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A New PvP Mode is Coming to Guild Wars 2--We Need Your Help Developing It!

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3 hours ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

That may not be an option because currently the node is plastered with aoe of all kinds from tempests, necros (scourge and reaper), mesmers etc.

Playing melee on this just seems a little pointless unless you have an absurd amount of blocks, luck or a 2nd health bar.

mmm what you play? maybe I can think of something 

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So far the meta, as it seems to me, appears to be: whichever team has more supports and necromancers/reflects/mesmers wins. Not very fun, considering it's random queue without any roles. The fact that snowball effect cannot be stopped at all feels quite bad as well, when you're powerless because enemy team has all aoes focused on 1 single point.

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This mode is fun. However, it will never be for the casuals. It's long way to balance the game to a state where actual casual gameplay becomes viable if there's old players who have played this game as a job for the past 10 years existing in pvp (some of them have also done permanently bannable offenses but gotten off of those somehow). This game is way too fast and spammy for most of the gw2 player base outside of that 1% who do pvp and even for most of those players. In pve, it's even a challenge to do dps against golems so there's no hope vs real players who know their stuff.

About the mode itself:
Outside of obvious stuff out of prototype things like map polishing etc., I think the mode needs to have 5 man que and some kind of score based on how much the node has been pushed. One interesting thing could be a point cap of 500 where pushing to the end gives you full points but pushing the node gives you points like a node normally does in conquest so that in the end the one that pushes the longest, wins. If balance would favor casual playstyle even being viable, there could be more discussions about how to balance the mode in design but currently it's really hard to do because there's no "casual" existing in pvp at all.

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Part 1 of my feedback consists of a few bullet points:
- If a player downstates on the payload. It should not count as holding the payload back. This slowsdown the game and make it feel like 1 downstate player can hold back 5 enemy players for 2-4 seconds
- Healing builds and bunker builds are way to strong. There should be a reduced healing towards allied players. That way 1 or 2 healers can fully tank a damage oriented team is just a bit demoralizing to play against. if heal classes have reduced healing towards allies it would not make em to strong.
- Ranged builds have to much free place to shoot with almost no cover from ranged attacks. I would place more walls and carts on the main road so you have more cover from long ranged attacks.

A minor feedback: the map team should be lowland shore vibe - a very nice vibe.

The gamemode feels good and fun and fast paced if you are not playing against 2 healers and 2 bunkers. Change downstate and healing would make matches not take full 15 minutes to end up close to a draw.


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47 minutes ago, RasSativa.5109 said:

Part 1 of my feedback consists of a few bullet points:
- If a player downstates on the payload. It should not count as holding the payload back. This slowsdown the game and make it feel like 1 downstate player can hold back 5 enemy players for 2-4 seconds
- Healing builds and bunker builds are way to strong. There should be a reduced healing towards allied players. That way 1 or 2 healers can fully tank a damage oriented team is just a bit demoralizing to play against. if heal classes have reduced healing towards allies it would not make em to strong.
- Ranged builds have to much free place to shoot with almost no cover from ranged attacks. I would place more walls and carts on the main road so you have more cover from long ranged attacks.

A minor feedback: the map team should be lowland shore vibe - a very nice vibe.

The gamemode feels good and fun and fast paced if you are not playing against 2 healers and 2 bunkers. Change downstate and healing would make matches not take full 15 minutes to end up close to a draw.


The point already gives a stacking debuff to healing if you stay on it. Also ranged attacks can be countered with reflects and projectile destructive fields.

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3 hours ago, Popalopa.2715 said:

So far the meta, as it seems to me, appears to be: whichever team has more supports and necromancers/reflects/mesmers wins. Not very fun, considering it's random queue without any roles. The fact that snowball effect cannot be stopped at all feels quite bad as well, when you're powerless because enemy team has all aoes focused on 1 single point.

jupp the buffs need to be more relevant !!

+ they should add treb close to  each base for useage. Because this game mode if treb is used against ppl holding node really well bc too tanky, gives them a chance to the turn the tides.

I would like though a 2nd beta to test these things before making it ready for release, like they might do they said


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I have a SIMPLE idea for a large improvement. 

As it stands currently, there is no way to know for sure which team currently holds the farthest push distance if the distance flags are visually close enough on corresponding sides on the map.

I had a game which came down to overtime, and my team was on the node pushing. We were behind our farthest distance, but we couldn't tell if our farthest distance was greater than theirs. So, this means we couldn't tell if we needed to keep on the node at all costs for the final push to just barely beat theirs, or if was smarter to let the node go neutral to end the game instantly for the win.

It turned out that we HAD beaten their max push, and we were just stalling a won game for no reason and giving them a chance to come back because of the inacessibility of game state information. Even though we won, this felt bad.

So, please add a numerical value of the current farthest push distance traveled for each team somewhere on the UI.

TLDR: Each team's furthest push distance flags should have a corresponding numerical value displayed on the UI. It could go where the zeroes are currently at the top. (100 game distance units = 1 point? idk)

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6 hours ago, andreiblue.8231 said:

The point already gives a stacking debuff to healing if you stay on it. Also ranged attacks can be countered with reflects and projectile destructive fields.

The buff is not good enough since 2 or 3 healers completly negate the buff. I know projectile hate can be used but then there are a lot of unblockable projectiles that are free to use. As a more melee player you are somewhat at a disadventage if a DH or Ranger or virt can tickle you without you needing to run for 3 seconds for cover. The ranged meta is stronger on this specific gamemode

EDIT: i would make the buff not relevant to only standing on node but just the entire gamemode


Edited by RasSativa.5109
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Just now, coro.3176 said:

Is there a way to tone down CC globally? Like a 25% duration reduction on all hard CC?

