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Genuine question for the Warrior community on this forum.


Leave the profession or leave the game?  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you rather leave the profession for another or would you leave the game entirely instead?

    • Leave the profession for another, please share which one you'd move to.
    • Leave the game.

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I play other professions when I feel like it, but I voted that I would leave the game.

At the moment pumping out legendary gear is what is keeping me in the game. I haven't picked up another game to try yet, but I suspect that if I do, I would be hard pressed to return to GW2. There is clear bias on the balance team, and there is no guarantee that if I switched that the balance team itself wouldn't have a shake up and a new set of devs with their own biases are in charge and have a bias against my new main.

Anet really needs to hire a dev per profession to the balance team, who main the profession they are in charge of. They clearly do not have enough manpower to do balance well, and without bias.

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On 10/12/2024 at 9:56 PM, Caitybee.3614 said:

Why would you leave the game when there are many other classes you could play as until your favored one gets reworked or updated? I understand the underlying passion for Warrior but threatening to leave the game may not do anything. In my personal experience Warrior isn't one of the better classes, but it's not one that I am personally passionate about - even if I was, I wouldn't leave the game for bad patches. Start constructive conversations about the issues and it just might get addressed.

This will be slightly off-topic from Warrior, but hear me out. I love playing Archer archetype, thus getting to run around with longbow Warrior or Ranger at launch was really fun for me. And in HoT even Guardian got one, but in the end none of those classes really used the weapon as something they would purely camp on. Today, 10 years later, there hasn't been a new longbow added to any of the classes since first expansion.

For Warrior it's a similar situation. Especially for players who might be as passionate about Bladesworn as I am about Archers. You are just sinking further and further down, no help or reworks coming. Sure Warrior has good things still going for it, but amount of outdated and clunky mechanics and design features are vastly outnumbering those of it's neighbouring professions.

Thus it's understandable to look for what you desire elsewhere, rather than staying in a toxic relationship where your basic needs are consistently ignored.

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17 hours ago, Frozey.8513 said:

This will be slightly off-topic from Warrior, but hear me out. I love playing Archer archetype, thus getting to run around with longbow Warrior or Ranger at launch was really fun for me. And in HoT even Guardian got one, but in the end none of those classes really used the weapon as something they would purely camp on. Today, 10 years later, there hasn't been a new longbow added to any of the classes since first expansion.

For Warrior it's a similar situation. Especially for players who might be as passionate about Bladesworn as I am about Archers. You are just sinking further and further down, no help or reworks coming. Sure Warrior has good things still going for it, but amount of outdated and clunky mechanics and design features are vastly outnumbering those of it's neighbouring professions.

Thus it's understandable to look for what you desire elsewhere, rather than staying in a toxic relationship where your basic needs are consistently ignored.

God id love a longbow update for warrior.

Increased range to 1500, triple AA projectile speed, baseline burning on auto attacks, a fan of fire that emulates rangers Rapid Fire but with burning arrows and and update to the tickspeed and damage of combustive Shot.

Anet please, I dont need the 1500 range but the rest would be so much fun to use.

Mobs and players can litteraly just sidestep the AA for longbow currently. :classic_biggrin:

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You raise a good point @WingSwipe.3084.
I use the longbow a LOT, as my primary build when playing Warrior is Core HamBow, and it's very rare that I'll actually use the auto-attack. It's mostly for 3-adrenaline Combustive Shot, followed by Arcing Arrow for the AoE might, then Smoldering Arrow for the blind, then weapon-switching back to Hammer for the 3-adrenaline Earthshaker.

The auto-attack only ever gets used for poking and provoking. It's not too bad for adrenaline generation if both arrows hit, but the missile speed and fire rate kinda negate that.

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On 10/15/2024 at 10:04 AM, Mungrul.9358 said:

You raise a good point @WingSwipe.3084.
I use the longbow a LOT, as my primary build when playing Warrior is Core HamBow, and it's very rare that I'll actually use the auto-attack. It's mostly for 3-adrenaline Combustive Shot, followed by Arcing Arrow for the AoE might, then Smoldering Arrow for the blind, then weapon-switching back to Hammer for the 3-adrenaline Earthshaker.

The auto-attack only ever gets used for poking and provoking. It's not too bad for adrenaline generation if both arrows hit, but the missile speed and fire rate kinda negate that.

I used longbow on my gunzerker and I got some very good damage. 9k Arcing Arrow crits, 7k Fan of Fire crits point blank and Scorched Earth AoE is really good for fighting on points.

The auto attack just kills the weapon IMO. Its wierd though since Dual Shot and Long Range Shot has about the same power co.effs. and damage so it kinda would work as power damage option if the projectile speed wasnt so ungodly slow.

I guess ill add it to the list of things warrior needs.

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I voted for leaving the game, which is what I mostly did. I sometimes log in and try to get back into the game, but it never sticks.

Warrior (mainly Daggers Spellbreaker) feels fun to play to me mechanically, but fighting bosses (and sometimes even elite enemies) tends to drag on too much.

And while I think that Mesmer is fun in short bursts, it never sticks. A handful of hours and I'm done with Mesmer. Purple being my favourite colour doesn't help Mesmer stick longer either.

During the beta, Engineer's spear also was fun. But I'm not going to pay 25€ for an over-priced and under-delivering expansion, that isn't even available on Amazon EU.

The other professions have even shorter bursts of fun, being half an hour or rare almost a full hour at best.

This means, switching to another profession won't sate my want for enjoyment, which makes looking for my fun in other games be the superior option.


Edited by Fueki.4753
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I quit to farm as boon herald while playing card games, working, studying, stuff, podcasts, it's way more rewarding doing this low effort thing, rather than playing with a wounded class getting its feedback ignored with questionable nerfs.

