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​☠️​​☠️​WHAT the kitten is Mesmer SPEAR ???? NUKE IT from orbit​☠️​​☠️​ I ran the numbers. !


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 Howdy 🤠


Keep the same energy when nerfing warrior spear,  Should  be kept to the same standard to every single class plus your favorite weapon kit

Numbers don't lie but people typing and talking do. 🤠   Where is the HotFix nerf on willbender , Mesmer Spear,   Thief F1-Steal and Dagger skill 5  interaction  into Sword 1 daze spam ?   PLUS Any hidden interactions.

Wait. wait i know why you don't want Fair you don't want balance what you want is to be able to pub stomp people  without any retaliation.  


JUST USEING SPEAR KIT - NO Elite specialization or  F1 to F5 skills or  or any skill modifiers or class and builds templets.   NONE - JUST    Berserker PvP amulet

The mesmer spear is a whole kitten raid boss .  ☠️



This is the methodology straight from GW2Wiki  of Damage calculation    

Damage = (Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient) / Armor

Formula for Critical Chance :

Average damage = Base damage * ( 1 - Critical Chance ) + Base damage * ( Critical Chance * Critical Damage )

The assumption everyone's wearing  Berserker PvP amulet  :

  • Power: 2200.00
  • Precision: 1900.00
  • Ferocity: 900.00
  • Armor / 1888
  • And the  assumption of x25 Mightstacks  easily accessible.


Mesmer Spear:

Mind the Gap    Skill 2     :  (1.54 coefficient)    Can be Casted 2x  (twice)  6 SEC (Cooldown)       From Skill 5 :  Mental Collapse skill reset           ( disclaimer Didn't add the 20% additional dmg from Outer-Edge Damage Increase )        - THIS IS THE SKILL THAT GIVES (Clarity Buff  to empower other skills )

  • critical_damage: 5126.40
    average_damage: 3726.23

Total Potential damage :   Casted 2x (twice)

  1. From Critital Damage - 10,252.8    
  2. Average Damage  - 7,452.46


Imaginary Inversion Skill 3:  (1.4 coefficient) 15 SEC (Cooldown) Not talking about the self -Heal   nor  the Blur (1s): Evade  even tho the kit is loaded on spear. but Just Talking about the POWER output .


critical_damage: 4660.36
average_damage: 3387.48

(disclaimer if useing Heretic Amulet for the 500 Healing Power for The self-heal it has on the skill. It will be )

Imaginary Inversion  Skill 3 Healing:

  1. Healing: 1,610 +(1.0*Healing Power 500) =2110 SELF HEAL.
  2. Empowered Healing with Clarity :2890 (1.0*Healing Power 500) = 3390SELF HEAL.     


Phantasmal Lancer skill 4 : (1.0 coefficient)  /  with out clone 15 SEC (Cooldown)      (disclaimer  additional clone from Clarity )

critical_damage: 3328.83
average_damage: 2419.63

  Clone summon (0.6 coefficient) plus   (disclaimer  additional clone from Clarity )

critical_damage: 1997.30
average_damage: 1451.78

With the Clarity additional clone :  2Clones Total dmg.

  Total Potential damage  2 x Clone : 

critical_damage: 3,994.6

average_damage: 2,903.56


Mental Collapse  Skill 5  :     (1.8 coefficient)   That can Reset Skill 2 Mind Gap , andTeleport to your target ?!?!?!? and stun if you have  Clarity for (2sec Stun).

critical_damage: 5991.89
average_damage: 4355.33


Someone in the Guild Wars 2  balance team  loves mesmer or the secret Discord with the balance team and ( top pvpers  cough cough not really gave their input  on all classes that they love 🙂 )


JUST USEING SPEAR KIT - NO Elite specialization or  F1 to F5 skills or  or any skill modifiers or class and builds templets.   NONE - JUST    Berserker PvP amulet


Useing only 1 single clown from Phantasmal Lancer skill 4 no empower  modifiers or effects .