With every fight being 5v5, it's very annoying being CC-ed constantly

having resistance up will reduce CC but its a boon that not many classes posses


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25 minutes ago, coro.3176 said:

Is there a way to tone down CC globally? Like a 25% duration reduction on all hard CC?

With every fight being 5v5, it's very annoying being CC-ed constantly

If you're forced in teamfights like that, try to build to have enough stability and atleast a stunbreak. Because more Tfights equals more cc, because ppl want to controll that fight more.

Since also supports are more used in this mode, stability sharing is already more to also prevent some cc's.

But if we're going to remove more, then some balance between these 2 gives less cc opportunities to get kill and without fights take longer.

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3 minutes ago, Kervv.6039 said:

Seen a few suggestions for catapults.

What about arrow carts? Give it a slow and maybe a healing debuff.

trebs would work fine with this mode yes. Even bunkery ppl will from times have to move out then, which gives some opportunity to move the node for the others.

And the buffs should be more significant/impactful, I don't feel this atm.

By these 2 beginners can contribute more and roamers even too.

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There needs to be a reason at times for the teams to have to split up.

Maybe half way through a map push there is a actual physical barrier. Like a giant wooden gate. The marker can't go past there until the gate is open. Have a lever on another part of the map that someone needs to run to and click on like the buffs.

This would slow down the push and maybe allow the 'losing' team to regroup. Part of your team would need to stay near the marker so the other team doesn't start pushing it back. But other members of your team would have to either click the lever or stop the team from clicking it.

It would add a secondary objective for side noder and +1 fighters to do. And it would split up the AOE mini boonballs.

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This game mode is fun, fast-paced, and quick. It's possible to come back!

This new PVP mode will require some work for every build site (Meta/Good Builds are not the same as Conquest by far).

I am hopeful that the terrain assets will have similarity to the new Lowland Shore map.

Edited by Vylyn.4283
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Designed to be new player friendly with simple mechanics as an introduction to PvP in team fights. This game mode meets those expectations. 

However, let queues be 5-person so new players can play with their guild/friends instead of random players. Having to break apart new players from their experienced friends, and other veteran players who would like to give PvP a try as well isn't fun and counter to the premise for this game mode. This would be an excellent game mode for guild PvP missions. Even if queued against strong team, at least we will die together.

Pros: Very fun to be in constant action, even if respawn timer is generous.
Improvements: UI with point tracking needs polishing, this will help clarify to new players what they need to do. Node debuff to healing mechanics need tuning to prevent bunker classes from being stacked.

Suggestion: Some kind of alternative or aided win scenario. Scoring kills grants no points currently feels very different to existing WvW and PvP incentives, does not encourage new players to finish downed enemies. Prompt use of side objectives more (further UI clarity), i.e temporary buff to grant player kills as points which can be added to total distance points.

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Tried the new  game mode. Played axe thief for the first time in a while (I dislike playing this). Farmed brand new pvp players the entire match and never died once, never really stepped on the node and still won to timer. I did feel pretty bad about what I had done.

Great game 10/10!

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1 minute ago, Random Weird Guy.3528 said:

Respawn timer should not be reduced to 10 seconds, please keep it at 15 seconds. 

By having shorter respawns, it reduces the punishment for dying and it encourages bunker teams (and they are already encouraged) that are tanky enough to hold 4v5 while the person respawns.

Wouldn't more punishing deaths also encourage bunkering in order to die less? 

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Bugs I have seen,

  • On red team you can hop out of map by walking over the hut and behind base
  • On blue team you can hop out of map by climbing the tower and leaping out
  • If game starts while leaving map it can bug and perma force you into spawn by constantly sliding your character into the back of spawn, forcing a /stuck or leave and rejoin
  • There are some perma stuck spots on the scaffolding on either side of the center where you get stuck in a perma falling animation, forcing a /stuck or rejoin.

Quality of Life,

  • More clear explanations of OT and what causes it, as well as a clearer explanation of how you win in OT or if one team fails to push it all the way.
  • As I have seen the winning condition is who has pushed it further on their best push, NOT who currently has it pushed the farthest. That being said a number representation would be helpful in addition to the flags. For example 0 you have not pushed at all from center on best push, 500 is you have pushed all the way and it updates in real time based on your best push in addition to the flags. so if my team pushes it halfway to objective the score would read 250, and wouldn't update again until we pushed it further than the halfway point. This will allow teams to better prioritize defense vs offence and have a clearer understanding if they are currently winning or not.
  • Related to above, a better visual on the timeline post game would also be nice to represent the difference in how each team did throughout the game. Preferably with a blue and red line shown like in conquest.


I do like the new mode, I wanted to make a bug/QoL post. This is not my balance/design opinions but just QoL and fixes that I think would help with overall polish.

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56 minutes ago, Deus Fatorum.2473 said:


Quality of Life,

  • As I have seen the winning condition is who has pushed it further on their best push, NOT who currently has it pushed the farthest. That being said a number representation would be helpful in addition to the flags. For example 0 you have not pushed at all from center on best push, 500 is you have pushed all the way and it updates in real time based on your best push in addition to the flags. so if my team pushes it halfway to objective the score would read 250, and wouldn't update again until we pushed it further than the halfway point. This will allow teams to better prioritize defense vs offence and have a clearer understanding if they are currently winning or not.

Yes, I don't think players realize that by focusing on the team fight in mid at the start and chasing kills deep while one enemy solo pushes uncontested, they are losing the game! Probably half my games go to time, and probably half of those are decided by an early push where one team just didn't bother to contest because they were distracted.

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