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Bed, books & bookshelves

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Hello ArenaNet people!

Just two questions:

- what's the point of having a bed if you can't sleep in it?

- what's the point of having basic bookshelves and Kodan bone bookshelves if you can't store the many books found in the game which take up a lot of space in the bank?

It seems to me that these two improvements are simple, essential and not a utopian dream!

Furthermore, I think it's time to increase the number of bank tabs... I have the maximum number, and my materials storage is at maximum, and I'm struggling to find available space.

Thank you for your attention!

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Yesterday I encountered a bed in JaW at the moon camp that I could interact with to sleep in it, so I'm sure we can get an interactable bed in the future.

But until then:

You can climb on top of a bed and /sleep. I did that in the corner in Arborstone with the beds for the well rested buff when you actually had to remain logged in for it to count up. It felt appropriate 😛

Now I just hope we can get our books on the bookshelves as well! 🙏

Edited by Flowersunshine.7385
I'll never get the hang of modern paragraph spaces.
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10 hours ago, Von Dobbs.9072 said:

Furthermore, I think it's time to increase the number of bank tabs... I have the maximum number, and my materials storage is at maximum, and I'm struggling to find available space.

They increased bank, storage and bag slots by 1 with JW release, unless wiki and gem store are lying. I did not try myself yet.

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4 hours ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

They increased bank, storage and bag slots by 1 with JW release, unless wiki and gem store are lying. I did not try myself yet.

I didn't know about that, thanks for the info! I just turned everything up to max, that helps a lot.

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21 minutes ago, Von Dobbs.9072 said:

I didn't know about that, thanks for the info! I just turned everything up to max, that helps a lot.

You are welcome. Wish they mentioned it in the patch notes because many people does not know about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Speaking of Bookshelves.  I second Von Dobbs.  I've been playing GW2 for over nine years and I have a TON of books taking up room in my bank.  Yes, I know they can be safely destroyed, but they were all part of the game experience.  Now that we have a real home, let's have a bookshelf with all those tomes we've gathered over the years :)

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On 8/27/2024 at 1:39 AM, Von Dobbs.9072 said:

Hello ArenaNet people!

Just two questions:

- what's the point of having a bed if you can't sleep in it?

- what's the point of having basic bookshelves and Kodan bone bookshelves if you can't store the many books found in the game which take up a lot of space in the bank?

It seems to me that these two improvements are simple, essential and not a utopian dream!

Furthermore, I think it's time to increase the number of bank tabs... I have the maximum number, and my materials storage is at maximum, and I'm struggling to find available space.

Thank you for your attention!

beds okay but bookshelves... i have seen this asked a few times on these forums and in other games. from my experience in other games bookshelves are either empty or full. that's it. it might be something anet could do to be different from other games, but how many interactable things do we have other then nodes and that you can add things too? I mean seriously i don't know off the top of my head. examples would be nice. I could very well be wrong, but i'm not sure we have that already and new code means more bugs. 😄 idk... I guess what i'm saying is yes that would be nice, but doesn't seem very essential and more so might be problematic with their code. (though it would be fun to have all those books i deleted appear at my feet to shelve)

i agree with bank tabs however! But i'd really like to be able to name my bank tabs. it would just help with my hoarding!:)


Edited by Kelly.7019
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On 9/12/2024 at 8:49 PM, AzureWolf.9150 said:

Now that we have a real home, let's have a bookshelf with all those tomes we've gathered over the years 🙂

Awesome idea.

Combine this with a simple achievement, so that some players will make an effort to get them and play old content.

(Of course, books that have already been unlocked are on the bookshelf regardless of whether you actually picked them up or disposed of them.
I only kept the book/audio summary of Vlast *sniff*)

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On 8/27/2024 at 6:39 AM, Von Dobbs.9072 said:

what's the point of having a bed if you can't sleep in it?

Jump on it, /sleep

On 8/27/2024 at 6:39 AM, Von Dobbs.9072 said:

what's the point of having basic bookshelves and Kodan bone bookshelves if you can't store the many books found in the game which take up a lot of space in the bank?

Two reasons, buy inventory space, second, people would cry bloody murder if they deleted the shelve and lost the books they got to read once and never again while they keep them "just because."

Here's a top tip:

Do a /wiki then left click the book, that'll open the wiki for it, and the wiki for it will have its text, make a folder, save these bookmarks, delete the in-game item. You can read them just as often, i.e. never again, and you save inventory space.

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On 8/27/2024 at 8:46 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

I doubt this will happen, since the Homestead is a copy&paste of the Guild Hall decoration model.

Seems like you haven't checked out homestead decoration mode yet.
The homestead decoration system is a heavy improvement compared to the old guild hall one. It's even that much better that they replaced the old guild hall system with the homestead one.

Further interactable decorations are a thing since years in guild halls and we also have a lot of them in homesteads.
It neither was a problem with the old guild hall decoration system nor with the new homestead one.

Not to mention that interactable versions of some beds (see moon base and kodan village) as well as interactable book objects (see Astralarium) already exist.

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23 minutes ago, kiroho.4738 said:

Seems like you haven't checked out homestead decoration mode yet.

I have barely done anything else since the release of JW. :classic_rolleyes: Finished the story once, did the achievements, been decorating 90% of the time.

Just because the Decoration Tools were updated (for both, Guild Halls and Homesteads, by the way) by adding a few dev options, does not invalidate my statement. The Homestead model is an exact copy of Guild Halls (decoration) and Home Instances (gathering nodes), and it cannot be technically improved, because it is still the same engine.

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30 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

The Homestead model is an exact copy of Guild Halls (decoration) and Home Instances (gathering nodes), and it cannot be technically improved, because it is still the same engine.

1) As already said, interactive decorations are a thing since years. It's no problem at all.

2.) "It can't be imporved because it's still the same engine" is the wrongest argument you could bring into this discussion.
Technically it's still "the same engine" as GW1 and yet you see how extremely different GW2 is to GW1.
You seem to forget that the engine itself - as it's their own one - can be improved and changed as well. It's literally what they do all the time. Be it for making HoT legy armor having movable parts, for the mount system, for enabling low gravity in a single fractal, for enabling flying in general and and and.

The engine ist just another piece of software. "It's the same engine as they had 9 years ago" is simply nonesense. It's like saying the game is the same as it was 12 years ago.

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27 minutes ago, kiroho.4738 said:

2.) "It can't be imporved because it's still the same engine" is the wrongest argument you could bring into this discussion.

If it was doable to move home instance nodes at will, they would have implemented the option. As with other things, I am sure (like alt parking). It would be too much work that cannot be achieved within the time frame of a mini expansion, because then you wouldn't have any other contents. 😄 People (including myself) can still ask for it, but the chance to see it happen is slim (IMO).

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14 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

If it was doable to move home instance nodes at will, they would have implemented the option

Eh... what?... Where does that come from? Movable instance nodes never was the topic we talked about...

Did you even read what I (and you) wrote? I talked about interactable decorations such as beds and books / bookshelfs. You know, the topic of this thread.


14 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

It would be too much work that cannot be achieved within the time frame of a mini expansion, because then you wouldn't have any other contents.

People said the same about homesteads themself. 😉 



Edited by kiroho.4738
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