THE TOTAL  Potential damage from whole SPEAR KIT from  critical_damage ONLY   :  26231.18

THE TOTAL  Potential damage from whole SPEAR KIT from average_damage: ONLY :19066.68

Ran the numbers Twice



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8 minutes ago, madafakasuperretek.8357 said:

warrior it s just too tanky + with ranged dmg nuking evryone one low cd ,mesmer spear is mostly pve coz 1 kitten up and you are dead , so what was your poit ?

We warrior's never wanted to be bunkers. Arenanet Pushed us in that direction , We warriors mains also want spell breaker to be nerfed, so Arenanet can take a look at all of our  dull boring weapons and make them actually viable. 

I would also like to address your comment (so what was your poit) * @madafakasuperretek.8357 My point is I want a fair and balance game 🙂

  1. TLDR: We all agree we want spellbreaker to nerfed.
  2. Currently where people don't agree is with having  a fair and balance game environment so the PVP Community can thrive. They rather pub stomp someone then having interactive gameplay.
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look at the gua and kitten for unbalanced things , i didn't mean to trash talk about what players want but , look at it warriors are too tanky anyway you want to put it , gs is better but spear was just lazy , beside of virtu [in pvp/pve] and open world fun builds in pve how many mesmers you saw it to use the spear ? was it right to nerf the warrior spear dmg ? i think not but they didnt adres the tankynes problem either , look at the stupid mirage they nerfed his dagger 1 ambush because it was too broken [the relic of claw come out] , was it anoying ? ofc but can he keep up with stability spam and cc lock ? nope , they are too afraid to buff that shity spec while gua and kitten are rampaging all over the place and you come to talk abolut spear nuke on mesmer ?

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12 minutes ago, BadxDog.1584 said:

We warrior's never wanted to be bunkers. Arenanet Pushed us in that direction , We warriors mains also want spell breaker to be nerfed, so Arenanet can take a look at all of our  dull boring weapons and make them actually viable. 

I would also like to address your comment (so what was your poit) * @madafakasuperretek.8357 My point is I want a fair and balance game 🙂

  1. TLDR: We all agree we want spellbreaker to nerfed.
  2. Currently where people don't agree is with having  a fair and balance game environment so the PVP Community can thrive. They rather pub stomp someone then having interactive gameplay.

I main warrior mes and ele. trying to get mes nerfed because warrior sometimes gets singled out is not about game balance. You are salty and lying with numbers. Secondly your point and "numbers" automatically become invalidated by the existence of dodging and blocking. Spear doesn't burst in any way that's unique in mesmers kit. the same way you avoid getting deleted by greatsword you avoid letting spear free cast into you....... by timing your evades and avoiding a telegraphed nuke.....


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6 minutes ago, madafakasuperretek.8357 said:

look at the gua and kitten for unbalanced things , i didn't mean to trash talk about what players want but , look at it warriors are too tanky anyway you want to put it , gs is better but spear was just lazy , beside of virtu [in pvp/pve] and open world fun builds in pve how many mesmers you saw it to use the spear ? was it right to nerf the warrior spear dmg ? i think not but they didnt adres the tankynes problem either , look at the stupid mirage they nerfed his dagger 1 ambush because it was too broken [the relic of claw come out] , was it anoying ? ofc but can he keep up with stability spam and cc lock ? nope , they are too afraid to buff that shity spec while gua and kitten are rampaging all over the place and you come to talk abolut spear nuke on mesmer ?

also this. 90% of the games most annoying builds are some sort of bunker gw2 has always had a toxic relationship with high sustain builds. if Anet stopped stacking all the healing and toughness in the known universe into traits warrior would be fine. they are actually making the issue worse with the changes to S/M style so expect more nerfs to warriors kit that are unrelated to that.


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7 minutes ago, Deth.4109 said:

I main warrior mes and ele. trying to get mes nerfed because warrior sometimes gets singled out is not about game balance. You are salty and lying with numbers. Secondly your point and "numbers" automatically become invalidated by the existence of dodging and blocking. Spear doesn't burst in any way that's unique in mesmers kit. the same way you avoid getting deleted by greatsword you avoid letting spear free cast into you....... by timing your evades and avoiding a telegraphed nuke.....


