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A New PvP Mode is Coming to Guild Wars 2--We Need Your Help Developing It!

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yea my Feedback would be that it feels realy good. Tho peops have yet not finding out the best combs and it feels like a Clown viesta more or less^^. 

Also staying just in the Point feels a bit too rewarding and easy to do please think about making that one harder by idk debuffs (get more dmg while stay in the point or something like that )just staying in the circle or something ^~^

Edited by Myror.7521
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4 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

Also staying just in the Point feels a bit too rewarding and easy to do please think about making that one harder by idk debuffs (get more dmg while stay in the point or something like that )just staying in the circle or something ^~^

I'd be on board with the moving point stripping boons...

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What I like :
-New mode that force cooperation and makes the point very obvious without having to read through a little wall of text like Conquest, good for newcomers
-Frequent, almost non-stop action
-The finish line position icentivizes the team to coordinate and get a full team wipe to get a proper finish
-Feels more fluid and "continuous" than Conquest
-Idk man, Payload format is just inherently fun (useful feedback I know)

What I think should change :
-Stop Listing the mode under "Competitive Deathmatch". I almost didnt play the beta because I thought it wasn't on, in the end. What I mean by that is that to get proper attention, it must lose the Competitive name, and the Deathmatch name. Make it visible, make it its own thing. Guildmate yesterday thought I was trolling him and wanted to drag him into a ranked 2v2.
It was said in Patch Notes that this is where the mode is. Most people don't read them.
-Limit team comp to one character per class. This one is probably very tricky from a dev and matchmaking standpoint, but I assure you I can ruin this mode for everyone by queuing with my mate with two perma-stun warriors. I'm sure players have already thought about other, much worse nightmare duos for it.
-Stunlocks are even more of a problem in a constant-fight mode. You could introduce a unique/passive buff to this map that makes each consecutive hard CC received shorter than the previous one, until they are ineffective for a period of time. Same for condi spam. It could take the form of one of the arena buffs that appear during the game, but I think it being a default buff would work better.
-Your new mode should be advertised better; I know about Fractal Rush directly in game. I dont care about fractal Rush, I care about PvP. Yet I didnt receive any in-game information. If people (especially non-PvPers) have to seek the information out of the game, I assure you not many will bother.
-Please change the name eventually. Conquest and Stronghold have an identity, as mode names. Some character. Push is too generic. Some suggestions :
-Onslaught, Escort, Caravan, Expedition, Siege or Siegebreaker (we got sontrghold and conquest, it fits with these and you could theme the maps around historical sieges maybe ?)
feedback over

Oh man. Through the better part of a decade(or more ?) we didnt even get a new map for Conquest. I'd have settled for a current-expansion themed retexture of one or two maps even, but nothing. Of course I was excited when I hear a new mode's coming. Not because of the mode itself, but the thought that maybe, finally, PvP is gonna get some attention. I really hope this goes beyond this new mode.
The PvP community being what it is, of course it's a doomfest up in this topic. Good luck and much strength to the Dev Team, it must be exhausting reading through that.

Overall I like the idea of the mode and am hyped as to what it could become. I'm even more hyped for it to mean that finally PvP will see some actual new content. Good luck to the dev team and thank you, take care. ❤️

Edited by Zayek.3872
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I played a few matches. So far, I like the mode. It needs some work, but its a very nice change of pace.

I do think that boon-balling on the capture point is a bit too rewarding. Having it strip boons. reduce healing potency or deal some DoT while moving could be a good way to help peel players off and make it easier to flip. All the games I played, while fun, were basically a steam roll. Once one team got the push going, they basically were unstopable. Perhaps having there be a cool-down period when a check-point is reached to allow the losing team to regroup? If there isn't one already, I honestly didn't notice because of how quickly the match moved. But if maybe when the Payload reaches the first check point, it stalls for a minute, and you can allow for another mechanic to pop up on the map that gives boons or something to the team that captures it.

I also kind of feel like the time for matches might not work on this kind of map? Push or Attack/Defend maps tend to feel the best when there is back and forth, but the short duration of the  match really doesn't allow for the losing team to really make  a meaningful comeback. At best, the losing team can only stall at that final point. So perhaps add a mechanic where if the pushing team is failing to capture that last point, the payload will begin to slide back automatically giving some breathing room for the team on defense? Or perhaps flip the script on the Payload: while pushing into enemy areas, it debuffs you, but if you're on the losing side, pushing it back towards the middle of the map, it actually gives you a slight buff of some sort? Something to help break out from spawn and keep the game competitive.

I think another issue with balance comes from the fact you can't switch builds once the game starts. If you run into someone you're struggling to fight in Conquest, you can usually cap around them or do another activity on the map. But really since there is only one objective on Push, if your team doesn't have a good team comp, there is way less of a chance you'll make a comeback. Not saying we should allow builds to swap, but I do think that is one issue with the mode and its balance. This could also be addressed by adding extra things to do on the map.

