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A New PvP Mode is Coming to Guild Wars 2--We Need Your Help Developing It!

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Here's more feedback after playing more matches:

1. It feels like whoever has the most supports wins because you can just cycle them through the capture point to mitigate the debuff's effects. It's kind of like a version of the boon ball.

2. It seems like a lot of the match gets decided on the first team fight. If one team wins at mid and they leave their enemies as downed, it's almost a guaranteed win.

3. The sword debuff seems like a distraction. The tranquility buff is useful though.

I think based on these observations, I would:

1. Increase the amount of healing reduction and incoming damage increase from the capture point debuff.

2. Eliminate downstate or increase the damage bleed out does so you are defeated faster.

3. Keep tranquility debuff and remove the sword buffs.

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3 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

1. It feels like whoever has the most supports wins because you can just cycle them through the capture point to mitigate the debuff's effects. It's kind of like a version of the boon ball.

I think part of the reason it feels like that is that the debuff only stacks when the point is actively contested. The only way to debunk the enemy team at that point is to have a team comp that can also just stack on point and spam skills on top of each other.
And if your team doesn't have that, you lose by default. Conquest has other ways to win like map rotations, Push lacks other objectives or ways to achieve a win by design.
Hitting some sort of critical mass in team's support/utility being the main factor in your win or loss isn't a super enjoyable formula.

I don't think the debuff stacking even when it's not contested would be a very good solution to that though.

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On 9/17/2024 at 7:19 PM, arazoth.7290 said:

Trebs at each team close to base, repair kits are nearby there. For once trebs will be usefull to force ppl of that node and support may try if they want to out support that, they won't for long

how bout each non support just gets a pocket treb to shoot those bastards

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3 hours ago, Desaita.3792 said:

how bout each non support just gets a pocket treb to shoot those bastards

nahhh too OP.

Jokes aside, I seriously think trebs would be a good idea for this mode. Because how the mode works it would be usefull, OP nah because trebs have some inert slowness in firing. But it will give times that forces enemy players who can have a  big lead in the game to hold the node to be forced outside so that allies can move it back.

And perma sitting treb won't be as usefull so it would be situational if enemy gets too much uptime.

Others may laugh for how awful treb is in kylo but because their are too many nodes it isn't really working. And they take time to cap there in this push game mode it's instant if a team is on it without enemies.

Btw have you ever tried use treb if 4 enemies are getting in kylo mid, it is instantly a lot harder for them to stay on it. But because how conquest works you still make enough progress by avoiding it. So these are my arguments for it 🙂

Oh yea, buff the buffs in push mode, they need more relevance 

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The gamemode is going to flop.

- All fights devolve into either a onesided massacre, or a complete Clusterkitten of people going down and reviving all the bloody time, becoue entire goddamn team can revive from one kill, even if said kill happens in the opposite corner of the map.

- The losing team has to work double as hard to turn the game around, becouse they need to push the point back into the middle first before they can start gaining any progress towards the win.

- Teamfight specks and supports are grosely overpowered, because you can't do anything on the map that'll help you if you're loosing teamfights.

- Some playstyles are downright unplayable in the gamemode, and those which are playable, are hevily incentifized to bunker, with blocks/invoul/barrier and prot, usually stacked on top of eachother.

- side objectives aren't worth bothering. They'll never change the outcome of a match unless it is very, very, very close.

- Meta for this mode is more ruthless and kittenous than for conquest, and new players entering this envioronment are likely to either quit PvP on the spot or quit GW2 all together after expieriencing their first loss within two minutes from logging in. 

If the point was to give newcomers something to learn in, the project is a faliure. The effect we archieved is completly opposite. 

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The more games I play, the more I do confirm that the winner team is decided in the first 30 seconds. Whoever wins first team fight and how the capture point moves, for now, 100% or so decides who wins at the end. The game leaves no possibilities for comebacks like I feel conquest has. I remark this because it's one of the most important things that drains my motivation. Falling into an unbalanced fight and having to stay there for a full 5-10 minutes.

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Some central box-shaped objects with common steps and some without are indistinguishable.
In the case of objects with common steps, the enemy will be tracked by the target teleportation skill.

Already in NA there are BOTs who do nothing but use only the necromancer self-damage skill from the beginning at spawn points.
We chatted with the team as the players around us didn't seem to notice, but they ranted at us, saying that it doesn't matter, we lost the match because of you.

There are too many toxic players. I see them in almost every match.
Before developing new content, it would be better to develop a system to automatically punish players who say bad words.
Suspending accounts would be a loss of player numbers, so I think the best solution is to disqualify them for the relevant season and restrict their chat. It is too short to be able to come back within the season.

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I don't know if it's been mentioned.... But can there be a notification at the top of how far each team has pushed.... where score goes?  You could even do 500 is like to the other teams base and you win the game, and the score is a percentage of that based on your farthest push.  That way you could easily tell which team was winning if they both did pretty far pushes.

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