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Please Revert Handiwork Crafting Bench Change

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Or give us an option. I was able to help out several guild members by donating stuff to them utilizing my own crafting materials and going into their home instance and giving it to them. This will seem small and I can understand player frustration over crafting and NOT knowing. So, perhaps re-establishing but having a pop up "CRAFTING THIS ITEM WILL DELIVER IT TO HOMESTEAD OWNER" and you could have a "don't showw this message again" option.

I'm sure many may not be so generous with their stuff and that's their choice. But I would love for it to be a choice.

It also makes it alt-friendly and people who are willing to level mastery on an alt and/or buy Janthir Wilds on an alt for it too.

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Side note: I had noticed on other people's home instance under discovery with the weekly items I had 4 for the ore and 2 for the wood. Was this because they did not have the recipes?

ETA: after thje patch went live it disappeared.

Edited by shinkamalei.2574
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Yes, I agree. I liked being able to help friends and guildies out with mats for decorating. I didn't realize it wasn't intentional, but it was a fun discovery. Being able to help someone who's mostly too busy to play with stuff was a welcome thing. Some people do like to share stuff.

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I don't think that allowing people to craft decor for others nessassary makes crafting limits pointless.  Someone is losing a week from any personal project when they help someone else. 

Multi account players would have a speed advantage, if they only intended to fully decorate a single homestead.  

On one hand I could see a crafting economy starting if we could craft decorations for each other.  On the other hand I could see this being abused by people withholding  payment, either as gold or some other in-game help.

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1 hour ago, PIOUSLIGHT.7416 said:

Yes, I agree. I liked being able to help friends and guildies out with mats for decorating. I didn't realize it wasn't intentional, but it was a fun discovery. Being able to help someone who's mostly too busy to play with stuff was a welcome thing. Some people do like to share stuff.

This was my sentiment. I got to help someone whwo just made a homestead (like paast the tutorial) and i gave a em 2 plants. wasn't much but they got to have some fun wiwth it. Another person, they REALLY needed a drizzlewood tree to finish off a certaian corner, so i did that. And it was great. It was helpful and fun and it made them happy.

1 hour ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

I don't think that allowing people to craft decor for others nessassary makes crafting limits pointless.  Someone is losing a week from any personal project when they help someone else. 

Multi account players would have a speed advantage, if they only intended to fully decorate a single homestead.  

On one hand I could see a crafting economy starting if we could craft decorations for each other.  On the other hand I could see this being abused by people withholding  payment, either as gold or some other in-game help.

I think multi-accoutn would have an advantage but they still have to farm mats. So still kinda a waya to curb it. But yeah - people lose out on their weekly amount by helping others but still a positive in my eyes.

Although, I'm wondering on that last comment. How do you see abuse in terms of gold and/or help? Like "Give me xyz deco and I'll do xya for you?"

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4 hours ago, shinkamalei.2574 said:

 How do you see abuse in terms of gold and/or help? Like "Give me xyz deco and I'll do xya for you?"

Yes and simply not paying once the deco is crafted in their homestead.  Or someone could say they want half payment up-front and then they just block and bail, content in receiving a half payment for no work. 
Currently there is nothing in place to protect players from scamming each other over a labor trading. IRL reputation would regulate this sort of thing.  Online a deco scammer, or a false patron, could have several friends to vouch for them.  I suppose it would be best to scrap the business aspect and just limit it to gifts.  Simply tell people that they are fools if they try to hire someone to make decorations for them. 

Allowing crafting decorations for others in their homestead and displaying a warning popup that the deco would go to the owner of the homestead should be fine.  Adding some sort of anti scam mechanic seems like too much work, people would find ways around it anyway.  As adults we should exercise judgement and avoid stupid bargains without whining to the devs to save us from our own bad decisions.

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Personally I think it's your own responsibility if you take risks like that, by trading with people you don't know.

I don't think it should be a reason to prevent friendly players from gifting each other decorations without expecting anything in return. I think a pop-up when you open the crafting station sounds like a good solution to prevent players from accidentally crafting something for someone when they want to craft it for themselves.

