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We don't touch core ranger to nerf druid : Here how you nerf Druid the easy and safe way


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@jcbroe.4329 said:Was that response even intended for me?I'm not sure what you're on about @Arheundel.6451 with that response, but I already said earlier your change doesn't rebalance anything.

People will still choose Druidic Clarity, because in this metagame why would you choose anything else, and good Druids will still be able to 1v1 and 1v2 the vast majority of people they're up against.

It's just not a tangible solution, you're just removing an option from a build that will still remain the dominant build without even remotely touching it's capabilities, and your own bias is keeping you from understanding that it's tools that come from the core ranger toolkit that need how they interact with Druid changed, not nerfed, in order to rebalance this particular build that's over performing; not Druid as a whole.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the common PvP playerbase suggestion of increasing the cooldown on Celestial Form to 18-20 seconds before any of the ideas that keep getting thrown around on this subforum, because although it's heavy handed in how it doesn't affect all builds equally, at least it suggests a basic understanding of what the actual problem is.

Hey JC hows it going man, i havent seen you play in game for like a year. You and Durzlla

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I dont understand what the problem here is.There's complaints about disengage, but in PvP, you force a disengage, you win the fight for the node. Stealth = point cap contribution lost.People complain about how impossible to kill they are, but any condi/CC burst once they enter Avatar will either force a disengage and the node is yours - you dont have to kill to win it, but I guess thats why people complain about thief disengage too, huh?

If there has to be a nerf, just Change Celestial Shadow to Swiftness instead of Super Speed (or just take the super speed away without anything else) so they dont cover so much distance to be in range for cleave/reveal/whatever.But no, I guess Druid's still gonna be OP, even after myriad nerfs from Glyphs (which are more or less trash now), to healing power scaling, to CA's cooldown, to Ancient Seed's Cooldown.........

Just keep nerfing without buffing or compensating the stuff that's fallen to the wayside.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:Was that response even intended for me?I'm not sure what you're on about @"Arheundel.6451" with that response, but I already said earlier your change doesn't rebalance anything.

People will still choose Druidic Clarity, because in this metagame why would you choose anything else, and good Druids will still be able to 1v1 and 1v2 the vast majority of people they're up against.

It's just not a tangible solution, you're just removing an option from a build that will still remain the dominant build without even remotely touching it's capabilities, and your own bias is keeping you from understanding that it's tools that come from the core ranger toolkit that need how they interact with Druid changed, not nerfed, in order to rebalance this particular build that's over performing; not Druid as a whole.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the common PvP playerbase suggestion of increasing the cooldown on Celestial Form to 18-20 seconds before any of the ideas that keep getting thrown around on this subforum, because although it's heavy handed in how it doesn't affect all builds equally, at least it suggests a basic understanding of what the actual problem is.

I don't remember ever saying that a good player should not be able to 1v1 or even 1vs2..what I remember expressing with my threads is that below average player should not be able to 1v1...let alone 1vs2 and that something we have right now with specs like druid & similar, but this is my personal unpopular opinion, there should be no safety net for bad gameplay with whatever class you play out of the current 9.

The one above is my honest opinion and again I don't remember ever trying to hide it...I made countless threads asking to remove the training wheels from this game and introduce real punishments for mistakes like it happens in a real balanced scenario...to the dismay of all casuals who enjoy free rides on auto-mode specs, that's I how I call all meta build atm, low effort = high reward

With all this said and out of the way...let me restate the title of this thread : "We don't touch core ranger to nerf druid : Here how you nerf Druid the easy and safe way" - the thread is not about my opinion of balance , it's about sane basic logic , to get rid of a problem ...we solve the issue causing it...we don't cover it and the issue is with druid alone.

I find it rather odd...you say first that a core trait is what gives druid their sustain....then says that soulbeast hasn't got enough sustain when using the same core traits and now to nerf druid sustain...we must nerf core traits...what?? But the best part is that you admit any problem soulbeast may have...rely entirely on their traitline so why do you change your opinion when it comes to druid?

You really don't want to lose access to CS while having DC do you? CS is a safety net for bad gameplay which get passed as "being good" by a deluded playerbase, the same one that advocate for passive invulnerability, insta aoe at low CD, stunbreaks on dodges, aoe launch skills with 600 radius with low CD etc etc etc etc.

I mean..keep it all at this point, but let's stop this carebear process which defies all laws of common sense

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Was that response even intended for me?I'm not sure what you're on about @Arheundel.6451 with that response, but I already said earlier your change doesn't rebalance anything.

People will still choose Druidic Clarity, because in this metagame why would you choose anything else, and good Druids will still be able to 1v1 and 1v2 the vast majority of people they're up against.

It's just not a tangible solution, you're just removing an option from a build that will still remain the dominant build without even remotely touching it's capabilities, and your own bias is keeping you from understanding that it's tools that come from the core ranger toolkit that need how they interact with Druid changed, not nerfed, in order to rebalance this particular build that's over performing; not Druid as a whole.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the common PvP playerbase suggestion of increasing the cooldown on Celestial Form to 18-20 seconds before any of the ideas that keep getting thrown around on this subforum, because although it's heavy handed in how it doesn't affect all builds equally, at least it suggests a basic understanding of what the actual problem is.