First of all 😂  I'll just quote myself  - Numbers don't lie but people typing and talking do.   Like yourself. 😂 @Deth.4109

3 hours ago, BadxDog.1584 said:

Numbers don't lie but people typing and talking do.

@Deth.4109 You said I am salty because i want  a fair and balance game environment ?  To top it off i am lying with the number ?

  1.  First of all the numbers are taken straight from the Guild Wars 2 wiki (PvP  coefficient PAGE )
  2. I said THE TOTAL  Potential damage * (when it lands) which you will land it since you can go invisible with your utilities
  3. Haveing (1/2 of a Second  not even a full second Just half of one 😂) of animation and casting it while invisible  - is  it considered fair in balanced gameplay for you ?
  4. Not salty you just can't read LOOOOOOOOL  or  put a coherent thoughts into what you type ☠️


ONE LAST THING JUST BECUASE YOU ARE illiterate and unable to read and count numbers for yourself does not mean i am lying you can Do it your self and prove me wrong

WHICH you can't becuase it's a  1:1 ratio from the Guildwars2 (PvP Wiki) all of the numbers are logged above as well as the methodology straight from GW2Wiki  of Damage calculation     

Damage = (Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient) / Armor

Formula for Critical Chance :

Average damage = Base damage * ( 1 - Critical Chance ) + Base damage * ( Critical Chance * Critical Damage )


BUT SINCE YOU can't do   2+2=4   I can't even talk balance with you.😂😂😂

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8 minutes ago, BadxDog.1584 said:


First of all 😂  I'll just quote myself  - Numbers don't lie but people typing and talking do.   Like yourself. 😂 @Deth.4109

@Deth.4109 You said I am salty because i want  a fair and balance game environment ?  To top it off i am lying with the number ?

  1.  First of all the numbers are taken straight from the Guild Wars 2 wiki (PvP  coefficient PAGE )
  2. I said THE TOTAL  Potential damage * (when it lands) which you will land it since you can go invisible with your utilities
  3. Haveing (1/2 of a Second  not even a full second Just half of one 😂) of animation and casting it while invisible  - is  it considered fair in balanced gameplay for you ?
  4. Not salty you just can't read LOOOOOOOOL  or  put a coherent thoughts into what you type ☠️


ONE LAST THING JUST BECUASE YOU ARE illiterate and unable to read and count numbers for yourself does not mean i am lying you can Do it your self and prove me wrong

WHICH you can't becuase it's a  1:1 ratio from the Guildwars2 (PvP Wiki) all of the numbers are logged above as well as the methodology straight from GW2Wiki  of Damage calculation     

Damage = (Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient) / Armor

Formula for Critical Chance :

Average damage = Base damage * ( 1 - Critical Chance ) + Base damage * ( Critical Chance * Critical Damage )


BUT SINCE YOU can't do   2+2=4   I can't even talk balance with you.😂😂😂

you've done the most talking and typing so I guess that makes you the biggest liar.

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31 minutes ago, madafakasuperretek.8357 said:

look at the gua and kitten for unbalanced things , i didn't mean to trash talk about what players want but , look at it warriors are too tanky anyway you want to put it , gs is better but spear was just lazy , beside of virtu [in pvp/pve] and open world fun builds in pve how many mesmers you saw it to use the spear ? was it right to nerf the warrior spear dmg ? i think not but they didnt adres the tankynes problem either , look at the stupid mirage they nerfed his dagger 1 ambush because it was too broken [the relic of claw come out] , was it anoying ? ofc but can he keep up with stability spam and cc lock ? nope , they are too afraid to buff that shity spec while gua and kitten are rampaging all over the place and you come to talk abolut spear nuke on mesmer ?

Just like i said my statement still stands. Going to quote myself below.       @madafakasuperretek.8357

But what we all can agree on maybe. Just a maybe we want a fair and balance game environment so the PVP Community can thrive with out class biases from the player base (Never going to happen) and from the @  dev team ( they are working on their passion projects for their classes that they play only  so only getting buffs /  adjustments). 