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1. Allowing crafting with your own resources in anothers home instance allows for unintended ways to circumvent certain limitations, which goes against the current system design (which also allows "selling" of certain decorations)

2. This was present im the past, with say "buying" shovels or pvp/wvw potions from oher players for the guild hall

3. Instead of reverting this change, what the developers should do instead is sit down and devide which limitations make sens eand which do not

4. In general I favor trade between players, but then let us do so within the games design without having to resort to bug abuse. Selling crafted decorations for additon to the home instance via the trading post would be one way

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

2. This was present im the past, with say "buying" shovels or pvp/wvw potions from oher players for the guild hall

4. In general I favor trade between players, but then let us do so within the games design without having to resort to bug abuse. Selling crafted decorations for additon to the home instance via the trading post would be one way

They still do buy them. xD Because people do not want to farm them.

As for this point, I think in order to do that, they would have to add in another full step for players to do: consume the item or not. Which I've been met with players getting frustrated for for guild hall. It isn't so much in terms of click and such, but it's a removal of "do and forget it" and adding in another step. I don't mind the idea of selling them because then as you mentioned - people could get paid for their crafting a little more. 

6 hours ago, Flowersunshine.7385 said:

I don't think it should be a reason to prevent friendly players from gifting each other decorations without expecting anything in return. I think a pop-up when you open the crafting station sounds like a good solution to prevent players from accidentally crafting something for someone when they want to craft it for themselves.

That's essentially my take - it's a very easy thing they could add that would give a notification and also allow for generosity. And it wouldn't require adding any extra item tags or changing limits (albeit to my frustration). ^^

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5 hours ago, Suspicious Khani.9275 said:

I know they did this so one person can't buy the black lion decorations and then just make them for other people, but surely there's a way to limit what can be made for someone else. I really liked being able to make things for my husband and then he can make me more things for my homestead.

I did not even think of that. That makes... a surprising amount of sense. But you're right. They could make a list where it only shows in a person's own home instance. Or it could check if the person owns said item for SPECIFICALLY the black lion stuff. That's... beyond frustrating but in a business decision it makes sense.

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I can see a some reason for not permiting it.

- The current implementation is a material sink and also gold sink. You got some trade for material at a nice ratio, but if you want more quickly, you have to buy it at a much less favorable price in gold directly, basically you're paying a premium if your are in a hurry. By allowing crafting by other, it will probably create a market where people who don't care about housing will sell their decoration for a price between the two price (the cheap in material vs the expensive in gold), kinda defeating the system in place

- Some decoration use account bound material and are not really meant to be "tradeable", someone mention the black lion one, which is obvious since it would allow access to those decoration to people who didn't bought them, but there is also the raid statues one, who shouldn't be accessible to someone who haven't done the required raid.

Sure, they could maybe do a lot of work to try to find a system who work and follow the vision of the thing...

Or you could simply send the materials to the person you want to help so he can craft them himself, which is probably not really harder to do that simply crafting it for him...

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One one hand, I get that it's a personal homestead, and I can see and understand the mentality of the group gathering of resources is meant for the guild, but it's on the individual to gather the resources for their own homestead. However I personally thought it was awesome to be able to join my mom in her homestead, and craft some extra decorations for her. I made a sitting area where we and our friends could just sit and hang out. I thought this was intentional. While I didn't know for certain who the decorations were going to, I assumed they were going to hers cause I was in her homestead. I agree with the original poster. Please reimplement the option to craft decorations for others, but add a warning message for players to make it clear. This would also help players who want to help friends who don't have the same amount of time to play as they do.

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16 hours ago, Captain the Fourth.1476 said:

One one hand, I get that it's a personal homestead, and I can see and understand the mentality of the group gathering of resources is meant for the guild, but it's on the individual to gather the resources for their own homestead. However I personally thought it was awesome to be able to join my mom in her homestead, and craft some extra decorations for her. I made a sitting area where we and our friends could just sit and hang out. I thought this was intentional. While I didn't know for certain who the decorations were going to, I assumed they were going to hers cause I was in her homestead. I agree with the original poster. Please reimplement the option to craft decorations for others, but add a warning message for players to make it clear. This would also help players who want to help friends who don't have the same amount of time to play as they do.

You and the person helping their hubby are just wholesome ❤️❤️❤️ 

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