I don't remember ever saying that a good player should not be able to 1v1 or even 1vs2..what I remember expressing with my threads is that below average player should not be able to 1v1...let alone 1vs2 and that something we have right now with specs like druid & similar,
but this is my personal unpopular opinion
, there should be no safety net for bad gameplay with whatever class you play out of the current 9.

The one above is my honest opinion and again I don't remember ever trying to hide it...I made countless threads asking to remove the training wheels from this game and introduce real punishments for mistakes like it happens in a real balanced scenario...to the dismay of all casuals who enjoy free rides on auto-mode specs, that's I how I call all meta build atm, low effort = high reward

With all this said and out of the way...let me restate the title of this thread : "We don't touch core ranger to nerf druid : Here how you nerf Druid the easy and safe way" - the thread is not about my opinion of balance , it's about sane basic logic , to get rid of a problem ...we solve the issue causing it...we don't cover it and the issue is with druid alone.

I find it rather odd...you say first that a core trait is what gives druid their sustain....then says that soulbeast hasn't got enough sustain when using the same core traits and now to nerf druid sustain...we must nerf core traits...what?? But the best part is that you admit any problem soulbeast may have...rely entirely on their traitline so why do you change your opinion when it comes to druid?

You really don't want to lose access to CS while having DC do you? CS is a safety net for bad gameplay which get passed as "being good" by a deluded playerbase, the same one that advocate for passive invulnerability, insta aoe at low CD, stunbreaks on dodges, aoe launch skills with 600 radius with low CD etc etc etc etc.

I mean..keep it all at this point, but let's stop this carebear process which defies all laws of common sense

I said bad traits, not bad sustain.

Nothing else you said is worth my responding to, it's hyperbole and assumptions and projecting your own bias to protect your "safety net" options you'd like to protect, and you're completely incapable of having a logical and reasoning backed conversation. The moment someone disagrees with you, you go on the offensive with insults and hyperbolic remarks to destabilize any sort of actual conversation that could be had about the topic just so that you can be right and so that you can push your bias against Druid.

You're trolling, and it needs to be clearly stated for anybody else reading so they know to not waste their time and effort being civil with you or giving anything you say any thought.

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If we're going to talk 'common sense' let's also acknowledge the obvious: Asking or suggesting a class be nerfed on that class's forum is never going to go over well. Also, anyone with any history with this class knows all about nerfs. So, yes, we rangers understand what nerfing and poor balancing does to our class already.

Again, no thank you.

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@AEFA.9035 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Was that response even intended for me?I'm not sure what you're on about @Arheundel.6451 with that response, but I already said earlier your change doesn't rebalance anything.

People will still choose Druidic Clarity, because in this metagame why would you choose anything else, and good Druids will still be able to 1v1 and 1v2 the vast majority of people they're up against.

It's just not a tangible solution, you're just removing an option from a build that will still remain the dominant build without even remotely touching it's capabilities, and your own bias is keeping you from understanding that it's tools that come from the core ranger toolkit that need how they interact with Druid changed, not nerfed, in order to rebalance this particular build that's over performing; not Druid as a whole.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the common PvP playerbase suggestion of increasing the cooldown on Celestial Form to 18-20 seconds before any of the ideas that keep getting thrown around on this subforum, because although it's heavy handed in how it doesn't affect all builds equally, at least it suggests a basic understanding of what the actual problem is.

Hey JC hows it going man, i havent seen you play in game for like a year. You and Durzlla

Hahaha hey man, it going good, how about yourself? I work 13 hour days now with my commute so my whole gaming schedule swapped around, but still no break from it, so I guess I'm just missing you in game.

Durz still plays, and he comments here from time to time too!

...I can't wait for a new balance patch. Make these obnoxious threads obsolete.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Was that response even intended for me?I'm not sure what you're on about @Arheundel.6451 with that response, but I already said earlier your change doesn't rebalance anything.

People will still choose Druidic Clarity, because in this metagame why would you choose anything else, and good Druids will still be able to 1v1 and 1v2 the vast majority of people they're up against.

It's just not a tangible solution, you're just removing an option from a build that will still remain the dominant build without even remotely touching it's capabilities, and your own bias is keeping you from understanding that it's tools that come from the core ranger toolkit that need how they interact with Druid changed, not nerfed, in order to rebalance this particular build that's over performing; not Druid as a whole.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the common PvP playerbase suggestion of increasing the cooldown on Celestial Form to 18-20 seconds before any of the ideas that keep getting thrown around on this subforum, because although it's heavy handed in how it doesn't affect all builds equally, at least it suggests a basic understanding of what the actual problem is.

