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What race would you most like to see playable and why?


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Kodan are too close to the Norn to be considered interesting in any way. Even if they weren't so redundant, they are just the perfect example of "just a human with animal head" that cheap and boring fantasy uses all the time trying to cover its lack of any real creativity.And frankly, their "wisdom"...Most of what Kodan say are meaningless pseudo-mystic cliches taken directly form a patchouli organic shampoo commercial.So NO. Please NO.

And Largos... were to begin?Largos are basically a pale humanoid with close fit black clothes, a mask, long ears and black butterfly wings. And they are "mysterious". In other words, Largos are a shallow, token placeholder for something that isn't there.Figure: they are just human rigs. What's the addition to enrich the game?Mask: they don't have a facial design, or even expressions. But their masks are crucial to their design... Take their mask off and people might even stop liking them, because they will stop being so "mysterious". Also, how will you customize them? A mask over a mask?Ears: so they are elven like. Why there must always be elves? Tyria don't need elves. Please don´t.Wings: Lets say the wings are part of their anatomy. Then they will ALWAYS clip with weapons and backpacks and everything. Lets say they are NOT part of their anatomy. Then they are nothing more than humans in scuba catsuits. Whats is the point with a race then? A "Largos armor set"would have the same impact. Even an outfit would.Culture: "We keep our secrets". "We work alone". "We compete with other assassin clans". "We don't talk much". "We are mysterious". "We wear black, and backstab things" "we live in he dark under water" ... If they become a race they will be breaking lore every single minute a player uses it: Imagine a group of Largos, colorful in their half naked fluffy pink buttcaps, jumping around in their clipping ugly-cloth gliders and tropical bird wings while shooting rainbow unicorns against a giant lava golem while inside a volcano. I know norn mustachios, sylvari mushroom heads and charr saijan manes have some similar effect... but IMO with Largos it would simply destroy whatever little they had of respectable in the first place. Because they are so cliche, they don't have anything besides being fishy bondage fetishists.

So... please.No more elves, no more black, no more emo solitary assasins. Please, keep GW2 original. No wings over wings. No aquadrows.And if Anet ever needs a new playable water dwelling race to fight against Steve I really hope they choose the Quaggans: I prefer cute rabid manatees over emo drowned Drizzt cosplayers, any day of the week.

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I would choose Largos.Largos are pretty mysterious race, who cares that Elven alike ? We've got enough large ocean on our map to put there their capital city, starting area map and some kind of next expansion locations. The fact that we could face underwater monsters and play as one of the most badȧss (for me) races is really amazing. Of course the problem is with their anatomy. They have covered faces it's mean - minus to character's creation and trouble with helmets. They've got their wings too. It's another problem since it's part of their body too.. Well, anyway ANet made really great mounts in last expansion so this kind of problems like above shouldn't be problem for them really.@Ardid.7203 Go buy a Quaggan Tranformation Tonic or something. Your problem will be solved.Greetings.PS. Ardid, I'm joking of course.

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Largos. My reasons are a little weird:

  • A lot of the alternative race voice acting is off-putting for me. Sometimes it's a fake-sounding accent, sometimes it's the line delivery. I like what the VAs have done with Largos voices, though, in contrast to the soporific-voices of the Kodan.
  • Blue. It's a soothing hue.
  • Violent yet cooperative; I think it provides for more interesting dramatic tension than the Buddhist Kodan or (ahem) flighty Tengu.
  • Amphibious race, gives ANet another excuse to overhaul underwater content, including combat.
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