entirely to their own fault - Zhaitan, for example, forced Krytans northward; other situations harming relations were insane kings like Oswald Thorn who also soiled relations with the Caromi tengu). And in GW2's time, thanks to Zhaitan and Jormag, the centaurs were extremely limited in the available land they could live in; Ulgoth's hatred over the near genocide during the Modniir's failed instigated assault on the Eye of the North and Caudecus' machinations aside, there would be many motivators to keep the millennia long war going - racism runs deep, and many were hurt by the war. There's bound to be others on both sides who want to see the war continue.

Of course, in ArenaNet's modern writing, all such things are just the fault of specific conservative villains like Li and Bangar, so simply killing the last of them will surely solve all problems, somehow, I'm certain. Even though such doesn't address the key point of the Tamini's suffering - the lack of land in northern Kryta / southern Woodland Cascades. Modniir's land issues is taken care of by Jormag's death, more or less. Harathi still have their lack of lands from the Maguuma Jungle drying into the Maguuma Wastes, too, though.

I would argue it is certainly possible for the Centaur War to be more than mere mop-up, though given the power creep of things, it would definitely serve as more of a backdrop to something larger. The best it'd get is the level of charr civil war during original-scope IBS, which means less than half the main focus time.

Given the last we saw it, the centaurs had learned how to harness and utilize Bloodstone magic thanks to the White Mantle, that knowledge wouldn't necessarily simply vanish, and who knows what additional benefits (or harm) they might have gotten since Mists shenanigans popped up. They do live pretty close to some confirmed mursaat / Wizard architecture, and there are still unaccounted Bloodstones to take note of. Not to mention the idea of remnant villain groups forming an alliance wouldn't be out of the possibility either - not in a Scarlet's Alliances sort of way of mixing two groups that shouldn't mix to get advancements in tech, but more of a Sinister Triad route where you got separate groups working together for mutual benefits of survival. Dominion, centaurs, and remnant Nightmare Court would make an interesting alliance; add in Inquest to the mix if it feels they need a magitech bonus to level the playing field.

But the Tyrian Alliance - assuming it doesn't fall apart - does feel like it'd be capable of quickly squashing any local territorial threat, truth be told. Kind of makes the smaller plotlines of Centaur War or Foefire ghosts seem... implausible to be a viable issue not quickly dealt with.

So it might be better to put the Centaur War and Foefire plotlines on the backburner for a hypothetical GW3.

As said by Draxynnic, The big factors that allowed the Centaurs to go from minor raids and fights to outright being a huge threat are gone. Caudecus isn't sabotaging the Seraph at every turn and removing his own ministry guard forces from key locations to expose Kryta to deep attacks. Ulgoth is dead, and he was the major figure in forcing the other tribes into the war whether they hated kryta or not. The Seraph are stronger then ever, and the internal sabotages are gone. The Centaurs have lost their major leaders in the war side of things and it may be harder for them to rally as a unified force to truly be a threat. Not that the war is actually "Over" per say, but it's a lot less dangerous for Kryta.

As for bloodstone, I would honest lean toward that group of Centaurs being wiped out alongside the White Mantle at lake Doric, as they were actively raiding and attacking the Seraph and Blood legion forces there. It seemed like they were starting to go mad as well, with all the bloodstone ones being labeled as "Crazed" with their high sage being killed and the other forces likely being wiped out or routed during the counter-attack. 

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16 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

All that is said in LWS2 is that the ritual needs to be done in a place of power. Rytlok did it in the old duke's cellars, which are far outside what was Ascalon city, and the ritual was working.

At no point do they say Ascalon City is involved.

I wouldn't say that what happened there qualifies as the ritual "working." The Ascalonian ghosts were unaffected, the Mists portal swallowed and extinguished Sohothin, Rytlock jumped in after it and was missing for a while, during which time he set the events of PoF in motion, devastating an already-oppressed Elonian continent even more. Yes, that ritual was totally working as intended. 🙄

Honestly even "act first think later" Rytlock should have considered the possibility that just maybe the CTRL+Z (undo) ritual has to be performed where the thing to be undone actually happened: Ground Zero. But that apparently never occurred to anyone at the time. I mean, we were led through that whole "cleanse the source" arc in Orr over several story steps, why would that not at least be considered as a similar approach to a similar problem? Yes, we picked the wrong "source" at first, but Trahearne immediately knew it and we went on to find the real source. Nothing similar appears to have happened here.