I also would like to have more reason to roam around the map. It doesn't need to be major, but perhaps adding some vertical paths to allow some flanking, or perhaps a capture shrine that like, snaps the Payload back a few inches or something. I believe there is something like this on the map right now, but again all my matches were blow outs so not sure what it really did. I think this is probably on the table already though.

On an unrelated note, I would love to see this Push mechanic ported over to WvW... like a WvW instanced event that triggers ever 4 hours and players can queue up for. Red attacks Blue, Blue attacks Green and Green attacks Red. Could be a fun split between attacking/defending against the payload. And you can get away with having a longer period in a match up like this I think. Just a thought.

Overall: Good start! Work needs to be done but I think other than the boon-balling around the payload, most of my concerns can be addressed by just adding extra objectives on the map or something... Please don't give up on this though, we need more new content like this. It's so refreshing.

EDIT: Added a few more suggestions and fixed spelling 🙂

Edited by fuzzyp.6295
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1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

yea my Feedback would be that it feels realy good. Tho peops have yet not finding out the best combs and it feels like a Clown viesta more or less^^. 

Also staying just in the Point feels a bit too rewarding and easy to do please think about making that one harder by idk debuffs (get more dmg while stay in the point or something like that )just staying in the circle or something ^~^

Jup that's why I suggested the following more too ==>

My conclusion:

=> solution:

1) make the buffs more meaningfull this way ppl who are less good at teamfight can contribute/help greatly too.

2) If ppl stand in the moving node they gain even more incoming damage/less selfheal/less outgoing heal/less outgoing damage.

3) add trebuchette in the game.

For this game mode it will work. And newer players who don't know well enough to teamfight can use treb and have meaningfull impact.


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2 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

nah, if you haven't been bothered to reach 20 on pvp level, then opinion isnt relevant for this game


My coffee just kicked in and I read it before meant on me instead of others 😅

???? bruh I have 229, add 209 ontop of that 😂, you better sshh then "trying" to insult me with the weirdest comment till now I have received 😂

Edited by arazoth.7290
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Edit after playing it: It's what I feared. Team fight brawls with hardly any room for duelists/roamers. Thanks, but no. Also the freecasting from ranged players is ungodly and so unfun to deal with. You might as well end the match 30 seconds after it starts cuz you usually know who's gonna win by then. This is a hard pass for me unless the side objectives become enticing enough to make duelists/roamers useful and a thing. Seeing your pugs on your team die with literally nothing you can do about it unless you're a support is just the most unfun thing to deal with in the world. Cuz it means you know the match is hopeless and it's gg.

Secondary objectives allow a game mode like this to give veterans and good players a chance to shine and have carry potential. Right now the best way to carry is either being a diehard support, or more likely be a freecasting gunflame zerker or DE or Ranger in the back to wrack up kills. Tbh I actually really hate this mode but I see why it's being made. But by not giving sidenoders/roamers enough love, it's dead on arrival for me I'm afraid. Hope some changes to help out with that come up in the future, along with some ways to mitigate freecasters.

Edited by Yerlock.4678
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So far Push seems pretty fun but the RNG on the solo queue feels rough. The games never feel close it's either completely destroy the enemy team or get destroyed. So far the only way around this is to queue with a friend with complimentary builds.

I think having some basic tutorial tips in PvP could help with that because a lot of the people who cost the game are either very new or deliberately throwing the game. Just let new players know not to run 1 by 1 into a team fight, regroup in spawn and that the capture point is important and shouldn't be ignored in favour of fighting in the middle of the map.


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I really like the idea of having destructible walls/obstacles (gates?) at key locations in the map to slow the games down a bit and force the pushing team to divide their damage to push further into enemy zone. I'd also like the side objectives to be more impactful to encourage teams to split up resources at times and change to flow of the match at times. Even something like mist champions from stronghold could be tried here (trying to use Heroes of the Storm camps as inspiration here). The flip side obviously being that it would make the game mode more complex. 
Not a fan of adding catapult to the map (although I do think it might improve things a bit) since if it were to be very impactful (likely) you're not really even getting to play your class while manning it.

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1 hour ago, Yerlock.4678 said:

Edit after playing it: It's what I feared. Team fight brawls with hardly any room for duelists/roamers. Thanks, but no. Also the freecasting from ranged players is ungodly and so unfun to deal with. You might as well end the match 30 seconds after it starts cuz you usually know who's gonna win by then. This is a hard pass for me unless the side objectives become enticing enough to make duelists/roamers useful and a thing. Seeing your pugs on your team die with literally nothing you can do about it unless you're a support is just the most unfun thing to deal with in the world. Cuz it means you know the match is hopeless and it's gg.