45 minutes ago, BadxDog.1584 said:

We warrior's never wanted to be bunkers. Arenanet Pushed us in that direction , We warriors mains also want spell breaker to be nerfed, so Arenanet can take a look at all of our  dull boring weapons and make them actually viable. 

I would also like to address your comment (so what was your poit) * @madafakasuperretek.8357 My point is I want a fair and balance game 🙂

  1. TLDR: We all agree we want spellbreaker to nerfed.
  2. Currently where people don't agree is with having  a fair and balance game environment so the PVP Community can thrive. They rather pub stomp someone then having interactive gameplay.


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3 minutes ago, Deth.4109 said:

you've done the most talking and typing so I guess that makes you the biggest liar.

No just stating and proving my case which you don't even have 2 legs to stand on, you have a house built out of sand No solid foundation to be seen. 😂 @Deth.4109

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7 minutes ago, Deth.4109 said:

argumentum ad numerum bye now 

First of all you're projecting  😂.

Second.   :  You are the the definitive case of Dunning Kruger effect.    Going to spell it out for you since you  live in your own fallacy of thoughts warped sense of reality.

Dunning kruger effect a cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate their abilities or knowledge in a particular area, even when they are not particularly competent.

And you sir are very much so not competent in the the slightest 😂😂   @Deth.4109    and it shows . 🙂


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Spear rotation to pull that damage is so telegraphed and slow that I would even say coefficients is not high enough to be effectively in par with other classes. 


Raw power output focusing is folly in competetive modes, same as for "boon duration" it's not duration but reapplication of boon that can make it broken, it's also not raw outputs but how effective they are aka how fast or how obfuscated it are. 

War spear was doing casual 19k with single skill from range, it's hardly comparible with mind gap, both mechanically and damage wise.

Stop the cope, touch grass.

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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 I am not running a  (Mesmer Mains emotional support anonymous ) .    😂
I only base my comments off pure statistical FACT derived from analyzing information data on Gw2Wiki that is provided and supported by arenanet paired with their data that's accurate and coherent as possible.

@Triptaminas.4789 @Deth.4109@madafakasuperretek.8357 Unlike me, I'm not an emotional devolved primate when looking at everyone's comments here evolution goes backwards😂.😂

To much crying not enough backing up your claim. 🤠


Here is some real facts not ,no opinions no fantasy fairy tales, you all like to tell yourself 😂 :

 Warrior :

Spearmarshal's Support :   (7x)644 (1.75  coefficient) Post Nerf   (15 Sec Cooldown)  1/2  of a second animation frames.


critical_damage: 5266.90 +644(7x)plus 25 might = 9774.9
average_damage: 3828.35 +644 plus 25 might(7x) = 8336.35

 PRENERF Golden days - Spearmarshal's Support :   Damage (7x) 840 (1.75  coefficient)  Pre-Nerf   Added back the  0.4 coefficient nerf from .25 to the power damage. = 644+240 (thenerf) = 840 Back to the prime.


critical_damage: 5266.90 + 840(7x) plus 25 might = 11,146.9
average_damage: 3828.35 + 840(7x) plus 25 might = 9,708.35

This is the TRUE facts no feelings or no opinions no fantasy fairy tales like you all like to do.😂



Mesmer :

Mind the Gap    Skill 2     :  (1.54 coefficient)    Can be Casted 2x  (twice)  6 SEC (Cooldown)  1/2  of a second animation frames.     From Skill 5 :  Mental Collapse skill reset           ( disclaimer Didn't add the 20% additional dmg from Outer-Edge Damage Increase )        - THIS IS THE SKILL THAT GIVES (Clarity Buff  to empower other skills ) 



critical_damage: 5126.40
average_damage: 3726.23

Total Potential damage :   Casted 2x (twice)

  1. From Critital Damage - 10,252.8    
  2. Average Damage  - 7452.46

Not only is Mind Gap Closer to the Prenerf Golden days Spearmarshal's Support, It's  6 SEC (Cooldown) compared to Spearmarshal's Support (15 Sec Cooldown)

With the same 1/2  of a second animation frames. Interesting isn't it .  ON TOP OF THAT I Didn't add the 20% additional dmg from Outer-Edge Damage Increase ) Crazy🙃.

