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Any tips or advice for a new player?

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Revenant is bit complex for a first class if you are new to the game. Warrior, necro, guardian, ranger - all much easier as an entry point

Best advice, just have fun. Ignore worrying about builds and videos and optimising and rushing through. Just login and enjoy yourself. You will likely get walls of text in reply, which is fine but they often overwhelm with unnecs info

There's a reasonable wiki if you get stuck for information (it's not always correct or up to date though), but it's not necessary for a new player. Keep it mind for later maybe

Teh only other thing is to keep in mind the game is a continuous story. So if you want later features like mounts, housing etc, you will need those expansions or living world DLC and it might mean spoilers


Edited by Randulf.7614
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2 hours ago, Daidus.7216 said:

I just recently started to play the game and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me? 

  *  Start completing low level maps doing vistas, point of interest and Hero Points, but left the hearts for later since they are less efficient in terms of experience x time spent, and you'll complete them faster with a higher leveled character.

  * Once you're done with your starting racial map move to other starting racial areas; then progress to other low level maps. Try to not face foes of more than 3 levels over you, since they will do increased damage to you and you'll deliver deceraed damage to them.

   * Don't worry about runes, sigils or gear before level 80. You should buy some blue and green items each ~25 levels and you'll be entirely fine. That means that from 1 to 80 you should not spent more than 3-4 gold coins in gear in total, including 3 full sets of armor, trinkets and some weapons.

   * Around level 65 you'll start finding out that the remaining maps have enemies higher than your level; a easy way to boost yourself to 80 is using the astral tokens from the dailies to purchase tomes of knownledge; you can also easily get then playing PvP (as long as you enjoy/endure that game mode).

 * Develop 2 crafting skills x character, related to the profession (exaple: armrsmith and blacksmith for Waarrior, taylor and artificier for  Elementalist, etc).

  *  Below level 80 the best gear stats are power, HP and condition damage. Crit chance, crit damage, expertise and other secondary stats are meaningless before you have a full traited and geared level 80 character. So choices as carrion work perfectly as soon as they are available.

   For leveling Warrior is imo the second best choice, wheres Revenant would be 3rd or 4th at the botom. Still very viable, I personally use those builds to level alts:







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Poke your head into every corner. Tyria has some pretty cool bits hidden away from you.

Don't be afraid to try both, hell try them all! if you go into the pvp lobby (crossed swords on menu bar) it'll stick you to 80 and allow you to see how they play. some skills have different values in different game modes but you'll still get to feel if you like it.

if you see an event going on follow it, some of them chain.

swap through all the weapon types as they drop. see how they feel and which you enjoy

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Welcome to Tyria! Here's a few tips I think could be useful based on things I know have caught out other people.

It's almost impossible to make a mistake which cannot be fixed, so don't worry about doing things wrong. Some common examples I know new players worry about:

  • You cannot miss out on parts of the story, or maps or anything else by levelling up too quickly.
  • There is an infinite amount of XP available so there's no need to try to save it.
  • There are more than enough hero points and mastery points to unlock everything, so don't worry about picking the wrong things (although it's definitely worth picking ones that sound useful first, so you can spend more time playing with them).
  • Once skills and specialisations are unlocked you can swap between them any time you're out of combat, so you can try things without committing to a build.
  • 'End game' equipment is relatively easy to get, so don't worry about using it, if you need to change or replace it you will be able to do so.

Also this is a very alt-friendly game, so don't feel like you have to commit to one character if you don't want to. You start with 5 character slots so you can experiment with at least a few ideas, and can get more from the gem store if you want to (up to a maximum of 69). But on the other hand it is possible to do everything in the game on one character, so it's your choice.

If you've played any other MMOs or RPGs before you will find things which don't work the way you expect. When that happens pay attention to what this game is telling you rather than trying to force it to play the way you expect. There's a lot of ways GW2 is different to other games in the genre and I know it catches some people out.

Finally remember that this is a multiplayer game, you will not be able to do everything yourself and asking for help both within the game and in places like this forum is an intended part of it. Anyone can start a group and advertise one in chat and the Looking for Group tool and doing that (or joining other people's groups) is part of the intended way to play.