There's a reason why warrior content creators quit or move to a real class, PlagueTVx, Agriope, Vaanss, irAjaxx, etc. The dev bias against this class is crystal clear.

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14 hours ago, Zekent.3652 said:

I quit to farm as boon herald while playing card games, working, studying, stuff, podcasts, it's way more rewarding doing this low effort thing, rather than playing with a wounded class getting its feedback ignored with questionable nerfs.

There's a reason why warrior content creators quit or move to a real class, PlagueTVx, Agriope, Vaanss, irAjaxx, etc. The dev bias against this class is crystal clear.

So do we know if the devs actually listen and disgard the suggestions or do they not even pay attention?

Thats what id wanna know.

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7 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

So do we know if the devs actually listen and disgard the suggestions or do they not even pay attention?

Thats what id wanna know.

Back when they showed Phantom onslaught during the livestream that unveiled Vindicator's greatsword, they mentioned how broken and unreliable Rush on Warrior's greatsword was at that time.

This at the very least indicates that they are aware Warrior having issues, yet they are doing little to nothing to fix Warrior.

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On 10/18/2024 at 6:12 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

Back when they showed Phantom onslaught during the livestream that unveiled Vindicator's greatsword, they mentioned how broken and unreliable Rush on Warrior's greatsword was at that time.

This at the very least indicates that they are aware Warrior having issues, yet they are doing little to nothing to fix Warrior.

In all fairness that got fixed and works fantastically now, issue is that they took 11 years to do it.

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I'd not leave the game, I like it and my views on a single class are separate from those on GW2 as a whole. That said, I definitely don't play Warrior any more, switched to Thief. Warrior is just unimaginative and pointless, barring BladeSworn- That one's quite stylish but plays and performs like garbage. The numbers are good, it's everything else about it that honestly doesn't justify it. Some times I need to QHeal, so then I just bring StaffZerker until 1-2 other classes I have are out of the oven proper.

Edited by Kunavi.2407
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3 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

In all fairness that got fixed and works fantastically now, issue is that they took 11 years to do it.

It took them over one decade to fix this issue. How long are we supposed to wait until more of Warrior's many, MANY remaining issues are being fixed?

Given the current track record on improving Warrior (or rather the lack thereof), I don't think it's going to happen any time soon.

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47 minutes ago, Captain Crapface.7528 said:

given the track record so far, we'll see warrior fixed on release of GW4

And that's only in the case that the hypothetical GW3 and GW4 games even have Warrior as a profession to begin with.

Just like they claim with GW1's Monk, Assassin, Ritualist, Dervish and Paragon professions already being thematically and/or gameplay-wise being represented in GW2, they could claim Warrior already being represented by other professions in those hypothetical sequels.

And no, Gw2's stealth-overloaded Thief is not representative of GW1's Assassin.

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For me it always felt like warrior needs to be totally broken as duelist or support to become a meta pick in PvP. Most of the time warrior was not weak, even often quite strong in pure duels, but in conquest more than that is needed. And in every other aspect of the game outside of pure dueling with no +1 risk from other players and in other roles (roaming, support, tf dmg) other classes just do better. So warrior is either insanely op and meta or it is good at just one very specific thing and with that not enough allrounder for conquest meta. Kinda sad. Since i have close to that problem with ranger i can feel the pain, also ranger lately has longer periods of being just broken enough.-Lately i am more of a WvW player and luckily ranger perma shines there. 

Edited by Fabrenntsich.9270
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Mesmer main POV: over time my Warrior has become probably my favorite alt. I don't take her into anything too serious because she's mainly an OW hunter-gatherer built for tanky speed, so I can't speak to competitive modes or a lot of endgame content. If there's an active event or meta in the area (and I have the time) I might jump in but otherwise I stick to her usual agenda and then log her out. She is an alt, after all.

The enjoyment mostly comes from how she feels to play, and the "CC then smash into jelly" approach is fun and satisfying (especially compared to the unnecessarily convoluted Mesmer bag of tricks). It's gotten less so over time though, and newer zones in the game seem more actively hostile to melee than older zones. It's like the whole idea of the classic RPG "melee bruiser" archetype has been indirectly deprecated/obsoleted by the map and encounter designs. Yes you can still do it, but just barely and it's nowhere near as effective as it should be, or even as good as it has been. Switching to ranged isn't much help because the available options are meh, slow and clunky at best. I doubt many will leave the entire game over it, but leave the class? Probably more than a few.

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@Teknomancer.4895, you speak true.
I can still make my Core Hambow work really well in OW, but that's partly because I'm so used to the rhythm of play thanks to it having been my main since release.
And I still prefer it to the elite specs, because even with encounter design and balance shifting over time, people still forget that control is an excellent form of damage mitigation.
I may not be doing the highest DPS, but I can stay alive longer than most while playing a glass build simply by dodging and preventing the enemy from hitting me.

And this is the thing; despite being ANet's least favourite profession at the moment, it still feels better than any other profession in the game to me. The slight screen-shake from good hammer hits, the sound effects and the animations all serve to make the profession fun to play (I actually hate spear on Warrior precisely because there's something off about the feel; whoever got the feel of hammer right is obviously loooong gone by now. Same goes for Pistol, Dagger, Staff and Torch; they all lack impact.)

Guardian, while technically leaps and bounds greater than Warrior, has a very airy, whiffy feel by comparison, with no skills really feeling like they're hitting.

So despite knowing I'm at a disadvantage, I'd rather play Warrior any day of the week.

Of course, this then hits me where it hurts when I occasionally venture in to WvW, which is why I stick to solo camp / guard / dolyak clearing. I have no desire trying to "Git Gud" or to play a spec I don't like while my overall profession is at such a clear disadvantage.

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