What is the actual difference between Khilbron and Adelbern?

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
fixed link, clarity
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1 hour ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

I wouldn't say that what happened there qualifies as the ritual "working." The Ascalonian ghosts were unaffected, the Mists portal swallowed and extinguished Sohothin, Rytlock jumped in after it and was missing for a while, during which time he set the events of PoF in motion, devastating an already-oppressed Elonian continent even more. Yes, that ritual was totally working as intended. 🙄

Well, it did work - in that immediate area. The ghosts in the crypt did vanish, which was why Smodur attended the talks. It just had undesired drawbacks as well.

1 hour ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

What is the actual difference between Khilbron and Adelbern?

One was a fanatic the other was a racist?

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4 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

That's kind of why I cited the Sinister Triad, which was a different form of alliance compared to Scarlet's "take two groups that shouldn't co-exist and fuse their tech/magic".

That's the thing, though: Who would it be? The bandits that were part of that alliance were a White Mantle front and that's kaput. The Nightmare Court seems to have been taken over by Chrysanthea's 'moderate' faction, although there is the potential for that to prove to be an incomplete picture of things... but would Courtiers ally with centaurs? What would the Inquest get out of allying with centaurs? Dredge? Dominion remnants? Without a Scarlet pulling off some sort of magical offscreen diplomacy, bad guys usually don't unite out of a common drive to defeat good. Most of them are ultimately expecting to come out on top in the end and they know the others have similar expectations so they tend to be suspicious of one another at best, and often downright contemptuous as well.

The centaurs have shown that they're subject to manipulation, so maybe they can be manipulated again, but that would just be a repeat of the Caudecus plot: the centaurs aren't the real threat, whoever's manipulating them is. And we've had that plot.

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1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

would Courtiers ally with centaurs?

I'd think they would be less than enthusiastic about that, given their whole rejection-of-Ventari ideology. Maybe they wouldn't carry that so far as to apply it to all centaurs, but a Nightmare Court-centaur alliance still feels unlikely at best.

1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

What would the Inquest get out of allying with centaurs?

Approximately zero. Have you seen centaur tech? Barely bronze-age, not even worth mocking. 😆

Besides, they can probably steer the Arcane Council's research projects in their desired direction if they really want to.

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Posted (edited)

All of this "alliance of ... evil groups needed" to raise threat is result of writing yourself in a corner (with United Tyria).

Easiest solution, scrap Tyria alliance. Not working, differences, disagreements...

When you add so many powerful groups together, it will be like invincible.
Safe win every time, no personality, no danger.

Let different groups go their own ways, have their interests, act like they want. 

United Tyria put on ice.
Centaurs find supercharged Leyline crystal, artifact... their Elite units gain extreme strength/size, physical resistance, magic attacks.
Massive horde with strongest, magical powered leaders underway to Kryta. 

  • 3 maps in Woodland Cascades to stop and shatter Centaur threat forever.
  • Humans with only low support of help (alliance separated)
  • ...

No need for evil groups to ally. Just give one a huge buff and make less vulnerable to our weapons. 
Humans (mostly) on their own, Centaurs as threat for Kryta believable again. 

Edited by wolfof.1842
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18 minutes ago, wolfof.1842 said:

All of this "alliance of ... evil groups needed" to raise threat is result of writing yourself in a corner (with United Tyria).

Easiest solution, scrap Tyria alliance. Not working, differences, disagreements...

When you add so many powerful groups together, it will be like invincible.
Safe win every time, no personality, no danger.

Let different groups go their own ways, have their interests, act like they want. 

United Tyria put on ice.
Centaurs find supercharged Leyline crystal, artifact... their Elite units gain extreme strength/size, physical resistance, magic attacks.
Massive horde with strongest, magical powered leaders underway to Kryta. 