AND IT CAN BE CASTED 2x (Twice) .  With skill 5: Mental Collapse   <--- This is the skill you all have typing to me with no evidence-based data ALL of yall  don't have 2 feet to stand on.



@Triptaminas.4789 Quoting you ( Stop the cope, touch grass. ) ,   I would love to go outside and touch grass but your brain roting comments don't allow me to so i have to stay here and type : c .

Meanwhile i am done  :D!  yall can't even back up your claims instead typing out comments that a 4 year old is capable of doing. In fact a 4 Year old are more capable of an intellectual discussion then everyone here so far. 😂🤠


@Triptaminas.4789 Lay off the starts with hen---  ends with bowwww---tia   anime bud you are can't lose more neurons in that big but empty head of yours.💖



NOW THEN LETS GET BACK ON TOPIC  🤠   <----------------------



Edited by BadxDog.1584
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Mesmer spear is slightly above greatsword in damage, so we use spear + dagger/sword.  Now, if you nerf spear mesmers will just go back to greatsword + dagger/sword. Then you will complain mesmers can do all their damage at ranged. 


Now looking at snow crows benchmarks power mesmer (virtuoso using spear) is below power catalyst, power willbender, power beserker, and power tempest.  So just golem test like yours does that mean that mesmer spear is middle ground and does not need nerfed? There are 4 power builds higher.

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1 minute ago, LuRkEr.9462 said:

Mesmer spear is slightly above greatsword in damage, so we use spear + dagger/sword.  Now, if you nerf spear mesmers will just go back to greatsword + dagger/sword. Then you will complain mesmers can do all their damage at ranged. 


Now looking at snow crows benchmarks power mesmer (virtuoso using spear) is below power catalyst, power willbender, power beserker, and power tempest.  So just golem test like yours does that mean that mesmer spear is middle ground and does not need nerfed? There are 4 power builds higher.

 @LuRkEr.9462Please for the love of...... We are not talking about  PVE Build coefficients from Snowcrows Benchmarks.  (Strictly structured PVP).

Greatsword is believe it or not more manageable and balanced, Greatsword has a contingency on it's *Brustdmg gimmick* you miss it you just awkwardly stare off to the distance. 🤠


I will say to you like I say to the others. Back up your claims with data if not, I'm not going to take your comments seriously ( Not trying to be rude ) 


i'm better off talking to brick wall / or watching paint dry at this point 😂    BACK UP YALL"S CLAIMS WITH GOOD TALKING POINTS AT LEAST if you can't bring the DATA  ! XDD

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Don't know why the heck my post disappeared.


10 hours ago, BadxDog.1584 said:

Someone in the Guild Wars 2  balance team  loves mesmer or the secret Discord with the balance team and ( top pvpers  cough cough not really gave their input  on all classes that they love 🙂 )

ANerf love mesmer so much that they said sometime ago on discord they want to keep mesmer underperforming on competitive modes.

Regarding spear, meh, be my guest.
GS  is just better.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735  If the General community - if you haven't seen it yet  Mesmer Spear appreciation thread you should they are singing praises and how the spear does BIG DMG.

That's why i am showcaseing the numbers. So we can stop this disillusion of Mesmer Spear or the class being (weak*)

10 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

ANerf love mesmer so much that they said sometime ago on discord they want to keep mesmer underperforming on competitive modes.

Proof? or is it just the same disillusion that I am opposition to? But i can sort of believe it 🙃  BUT IN THIS CASE SPEAR DOES WAAYYY to much damage and needs to be turned down.🤠

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7 minutes ago, BadxDog.1584 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735  If the General community - if you haven't seen it yet  Mesmer Spear appreciation thread you should they are singing praises and how the spear does BIG DMG.

