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28 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

But you became the thing you were fighting, and then farmed your revenent student with it. Youre like Walter when he sold out Jessie..


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Hope you get the title though


Pretty sure I could do it solo, but can't bother more effort since I am more busy in my homestead atm 😅. Should come take a look ^^

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6 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Pretty sure I could do it solo, but can't bother more effort since I am more busy in my homestead atm 😅. Should come take a look ^^

Yeah im half joking, gl with title. I don't have the expac, so not sure if I can visit?

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8 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 woaw sir.... I was the staff warr he was the vindicator biiiiig diff. You can not be angry to someone when it was me playing that xP

Don't take it personal, you are not a warrior, you are you 😜 I'm poking fun back at Zor becuase he was against duo farming with optimal builds. Vindi hyrbid+war is far from a weak push combo.

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5 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Don't take it personal, you are not a warrior, you are you 😜 I'm poking fun back at Zor becuase he was against duo farming with optimal builds. Vindi hyrbid+war is far from a weak push combo.

And if solo queue ranked only finally gets released, I am all pro for it still 😁

Edited by arazoth.7290
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Today my first 3 matches of the day were against the current #1 player on his alt and a duo 😞 I had to spend an extra hour to climb back into the 250. Surprisingly, we even won the 3rd game, but I wonder what Glicko2 thinks it's going to happen by matching me and at least one other person together against the very top players 3x in a row. This is hyperbole of course, as not only Glicko2 doesn't think in any sense of the word, whoever adjusted it to GW2 should have thought again about it by now.

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On 9/21/2024 at 9:49 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Yeah, if you were near 1500+ your best bet was to decay dodge.  Playing into a 20+ loss streak is the downfall of many (including myself).

I had opposite happened though, started with a 60% winrate in gold 1 lol, so just quit from there as no point--title isn't worth it anyway with the abbreviated time period leading to the same manipulation shenanigans we always see.  

In my whopping 12 games I am seeing patterns of all support throw teams, double support 'insta win teams', and 'we just came from fighting Tequatl' teams.  Really is a wild west and all the problems of PvP made 10x worse as you are correct, you simply cannot carry a game with the way the mode works.  Once that point moves past a certain threshold, there is no way to push it equal distance--so you either stall pointlessly for 5 min or ggwp to next.  

Its not that bad I have been doing great on my Untamed Hammer plus Mace/Mace build. I end up chasing squashly Willbenders around.

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On 9/22/2024 at 3:59 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Yeah look at this:


I mean all he did was longbow on a Druid, if he wanted to camp longbow he should have atleast played Soulbeast. 

Dying means nothing in this gamemode, pushing the node is the point and they also did a good job. It was really the dead weight that was this Longbow Druid that let them down

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12 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 well yes xD but its also fun to Play xP.  Most peops i see however simply playing 2 bursty classes or Support plus DPS as comb so in that case vindi plus hybrid warr is still like a not mutch used comb ^~^

Regardless of representation, war/vindi is a solid push duo, thats all I'm saying, there really is no need to downplay it. Its more about the sustain synergy of the similar roles, while still doing decent enough damage. You could interchange as the vindi or the warrior with a few builds to similar effect. The issue with going full support+DPS is that the dps loses some sustain, its easier to burst the DPS down even with the support. Two specs that are more hybrid, can soak up more damage, and less prone to spike damage, pros and cons I guess. Imo, thats why you see so many WB/virts as "glass dps", most other dps are melting.


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4 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Regardless of representation, war/vindi is a solid push duo, thats all I'm saying, there really is no need to downplay it. Its more about the sustain synergy of the similar roles, while still doing decent enough damage. You could interchange as the vindi or the warrior with a few builds to similar effect. The issue with going full support+DPS is that the dps loses some sustain, its easier to burst the DPS down even with the support. Two specs that are more hybrid, can soak up more damage, and less prone to spike damage, pros and cons I guess. Imo, thats why you see so many WB/virts as "glass dps", most other dps are melting.


True, it's not one of the best combos but decent enough to have some impact

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