  • 3 maps in Woodland Cascades to stop and shatter Centaur threat forever.
  • Humans with only low support of help (alliance separated)
  • ...

No need for evil groups to ally. Just give one a huge buff and make less vulnerable to our weapons. 
Humans (mostly) on their own, Centaurs as threat for Kryta believable again. 

This isn't warcraft where we all suddenly forget we fought together and go back to being neutral/enemies just so bad guys have a chance at not being stomped instantly in the opening patch.

Even if you suddenly had Centaurs being super strong and magically charged for random reasons, it would kinda derail everything GW2 has built up.

You know, blood legion showing up to defend DR against white Mantle specifically to prevent them from destroying "All that Kryta and the legions had built up", and the humans repaying the favor during the civil war. etc.


centaurs were only a huge threat to Kryta because Kryta was actively being sabotaged from the inside out. Even if we randomly had nobody show up to help out, Kryta is vastly stronger now then it was at start of personal story.

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37 minutes ago, wolfof.1842 said:

All of this "alliance of ... evil groups needed" to raise threat is result of writing yourself in a corner (with United Tyria).

Easiest solution, scrap Tyria alliance. Not working, differences, disagreements...

When you add so many powerful groups together, it will be like invincible.
Safe win every time, no personality, no danger.

Let different groups go their own ways, have their interests, act like they want. 

United Tyria put on ice.
Centaurs find supercharged Leyline crystal, artifact... their Elite units gain extreme strength/size, physical resistance, magic attacks.
Massive horde with strongest, magical powered leaders underway to Kryta. 

  • 3 maps in Woodland Cascades to stop and shatter Centaur threat forever.
  • Humans with only low support of help (alliance separated)
  • ...

No need for evil groups to ally. Just give one a huge buff and make less vulnerable to our weapons. 
Humans (mostly) on their own, Centaurs as threat for Kryta believable again. 

I don't know... When you start doing "XY race mostly on their own" then PCs not belonging to that race would kinda not fit in.

Edited by anninke.7469
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7 minutes ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

Even if we randomly had nobody show up to help out, Kryta is vastly stronger now then it was at start of personal story.

They can have some Asura, Charr show up to help humans out.

But also make clear they have own issues in the same time:
You could say the Charr vs. ghosts plot escalate in background to explain why Charr can't send more, they are needed in Ascalon.

What does Kryta have today? It's still just villages, farmlands, simple peasants and some Seraphs.
Divinity's Reach is medieval compared to New Kaineng. 

Airships, how many were destroyed in past expansions? 

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8 minutes ago, anninke.7469 said:

I don't know... When you start doing "XY race mostly on their own" then PCs not belonging to that race would kinda not fit in.

Send a small group of most loyal allies/friends from other races.
But not full armies of Charr, whole scientists of Asura, and don't shift all weapons available in Tyria to this local conflict at once... 

Also going with yearly expansions, next year we help out another race equally.

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I kinda get where you're coming from, in that challenge and conflict are the drivers of storytelling. But really: centaurs? Seriously?

Like I already mentioned, their tech is laughable, falling apart at the slightest poke. Further, their combat capabilities seem to consist of 1. charge at you 2. shoot at you 3. yell at you (not necessarily in that order). They have fairly powerful shamans, but those are few and far between, and readily dispatched by even smaller groups. The only way centaurs could ever be a real threat is by assembling vastly superior numbers to anything ever seen before in either game, then simply swarming over the maps.

Even then, they would likely lose. Humans have access to their own tech which isn't awful (aside from the Scarlet incident, the Watchknights seem pretty solid). They have access to airships. Aerial and other mounts. Professions, magic and weapons the centaurs either don't or can't use. If need be they could probably call upon the Ebon Vanguard and even the Lionguard (technically subject to the Krytan throne) for assistance, ferrying troops to and from each via the gates in DR.

Centaurs are not a plausible threat to Kryta.

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34 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

I kinda get where you're coming from, in that challenge and conflict are the drivers of storytelling. But really: centaurs? Seriously?