That's why i am showcaseing the numbers. So we can stop this disillusion of Mesmer Spear or the class being (weak*)

Proof? or is it just the same disillusion that I am opposition to? But i can sort of believe it 🙃  BUT IN THIS CASE SPEAR DOES WAAYYY to much damage and needs to be turned down.🤠

GS does bigger and faster burst, so?
Like I said you can nerf spear as much as you want, for me it's all fine, I only use it to round up and kill npcs on wvw. That's what spear is good for, npcs.

Proof? Use the search bar.

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You did a bunch of math, who cares?  Do you think mesmers players in the mesmer forum are going to agree with calls to nerf their profession?  Do you think insulting players is going to validate your position?

If mesmer spear is over performing then it will get nerfed in due course. But it won’t be because of threads like this one. Perhaps redirect your energy into what Warrior needs fixed. Changes to mesmer weapons wont make warrior better, changes to warrior will make warrior better. 

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why do i feel you are just crying because of skill issue , you trash talk others for correcting your raw statics but nothing else , spear sucks in pvp mostly virtuoso can use it and its far more easier to avoid than a gs burst , did you trash talked in other class forums for turning your handicap dmg down or you are pissed because a random guy made a fool of you? huehue

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2 hours ago, BadxDog.1584 said:

I will say to you like I say to the others. Back up your claims with data if not, I'm not going to take your comments seriously ( Not trying to be rude ) 

You want data, sure. Since spear was released we had one conquest mAT, one 3v3 tournament and one 2v2 tournament. Spear dps mesmer was barely played and the few that we saw didn't make it out of swiss round (with one exception in 3v3 I think). The only spear mesmers we saw a lot and doing well were support chronos. So it seems to me the data clearly shows that it's not that good outside of support. But I'm sure you're gonna come up with some excuse for why we don't see it in high level play even though it's actually op.

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6 hours ago, mungozen.2379 said:

You did a bunch of math, who cares?  Do you think mesmers players in the mesmer forum are going to agree with calls to nerf their profession?  Do you think insulting players is going to validate your position?

If mesmer spear is over performing then it will get nerfed in due course. But it won’t be because of threads like this one. Perhaps redirect your energy into what Warrior needs fixed. Changes to mesmer weapons wont make warrior better, changes to warrior will make warrior better. 

@mungozen.2379 To address your points

  1. You did a bunch of math, who cares?
  • That's how you Balance power budgets for a class .Statistical data don't lie people typeing and talking do like you 🤠
  1.  Do you think mesmers players in the mesmer forum are going to agree with calls to nerf their profession?
  • Of Coruse not Because you don't Fair you don't want balance what you want is to be able to pub stomp people  without any retaliation  as simple as that.
  1.  Do you think insulting players is going to validate your position? 
  • Look at my post above who insulted who first ? not me that's for sure. Yes my position is validated because i for one am standing up and PROVING my Claims with data to back it up - while you're using emotional reasoning on why it should not get nerfed  HAHAHAH delusional people you all are. -
  1. If mesmer spear is over performing then it will get nerfed in due course. But it won’t be because of threads like this one. Perhaps redirect your energy into what Warrior needs fixed. Changes to mesmer weapons wont make warrior better, changes to warrior will make warrior better. 
  •   : I'll  just advocate for both  everyone's making the outcry for warriors to be nerfed keep the same energy. So that's why i am here 🙂  to show y'all are hypocrites. It's easy to do btw.

You still didn't have anything to back up  your claims. Just  typing and verbal puke  🤮 no coherent thought to be seen. But  I don't expect anybetter from you and everyone here😂.