Secondary objectives allow a game mode like this to give veterans and good players a chance to shine and have carry potential. Right now the best way to carry is either being a diehard support, or more likely be a freecasting gunflame zerker or DE or Ranger in the back to wrack up kills. Tbh I actually really hate this mode but I see why it's being made. But by not giving sidenoders/roamers enough love, it's dead on arrival for me I'm afraid. Hope some changes to help out with that come up in the future, along with some ways to mitigate freecasters.

I think maybe this is the perfect map to have more frequent objectives that are more like Smash item drops.

Imagine if random items spawn around the map in many more places than what triggers now. They could be items that are picked up or channeled or whatever. Imagine an item spawn that is a kit that stows a special action key for you, that you can use as a 1x revive skill. Stuff like that would really help with reason to play off that node more often, not only for the losing team to find momentum shifts, but also for the defending team to not allow the losing team to get those items. This would clearly bring strong reason for roamers to have a role in this mode. If we wanted duelists to have a role, just make channeled objectives more impactful and there you go. Duelists would be important for playing the channels. or pushing the node solo when others are off on objectives.

But yeah, there needs to be more objective weight in this map so it isn't so easy for one team to bunker/snowball the mode.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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From what I have observed in this thread and maybe 1-2 others: It seems like the people that are "better at combat" seem to enjoy it (with somte thinking - that might be correcct - that others are enjoying it less). Then the "conquest was more an introduction to push instead of it being the other way".

I wonder if this is a good thing. I mean if we end up with this in unranked + a checkbox it might just get those people playing (and then longer queues). And I can't see them replacing conquest in ranked - except for the mini seasons. That would get a lot of players to leave ... to have to wait too long to get to play conquest in ranked.

I mean: It is still in early beta - and there will be changes for sure. And the people enjoying it now ... might play it so much that their opinion could change soon while others might give it a try ... changing from hating it to starting to like it.

Personally I still would like to see something to encourage splitting the team. A 3 vs 3 in this mode might work though (someone suggested this). I do not think it is necessary to enforce 5 vs 5 to make people "learn combat" when there are as well people that like conquest for the tactics - tacticians that prefer t his in the PvP over improving their keyboard acrobatics. This is like ... PvE and strikes trying to get people to learn raid mechanics to then move into raid ... when some just prever the exploration and playing a causal/all-rounder build and doing the open world stuff instead.

Had hoped/thought it would be something like ... cap 1 point. Then move to the next to cap it (that is "locked" until you capped the one closer to your base) - "pushing" that way. Instead of having the small circle move around your team. (I did not really watch the stream - only read the first description in the announcment I think.) The sides are probably intended to move to there - trying to avoid the enemy? Honestly: Could just make a Hall of the Mists layout ... I don't think with this game modes it will be possible to avoid/sneak.

I might give this another try (trying different builds) during this 2-week-beta. For future betas I'd hope for a small reward for encouragement - like the War machine skill in WvW during the restructuring beta weeks.

Consider changing the interaction mechanics with the secondary and the cap circle - swap it. Let us interact with something to cap to move towards the enemy base to drop there.  The buffs like a circle (like bell in Capricorn). Could be interesting. I mean ... the Wintersday activity with the gift - where you bring things to the own base though - is not tooo unfun.

And we had the Spirit Watch. No clue why we don't just remove conquest aspects (no points on kill or a captured circle ticking) trying to do it that way. An orb to cap and to move somewhere. That is at least fun at the group fight - when you can try to defend the orb carrier. Not just a circle that moves around wo that have to walk forward.

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1 hour ago, Tehnerdynerdlo.5846 said:

So far Push seems pretty fun but the RNG on the solo queue feels rough. The games never feel close it's either completely destroy the enemy team or get destroyed. So far the only way around this is to queue with a friend with complimentary builds.

I think having some basic tutorial tips in PvP could help with that because a lot of the people who cost the game are either very new or deliberately throwing the game. Just let new players know not to run 1 by 1 into a team fight, regroup in spawn and that the capture point is important and shouldn't be ignored in favour of fighting in the middle of the map.


Complementing on this, due to the single point nature, this is a good opportunity for Anet to teach players much more actively that they have to group up for teamfights, as we could have buffs around the arena such as random drops or even by default increase the stats of a player the more allies are around them. This does have the side effect of pushing roamers/duelists even further away from being relevant as well as enforcing bunkers, so other suggestions to prevent that would be required. But nevertheless I agree Anet can more actively have players engage in teamfights as an actual team, now that we have a mode that removes all the layers of rotational complexity of Conquest.

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Absolutey awful timing with the release of this beta. Spear willbenders and spellbreakers decimating entire groups with 1 shot, feels like this "beta" is nothi ng more than a passive aggressive punch in the face to players who have thus far been unable to aquire the latest expantion.