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Here are some helpful tips, things that I wish someone had told me when I started.

At the top right of your inventory is a button for Deposit All Materials. When you click that it automatically deposits all crafting materials into your materials bank.
Salvage all trash, blue and green gear that you can't or are not using.
You can type /wiki into the ingame chat window to open the wiki. If you know what you are looking for, example info on Queensdale, then type in /wiki Queensdale to open that window.
Resource nodes do not disappear when another player uses them. Other games it is a first come first served but not here.
You can join up to 5 Guilds. Try and find one that is helpful to new players.
If you get stuck never be afraid to ask for help. This is a very friendly community. There is the occasional jerk but for the most part people are really nice and will help you out.

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39 minutes ago, Agrotera.1254 said:

At the top right of your inventory is a button for Deposit All Materials. When you click that it automatically deposits all crafting materials into your materials bank.

Next to that is a button to 'compact' your inventory - move everything that isn't in a special type of bag to the top of the window. Chances are you'll either love it and push it all the time or hate it because you've got your own system and that ruins it. If you're in the second group you can disable it in the options menu. (It's in the long list of check boxes on the first page of the Options, which is worth looking through because there's lots of potentially useful settings there.)

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Depending on your play-style it might be a good idea to join some newb friendly guild. That will be important to answer all your burning questions (like how do I level up my char, where do i get leather for crafting, what to do with champion bags etc.).

Secondly, don't get tied up to your first race/profession combo. Races are nearly meaningless outside of looks. And professions are.. well you will understand what play-styles you prefer as the time goes by.  I would somewhat advise against Revenant as your first profession, as it has some gimicky energy management and unique utility skills. Elementalist and Engineer are also somewhat more complex. Warrior or Guardian are very safe bets for Heavy armored toons.

Lastly, this is a social game. If you cant get past a veteran enemy use map chat to get help. Or just run past it 😉 Don't be shy to join some world events in your area to experience some epic pve combat.

Have fun!

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On 9/2/2024 at 5:08 PM, Daidus.7216 said:

Warrior or a Revenant?

Warrior is more straight forward and simple, Revenant has a more involved game play with resource management.

Other tips...

Don't play tall races like Norn and Charr; they feel slow and sluggish for a first play, Charr in particular is harder to precision jumping than any other race.

Learn how to clean your inventory; GW2 doesn't have traditional quests, it has dynamic events and tasks, some of these will have you collecting objects to deliver, it's possible these objects will litter your inventory even after you completed the content associated with them, you can delete them, they'll be described as Trophy in their tooltips and you can do a word search to find them. You can also deposit your crafting materials into you bank. Salvage kits can be bought from many vendors across the world, these are used to break armor and weapons down into basic crafting materials. You should salvage gear you get as loot, and buy the gear you actually wanna use from the market. Some gear can't be salvaged, you can delete those pieces, they're not special and you won't need them later.

Don't try to rush pass content; it's all too easy to aim for late game, specially to unlock most mounts quick, thinking you'll come back to do older content, vanilla game was designed without glider and mounts, Heart of Thorns was designed without mounts, playing those maps for the first time with mounts will just have you hitting invisible walls (specially in vanilla maps) and reaching places you're not suppose to, so the game becomes an exercise in frustration.

Set your settings for large group events; it's highly common to come across large groups of players doing events, you want your frame rate with you during these times.

Use the wiki; anything you wanna know, just type in your game chat /wiki query. If you wanna know something about a particular item, /wiki, then hold shift and left click the item to print its name on the dialog box, press enter to search the wiki.

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Read traits and skills — choose those you think are good for your playstyle, don't just copy-paste builds.

Remember that using a full DPS build won't make you deal high damage. The most important thing about dealing high damage is skill rotation — using them in specific order.

Revenant isn't that hard as people say. It's actually pretty easy, just swap legends when you really need to or you're out of energy.
Jalis is good for control, stability and defense.
Shiro is damage and mobility.
Demon is condition damage, so if you play power revenant, you don't have to worry about Demon stance.
Centaur is support and healing.

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