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(Charr RP) Which Profession And Legion Combination(s) Did You Choose, And Why?


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For me, I choose Necromancer and Iron Legion, because I read up that the Iron Legion Charr character's first chapter revolves around a ghost killing weapon they designed, which the knowledge of a Necromancer would fit well. Plus Engineer seemed too overwhelming to me.

Edited by Wylyth.7209
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My ele is blood legion, my nec is ash legion, and my ranger is iron legion. I have no idea why I picked these options when I made them a decade ago lol. The ranger, at least, was because I hadn't done iron legion yet.

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I have quite a few Charr's across a couple accounts.
Iron: Engi, Ranger, Warrior, (Necro could fit a lil here)
Ash: Thief, Ranger, Necro, Mesmer. 
Blood: Warrior, Guardian, (Ranger and Engi could fit here as well)
Revenants could fit in any legion really Lore wise, especially on the build and how they are played. 

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One of my first characters was a necromancer in the Blood Legion.  The idea was that since they were essentially in a battle of attrition against an enemy that is effectively infinite in numbers, well, one has to adapt or die.  So, when your fellow soldier goes down for the count, you...uh...get them back on their feet.  One could also fairly easily say that a flesh golem is a charr with some, uh, modifications.  They both have the same leg structure and they both are hunched over but adjustments do have to be made in the field since you might not always have the most ideal bits and pieces to work with.

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Warrior - Blood; Loyal Soldier Sire; Euryale (Elementalist) to show the baseline warriors of the Charr accepting even those who are most similar to the old Flame Legion.

Elementalist - Iron Legion, Sorcerous Shaman Sire; Reeva (Engineer)  to show the movement of Charr from magic to technology, with Reeva helping my Elementalist bridge the gap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went a bit deliberately off the typical fits, but in each case I have a reason in mind for why:

My Ash Legion character is an engineer (typically more associated with Iron). The concept is that she was basically the Q for her warband, as well as being the demolitions and heavy weapons expert in the field. Warband member was a thief to represent that most of the warband were thieves.

Iron Legion was a warrior (typically more associated with Blood). Concept is that he was distrusted due to his parentage and wasn't trusted for more specialist training. In hindsight I wish I'd taken shaman instead of deserter parentage, since that would fit with how fiery berserker is, but I made the character pre-HoT.

Blood Legion is a necromancer (typically more associated with Ash). Logic is similar to @EDOTDOT.9265 - necromancy is a convenient way to get reinforcements for your unit in the middle of hard fighting. Lorewise, too, if you're fighting an opponent who also uses necromancy, they can't exploit a corpse if you do first.

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