Like I already mentioned, their tech is laughable, falling apart at the slightest poke. Further, their combat capabilities seem to consist of 1. charge at you 2. shoot at you 3. yell at you (not necessarily in that order). They have fairly powerful shamans, but those are few and far between, and readily dispatched by even smaller groups. The only way centaurs could ever be a real threat is by assembling vastly superior numbers to anything ever seen before in either game, then simply swarming over the maps.

Even then, they would likely lose. Humans have access to their own tech which isn't awful (aside from the Scarlet incident, the Watchknights seem pretty solid). They have access to airships. Aerial and other mounts. Professions, magic and weapons the centaurs either don't or can't use. If need be they could probably call upon the Ebon Vanguard and even the Lionguard (technically subject to the Krytan throne) for assistance, ferrying troops to and from each via the gates in DR.

Centaurs are not a plausible threat to Kryta.

Yes that is a good way to say it.

I agree centaurs are least exciting story of playable races, 
But it is the main human story of GW2 they started in 2012: 
Every human character spawn in Shaemoor fighting centaurs and continue in following maps.

So it has nostalgic aspect alone but like I say: add some spice (Leyline magic,...) to Elite Centaur bosses, give them strong magic attack power, strength, resistance...
Like this you can balance our weapons/professions vs. their Elite Centaur leaders + huge horde.

For other advantages, you can often say: "Just use airships"
Why we don't just drop 100 bombs from the sky on Janthir Titans?
Why we fight them with our hands on the ground instead.. lol

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The main human story in GW2 was White Mantle. It's just that because Caudecus was trying to pull a Palpatine, with the centaurs taking the role of the Trade Federation and later the Separatists - an external threat to justify accusing the present government of incompetence and securing power for himself. Didn't work, because unlike the prequel-era Republic, Jennah's government is functional outside of Caudecus's efforts to undermine it. It might have felt like the centaurs were the main threat at the Battle of Shaemoor when we were a freshly minted hero-to-be in the right place at the right time that hadn't yet learned what was going on, but the Missing Sister arc reveals the truth, and even if you've never done that, I think there are references in the open world to "bandits" (which is often shorthand for "White Mantle agents") showing the centaurs routes that allowed them to bypass Seraph defences and get into the Krytan heartland. The centaurs were always just the catspaws of the White Mantle. Trying to make an expansion where the centaurs are the big bad would be like trying to make a Wolfenstein game post-1945 where you're going after Vichy French holdouts or something. 

Our current engagements with the titans are still mostly fact-finding: we tried to take them out opportunistically, but it's not something the Tyrian Alliance has decided to commit major forces to yet. Maybe sometime we will see airships deployed against them - maybe it will work, maybe the titans have access to powers that means it won't. But after the centaurs had been the catspaws of the now defeated White Mantle for years, it'd take something pretty contrived for them to suddenly be something that's a big enough threat for the PC to need to get involved in apart from out of boredom.

6 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

I kinda get where you're coming from, in that challenge and conflict are the drivers of storytelling. But really: centaurs? Seriously?

Like I already mentioned, their tech is laughable, falling apart at the slightest poke. Further, their combat capabilities seem to consist of 1. charge at you 2. shoot at you 3. yell at you (not necessarily in that order). They have fairly powerful shamans, but those are few and far between, and readily dispatched by even smaller groups. The only way centaurs could ever be a real threat is by assembling vastly superior numbers to anything ever seen before in either game, then simply swarming over the maps.

Even then, they would likely lose. Humans have access to their own tech which isn't awful (aside from the Scarlet incident, the Watchknights seem pretty solid). They have access to airships. Aerial and other mounts. Professions, magic and weapons the centaurs either don't or can't use. If need be they could probably call upon the Ebon Vanguard and even the Lionguard (technically subject to the Krytan throne) for assistance, ferrying troops to and from each via the gates in DR.

Centaurs are not a plausible threat to Kryta.

They're also as bad as politicians when it comes to keeping promises. They keep promising a painful end but never deliver... unless they mean their own?

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10 hours ago, wolfof.1842 said:

Send a small group of most loyal allies/friends from other races.
But not full armies of Charr, whole scientists of Asura, and don't shift all weapons available in Tyria to this local conflict at once... 

