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Homestead Wishlist - Decorations

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let's keep it in one place.

can we have an option to change that roof and walls pls?

Some Wuxia inspired arhitecture would be so cool (because that style usualy implies bright pastel colors and polished stuff):

- walls(polished wood, papper walls - eastern asia style),  the roof plllllss give us an option to replace that roof with an asian inspired one, pillars, pretty windows.

- home decorations(tea sets, burning incense, scribing stuf,  pretty lanters, etc.);

- trees(willows, red accacia, magnolia, blooming peach and cherries), flowers (water lilies, lilies, etc.);

- bridge decorations


Another style would be Gothic: some walls, roof, red flower arangements, roses, a nice gothic fence., windows.

Edited by Efar.8153
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I'm guessing this topic is specifically for decoration pieces rather than homestead features. Please correct me if this topic is encompassing everything.


As for decoration pieces specifically:

* Architectural pieces (eg: wall, floor, ceiling panels, geometric shapes especially cylindrical objects)

* Cultural pieces (eg: asuran, charr, and Sylvari architecture)

* Doors

* Stairs

* Rock, boulder, cliffside, cavern pieces

* Snow covered foliage and structure (and trees without leaves)

* Static/nonanimated Halloween pieces

* Generic pieces (eg:  wood planks of various sizes would be used alot, wires, scrap metal, I-Beams, rebar, concrete blocks, etc...)

* Transparent pieces (glass, asura force fields, ice)

* Particle effects (fire, fog, lightning)

* Water (sitting water, flowing water, waterfall)

* Lava

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  • Efar.8153 changed the title to Homestead Wishlist - Decorations
55 minutes ago, Ant.9720 said:

I'm guessing this topic is specifically for decoration pieces rather than homestead features. Please correct me if this topic is encompassing everything.

Tnx for mentioning this. I edited the title. Decorations wishlist 😁

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7 hours ago, Efar.8153 said:

Some Wuxia inspired arhitecture would be so cool

Are you trying to introduce a spot of gentrification to the Lowlands... ?

7 hours ago, Efar.8153 said:

walls(polished wood, papper walls - eastern asia style),  the roof plllllss give us an option to replace that roof with an asian inspired one, pillars, pretty windows.

I wonder how the Lowlands Kodan would feel about cultural appropriation, maybe they're exempt.

7 hours ago, Efar.8153 said:

trees(willows, red accacia, magnolia, blooming peach and cherries), flowers (water lilies, lilies, etc.)

Non native ornamental plants are a big no no for the home owners association.


Problematic suggestions aside, if I were to take off my blue wig for a minute I'd say our best bet is entire new instances on the gem store, these could have different themes and be located in other parts of the world, hint hint, maybe that is why the homestead doesn't show on the world map.

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My priority wish list includes some features that are not decorations, but I'll use this thread instead of create a new one so that ideas are consolidated in one place:

1)  Make the a version of the daily achieve,  "Daily Bonus Rewards: Homestead Trick-or-Treating" regular thru the Wizard Vault daily.  This feature promotes community interaction, specifically visitation of other players into your homestead.  Creating permanency through the Wizard Vault should magnify community interactions..

1a)  Use the same requirements as "Daily Bonus Rewards: Homestead Trick-or-Treating", where the other player must interact with an object in the homestead in order to be rewarded with the (daily) achievement.  As with the Halloween bonus rewards, this ensures visitation into another party member's homestead is not enough.  Exclude chairs, doors, nodes, vendors, boxes and NPCs as those are available by default in all homesteads without decoration / npc upgrades.  With this exclusion, this promotes players to add decorations to their homesteads, specifically interactable decorations.

1b}  Update the LFG to include a party join for the purposes of homestead invites

2)  New decorations inclusions:

     -  More variations of floors, walls, doors, trees.  I find the current set since the Halloween patch acceptable, but more would be good.

     -  Roller Beetle mount rental

3)  New NPC inclusions: 

    - Newborn seige turtle hatchling (from A Strange Diet achievement) that shows up in home instances but not homestead.  To tie to (1), make it interactable to "pet" or "feed"

     -Aurene (can be found at different ages throughout the story line, so optional as to which Aurene to apply).  To tie to (1), make it interactable (the Sun's Refuge choices would be my favorite)

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Wooden planks 


Dyeable decorations 

Transport (carts, traintracks etc)

Novelty chairs unlocking decorations 

Portals that let you travel between them

Portals to various maps

More decorations that are earned through playing content like world bosses, dungeons, fractals, strikes, raids etc. This would be a really great way to encourage players to engage with and reward a variety of content.

Services (bank, tp, merchant etc)

Edited by Strutter.2719
Keep thinking of more...
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Whatever it is, I hope it stays in players Homesteads and ends up on the Gemshop where it pays for content I actually care for.
Good ideas would probably be services and portals as others have said. Maybe placers for decorative NPCs that don't serve a function but are just for show.
Things that will probably happen are immersion breaking and flashy bs, but since they stay in the Homestead, I don't really care about it, when people fill their personal instance with that stuff.

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Every one is saying more plants but I would like to add some animals to the home stead. Cats, dogs, dear, frogs, bees, moa, ducks and other animals that you might find out in the wild.

I don't know how they would do props that could/ would move around.

I would also like to make an asuran labratory.

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Tiere, wie auf einem Bauernhof wären wunderbar ... Schweine, Kühe, Hühner, Pferde etc etc ... dann würden zb auch die Wagen einen Sinn machen *g .... Aber bitte nicht stumm wie die Ölgötzen irgendwo stehen lassen, sie sollten schon rumlaufen wie die Katzen etc ... 

Hunde wären auch toll und vielleicht Maschinen zum tägl Gebrauch ...

Eventuell könnten auch die eigenen Reittiere etwas aktiver werden und nicht nur die normalen Animationen durchlaufen ?

Menschen und Kinder wie in der Heimatinstanz 

Könnte man vielleicht mit Edelsteinen im Shop kaufen ?



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Adding another vote to racial decor sets for asura, sylvari, and charr. Metal/magitech decor is ESPECIALLY lacking, but I'd also love to see some of the plant-based architecture associated with the sylvari. Maybe some exalted architecture as well; ideally I'd like to have access to themed pieces from most regions seen out in the overworld. Maybe some more fractal-related sets too, I actually really like messing with the jade pieces!

I'd also love to see sets based on various factions, like Flame Legion, Aetherblades, etc. It could be explained as 'repurposed' or 'confiscated' or something.

Also as others have mentioned: I'd like to see alternative instances introduced as well... It'd sure make things easier than having to construct little photobooths to hide the homestead so I can take pics of my characters in a more fitting environment. The current aesthetic just doesn't match any of my characters at all, unfortunately.

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Got a fun one: unlocking a legendary equipment unlocks the corresponding decoration.


In every other game with a player home I've always loved putting the cool stuff I've got on display in some sort of armory. I just unlocked warbringer and man would that be a cool thing to mount on my wall for bragging rights to visitors 😁

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They really need to go through the existing files in the game and pull up objects that match the existing decorations! There are a lot of lonely infrastructure pieces with no matching decorations, but there are clearly many additional pieces to their sets seen throughout the game! The themes for our current decorations are scattered and often discolored from one another.

Future upcoming decorations that currently only exist within the guild hall decorations panel will not cover this issue. New additions to the existing sets of guild hall decoration themes have been few throughout the years for nearly everything, except for things like holiday decorations.

Edited by Quench.7091
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