Also too few players are participating, so I am constantly pitted against high platinum and legendary ranked players, while gold 3 is my highest ever attained rating. Gold 3! I hear you snort  and smirk smugly. Immediately losing your grasp on the essence of what I am trying to say. To which I reply: So what? we don't all have the latest gaming rig with 1000MB/s internet connections, neither do we all have the same eye hand coordination as a concert pianist. So my overall expercience of this beta is extremely negatative , mostly because of the awful timing and from being outplayed by players that I would never have faced in a properly balanced PvP experience.

Right now the only viable way to play this beta, at my skill and financial situation,  is to join the lobby and wait for the game to end in a minute or so and slowly get the gold at the end of the rainbow while I work on my other screen. Let the pro players who attach their self worth to humiliating lesser skilled players begin their rhetoric... wait for it.... NOW!!!

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1 minute ago, Pollywog.5739 said:


Right now the only viable way to play this beta, at my skill and financial situation,  is to join the lobby and wait for the game to end in a minute or so and slowly get the gold at the end of the rainbow while I work on my other screen. Let the pro players who attach their self worth to humiliating lesser skilled players begin their rhetoric... wait for it.... NOW!!!

Whilst this mode does seem to highlight the disparity of builds your sitting on your backside only guarantees your team will lose and spoil it for 4 other people. Don't be that person, actually play or don't queue. Have some respect for your fellow players.

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1 minute ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

Whilst this mode does seem to highlight the disparity of builds your sitting on your backside only guarantees your team will lose and spoil it for 4 other people. Don't be that person, actually play or don't queue. Have some respect for your fellow players.

I dont agree with you, we were going to lose anyways, so why not just get the free loot? I have every right to que, and I will do so. Dont hate the player, hate the game. And hopefully at the same time the accrued data will send a message to Anet about the disparity of builds and imbalance of the ranking system, that both seriously needs to be addressed.

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1 minute ago, Pollywog.5739 said:

I dont agree with you, we were going to lose anyways, so why not just get the free loot? I have every right to que, and I will do so. Dont hate the player, hate the game. And hopefully at the same time the accrued data will send a message to Anet about the disparity of builds and imbalance of the ranking system, that both seriously needs to be addressed.

I'll argue that this sort of behavior offers no useful data about anything meaningful when it comes to balance and is just kinda sucky towards your teammates. Even if the game is a stomp playing till the natural conclusion offer much better data for dev team.

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Feedback on Push Beta Mode (September 11, 2024)

After playing seven matches in the new Push Beta mode (September 10, 2024), I’d like to share my initial impressions and suggestions.

Initial Impressions:

The current iteration of the Push Beta mode feels problematic in a game where every class can assume roles such as tank, healer, or DPS. My enjoyment of PvP comes from engaging challenges, head-to-head combat, and strategic maneuvers that can turn the tide of a game. Unfortunately, I didn’t find these elements in the new mode so far. Here are some issues I encountered:

  1. Lack of Impact from Kills: The current gameplay often makes individual kills seem inconsequential, especially when one player can effectively hold off multiple enemies. Players respawn quickly and return to the point, which diminishes the significance of kill/death ratios.

  2. Overemphasis on Tankiness and Crowd Control: Success seems overly reliant on being tanky and having strong crowd control abilities. Skills and strategic gameplay appear to be overshadowed by class decisions and survivability. Kiting seems inefficient, and roaming classes appear to be underutilized. The mode emphasizes class selection over player skill during matches, reducing the strategic depth.

Suggestions for Improvement:

  1. Introduce Checkpoints and a 5v5 Deathmatch: Consider creating three checkpoints for each side and structuring the game as a 5v5 deathmatch. Players would need to stand on a point alone to advance it, but once dead, a player stays out until the point reaches a checkpoint. This would maintain the mode's essence while enhancing the importance of team fights and focus.

  2. Add Multiple Lanes for Strategic Depth: Implement multiple lanes where points must be pushed towards goals. This would introduce more strategic gameplay and encourage diverse tactics.

  3. Enhance Role Variety and Objectives: Increase the appeal for different roles by adding more objectives. Ensure that every action has a counteraction available to the opposing team. Consider incorporating small jumping puzzles or environmental objectives, such as traps that roaming roles can exploit.

  4. Allow for Pre-Determined Team Composition: If major changes to the mode are not feasible, consider allowing five-player teams to queue together. This would enable players to strategize team compositions beforehand, making the matches feel fairer and more competitive.


Overall, I appreciate the increased focus on PvP and the effort put into creating new modes. However, for the mode to be engaging and rewarding, it needs to foster action and reaction, challenge player skills, and make players feel their decisions have a tangible impact on the outcome. It’s crucial that matchmaking and class decisions do not overshadow individual skill and strategic play.

Thank you for considering this feedback. I look forward to seeing how the mode evolves.

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