5 hours ago, madafakasuperretek.8357 said:

why do i feel you are just crying because of skill issue , you trash talk others for correcting your raw statics but nothing else , spear sucks in pvp mostly virtuoso can use it and its far more easier to avoid than a gs burst , did you trash talked in other class forums for turning your handicap dmg down or you are pissed because a random guy made a fool of you? huehue

 @madafakasuperretek.8357To address your points

  1.  why do i feel you are just crying because of skill issue ? 
  •  If it's such a skill issue why do you say warrior needs to be nerfed that sounds like a skill issue to me 🤡
  1. you trash talk others for correcting your raw statics but nothing else. 
  •  : My trash talk game is S Teir at best. 🤠 as you can see by the post above me roasting you to Oblivion and it does not evencomes close to me lol. Keep that delusion you need it  for cope 😂 your insults is as of a toddler just like i stated BUT IT SEEMS YOU CAN'T READ. Add being illiterate to the list of your long outstanding issues 😂.
  1. you are pissed because a random guy made a fool of you? huehue .
  •  look at my  my points above 😂 arguing with a toddler would be a better challenge.




5 hours ago, ascii.1369 said:

You want data, sure. Since spear was released we had one conquest mAT, one 3v3 tournament and one 2v2 tournament. Spear dps mesmer was barely played and the few that we saw didn't make it out of swiss round (with one exception in 3v3 I think). The only spear mesmers we saw a lot and doing well were support chronos. So it seems to me the data clearly shows that it's not that good outside of support. But I'm sure you're gonna come up with some excuse for why we don't see it in high level play even though it's actually op.

@ascii.1369To address your points

  1. You want data, sure. Since spear was released we had one conquest mAT
  • :  Yeah i saw the 4 warrior comp. with healing healing Chrono . Yeah they lost they played stupid games and they found out and in the last minute try to switch the classes to hopefully clutch out a win a they lost and they deserve it Warrior spear is not Auto win.  You brought a bad example  Classic 😂.
  1. One 3v3 tournament and one 2v2 tournament
  • : You will see weird /degenerate compositions not the 2v2,3v3 are NOT Main feature competitive mode you will not see this in the Main competitive mode which is Conquest 5v5.
  1. The only spear mesmers we saw a lot and doing well were support chronos. So it seems to me the data clearly shows that it's not that good outside of support. But I'm sure you're gonna come up with some excuse for why we don't see it in high level play even though it's actually op. 
  • : HOLY COPE 🤣 there's a general consensus spear appreciation thread YOU CAN'T Miss it. General consensus is that the spear does big damage and it's good, Aswell they are saying " When are we going to get nerf  because it's kinda strong " . you have the world supply of cope under your bed LOOOL. 😂 delusional people.



NOW That I have thoroughly and easily combated your WEAK points.


When will you do the same for me above ? 🤠   and address my points ?  oh right that's right the forums IQ is the combination of lukewarm water. 


For everyone's sake stop posting to PRESERVE intellect  so who ever is reading  this to keep themselfs of losing neurons from having to read what YOU ALL type @ascii.1369 @madafakasuperretek.8357 @mungozen.2379








You ALL are the the definitive case of Dunning Kruger effect.    Going to spell it out for you since you  live in your own fallacy of thoughts warped sense of reality.

Dunning kruger effect a cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate their abilities or knowledge in a particular area, even when they are not particularly competent.


You all are in fact incompetent to the highest levels but I don't expect more from you so that's fine 🙂 in Fact i FULLY expected devolved primate Behavior from reading literacy, typing proficiency  and having the brain power of a hamster Running in its wheel😂.




Are you going to bring any meaningful points  at annnnnnnnyyyyy point in time ?    



I am not running a  (Mesmer Mains emotional support anonymous ) .   - You know instead of Alcohol Anonymous Mesmer anonymous GET IT ? Since i have to point out the joke since you know having Hamster Brain power and all .😂




🥴confuse face the post🥴  cause I know you're confused and if it's a well-written Post. HAHAHAAH 🤠




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12 minutes ago, BadxDog.1584 said:

Are you going to bring any meaningful points  at annnnnnnnyyyyy point in time ? 

I'll suggest you take a moment to consider your tone and language in these forums.  The people who have responded to your thread are engaging you on your talking points (in different ways) and you are responding with a lot of negativity and name calling.

It's your choice how you engage on these forums.  If you want to shout down people who are responding to you, insult them and call them names, then you won't have a long or enjoyable stay on these forums.  If you want to have civil discourse and discuss the merits of changes to professions or weapons, tone it down, a lot.

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