Also going with yearly expansions, next year we help out another race equally.

Isn't sending a small group pretty much what we're doing right now? Having an alliance doesn't necessarily mean sending full joined armies to solve every single threat.

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4 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

They're also as bad as politicians when it comes to keeping promises. They keep promising a painful end but never deliver... unless they mean their own?

Well, until they can outrun us, they can't catch us to make the end painful.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, anninke.7469 said:

Isn't sending a small group pretty much what we're doing right now? Having an alliance doesn't necessarily mean sending full joined armies to solve every single threat.

Maybe? But why even add huge alliance on top to boost our "good side" more and more?

5 playable races ally are already enough but Tyria alliance add:

  • Wizard's Court, Astral Ward
  • Dominion of Winds (Tengu)
  • Hylek
  • Itzel
  • Kodan 
  • Humans + Awakened of Elona
  • Humans + Tengu of  Cantha

Let them deal with own issues at home, have conflicts, not travel to Lion's Arch and form biggest alliance ever...  
Most important: Wizards have to leave.

We don't use Charr choppers, airships that could crash.
We don't use Asura gates we have to transport and set up at location first.

Instead, we teleport flying wizard cities through all Tyria now...?
We are invincible. Tyrian alliance.

Edited by wolfof.1842
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1 hour ago, wolfof.1842 said:

Maybe? But why even add huge alliance on top to boost our "good side" more and more?

5 playable races ally are already enough but Tyria alliance add:

  • Wizard's Court, Astral Ward
  • Dominion of Winds (Tengu)
  • Hylek
  • Itzel
  • Kodan 
  • Humans + Awakened of Elona
  • Humans + Tengu of  Cantha

Let them deal with own issues at home, have conflicts, not travel to Lion's Arch and form biggest alliance ever...  
Most important: Wizards have to leave.

We don't use Charr choppers, airships that could crash.
We don't use Asura gates we have to transport and set up at location first.

Instead, we teleport flying wizard cities through all Tyria now...?
We are invincible. Tyrian alliance.

I haven't done JW yet but I feel like you are overblowing this? The Tyrian Alliance is basically the Pact, but a general alliance. The Pact wasn't rolfstomping everything it faced either remember? 

And it had support of all the nations in Central Tyria, support of Ogres, Tengu, Hylek, Skritt, Quaggan, Koden in relevant areas.

Hell, in IBS we outright had Koden and Ebon Vanguard starting to deploy to help out in fights around Central Tyria. 

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42 minutes ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

I haven't done JW yet but I feel like you are overblowing this? The Tyrian Alliance is basically the Pact, but a general alliance. The Pact wasn't rolfstomping everything it faced either remember? 

And it had support of all the nations in Central Tyria, support of Ogres, Tengu, Hylek, Skritt, Quaggan, Koden in relevant areas.

Hell, in IBS we outright had Koden and Ebon Vanguard starting to deploy to help out in fights around Central Tyria. 

It is infinite power creep on top of all now.

Look what airship cannon vs. Zhaitan did to the story in 2012 already.
So they fixed it and let huge fleet of airships become vulnerable, crash and burn in HoT 2015.

But now... we teleport on flying islands instead, no more crashing airships!
Biggest issue now is wizards and jadetech Cantha, not skritt and lower creatures.

How to make Pact Wizards Jadetech vulnerable to anything again now? 

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47 minutes ago, wolfof.1842 said:

It is infinite power creep on top of all now.

Look what airship cannon vs. Zhaitan did to the story in 2012 already.
So they fixed it and let huge fleet of airships become vulnerable, crash and burn in HoT 2015.

But now... we teleport on flying islands instead, no more crashing airships!
Biggest issue now is wizards and jadetech Cantha, not skritt and lower creatures.

How to make Pact Wizards Jadetech vulnerable to anything again now? 

Again, I'd love to see where they are just going to teleport the wizards tower or Amnytas anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat. As I recall, such efforts take time and prep. 

You are massively blowing things out of proportion and forgetting that they will need time to rally any force against a new threat. 

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17 hours ago, wolfof.1842 said:

All of this "alliance of ... evil groups needed" to raise threat is result of writing yourself in a corner (with United Tyria).

Easiest solution, scrap Tyria alliance. Not working, differences, disagreements...

When you add so many powerful groups together, it will be like invincible.
Safe win every time, no personality, no danger.

Let different groups go their own ways, have their interests, act like they want. 

United Tyria put on ice.
Centaurs find supercharged Leyline crystal, artifact... their Elite units gain extreme strength/size, physical resistance, magic attacks.
Massive horde with strongest, magical powered leaders underway to Kryta. 

  • 3 maps in Woodland Cascades to stop and shatter Centaur threat forever.
  • Humans with only low support of help (alliance separated)
  • ...

No need for evil groups to ally. Just give one a huge buff and make less vulnerable to our weapons. 
Humans (mostly) on their own, Centaurs as threat for Kryta believable again. 

TBH, just the existence of the Pact and Astral Ward - even just one of them - makes threats like the centaurs rather... trivial, all the same. And that's not even going into how Kryta is more powerful than in 1325 or that it'd be weird for non-human characters (like charr) to show up for such a plotline as others said.

National threats just seem like a negligible threat regardless of how you do it. Leaving the only matters left to be either personal threats (ala Gyala), hidden threats (ala SotO), and global threats (ala EoD).

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11 minutes ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

Again, I'd love to see where they are just going to teleport the wizards tower or Amnytas anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat. As I recall, such efforts take time and prep. 

You are massively blowing things out of proportion and forgetting that they will need time to rally any force against a new threat. 

They don't really need to teleport the whole Amnytas or Wizard's Tower to deal with threats, as Janthir Wilds show they can easily move an outpost into place and send the majority of forces via portals from Amnytas super quickly. The only reason they didn't go full force in JW (yet) is because they didn't want to spook the locals.

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1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

They don't really need to teleport the whole Amnytas or Wizard's Tower to deal with threats, as Janthir Wilds show they can easily move an outpost into place and send the majority of forces via portals from Amnytas super quickly. The only reason they didn't go full force in JW (yet) is because they didn't want to spook the locals.

Not only that but Forde and Ishgarran also said they took heavy casualties in the war against the Kryptis so the Astral Ward forces are now greatly reduced. They do not have many people now for any larger operations. 

The Tyrian Alliance also just formed around the beginning of this new expansion in response to the sudden invasion of Kryptis attacks through the course of 1 year (which means SotO only lasted for 1 year timeline wise) and getting people to support the formation of the Alliance is shacky right now since a good amount are either not in support of the Alliance or too busy dealing with their own personal Race politics and issues to send people to support the Alliance. 

Janthir Wild expansion right now is partly focus on establishing the Alliance by establishing their first real successful support for the Alliance being the Janthir Kodan so they can help build up defenses against the new dangers created as a result of Tyria now becoming very cendense in Magic that it is attracting beings from the Mist and also maybe causing other things that exists in Tyria to act up in different ways.

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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1 hour ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

Not only that but Forde and Ishgarran also said they took heavy casualties in the war against the Kryptis so the Astral Ward forces are now greatly reduced. They do not have many people now for any larger operations. 

The Tyrian Alliance also just formed around the beginning of this new expansion in response to the sudden invasion of Kryptis attacks through the course of 1 year (which means SotO only lasted for 1 year timeline wise) and getting people to support the formation of the Alliance is shacky right now since a good amount are either not in support of the Alliance or too busy dealing with their own personal Race politics and issues to send people to support the Alliance. 

Janthir Wild expansion right now is partly focus on establishing the Alliance by establishing their first real successful support for the Alliance being the Janthir Kodan so they can help build up defenses against the new dangers created as a result of Tyria now becoming very cendense in Magic that it is attracting beings from the Mist and also maybe causing other things that exists in Tyria to act up in different ways.

And any future threat, let's say hypothetically some threat emerges and attacks Kryta. Kryta will respond with it's own forces and figure out what's going on before they put in a call to the alliance, as they'd want a detailed report of what's going on. Then the others mobilize and move in. 

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