I don't remember ever saying that a good player should not be able to 1v1 or even 1vs2..what I remember expressing with my threads is that below average player should not be able to 1v1...let alone 1vs2 and that something we have right now with specs like druid & similar,
but this is my personal unpopular opinion
, there should be no safety net for bad gameplay with whatever class you play out of the current 9.

The one above is my honest opinion and again I don't remember ever trying to hide it...I made countless threads asking to remove the training wheels from this game and introduce real punishments for mistakes like it happens in a real balanced scenario...to the dismay of all casuals who enjoy free rides on auto-mode specs, that's I how I call all meta build atm, low effort = high reward

With all this said and out of the way...let me restate the title of this thread : "We don't touch core ranger to nerf druid : Here how you nerf Druid the easy and safe way" - the thread is not about my opinion of balance , it's about sane basic logic , to get rid of a problem ...we solve the issue causing it...we don't cover it and the issue is with druid alone.

I find it rather odd...you say first that a core trait is what gives druid their sustain....then says that soulbeast hasn't got enough sustain when using the same core traits and now to nerf druid sustain...we must nerf core traits...what?? But the best part is that you admit any problem soulbeast may have...rely entirely on their traitline so why do you change your opinion when it comes to druid?

You really don't want to lose access to CS while having DC do you? CS is a safety net for bad gameplay which get passed as "being good" by a deluded playerbase, the same one that advocate for passive invulnerability, insta aoe at low CD, stunbreaks on dodges, aoe launch skills with 600 radius with low CD etc etc etc etc.

I mean..keep it all at this point, but let's stop this carebear process which defies all laws of common sense

I said bad traits, not bad sustain.

Nothing else you said is worth my responding to, it's hyperbole and assumptions and projecting your own bias to protect your "safety net" options you'd like to protect, and you're completely incapable of having a logical and reasoning backed conversation. The moment someone disagrees with you, you go on the offensive with insults and hyperbolic remarks to destabilize any sort of actual conversation that could be had about the topic just so that you can be right and so that you can push your bias against Druid.

You're trolling, and it needs to be clearly stated for anybody else reading so they know to not waste their time and effort being civil with you or giving anything you say any thought.

-There are videos of devs explaining the same thing I have tried to show-TOP players says the same thing-You have no data whatsoever to back up your claims that nerfing any core trait would solve druid issues..nothing other than rants

  • I talk about hard logic : druid issues - you nerf druid traitline...1+1=2...you're free to your own opinion..but sadly hard logic is not an opinion
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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Was that response even intended for me?I'm not sure what you're on about @Arheundel.6451 with that response, but I already said earlier your change doesn't rebalance anything.

People will still choose Druidic Clarity, because in this metagame why would you choose anything else, and good Druids will still be able to 1v1 and 1v2 the vast majority of people they're up against.

It's just not a tangible solution, you're just removing an option from a build that will still remain the dominant build without even remotely touching it's capabilities, and your own bias is keeping you from understanding that it's tools that come from the core ranger toolkit that need how they interact with Druid changed, not nerfed, in order to rebalance this particular build that's over performing; not Druid as a whole.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the common PvP playerbase suggestion of increasing the cooldown on Celestial Form to 18-20 seconds before any of the ideas that keep getting thrown around on this subforum, because although it's heavy handed in how it doesn't affect all builds equally, at least it suggests a basic understanding of what the actual problem is.

I don't remember ever saying that a good player should not be able to 1v1 or even 1vs2..what I remember expressing with my threads is that below average player should not be able to 1v1...let alone 1vs2 and that something we have right now with specs like druid & similar,
but this is my personal unpopular opinion
, there should be no safety net for bad gameplay with whatever class you play out of the current 9.

The one above is my honest opinion and again I don't remember ever trying to hide it...I made countless threads asking to remove the training wheels from this game and introduce real punishments for mistakes like it happens in a real balanced scenario...to the dismay of all casuals who enjoy free rides on auto-mode specs, that's I how I call all meta build atm, low effort = high reward

With all this said and out of the way...let me restate the title of this thread : "We don't touch core ranger to nerf druid : Here how you nerf Druid the easy and safe way" - the thread is not about my opinion of balance , it's about sane basic logic , to get rid of a problem ...we solve the issue causing it...we don't cover it and the issue is with druid alone.

I find it rather odd...you say first that a core trait is what gives druid their sustain....then says that soulbeast hasn't got enough sustain when using the same core traits and now to nerf druid sustain...we must nerf core traits...what?? But the best part is that you admit any problem soulbeast may have...rely entirely on their traitline so why do you change your opinion when it comes to druid?

You really don't want to lose access to CS while having DC do you? CS is a safety net for bad gameplay which get passed as "being good" by a deluded playerbase, the same one that advocate for passive invulnerability, insta aoe at low CD, stunbreaks on dodges, aoe launch skills with 600 radius with low CD etc etc etc etc.

I mean..keep it all at this point, but let's stop this carebear process which defies all laws of common sense

I said bad traits, not bad sustain.

Nothing else you said is worth my responding to, it's hyperbole and assumptions and projecting your own bias to protect your "safety net" options you'd like to protect, and you're completely incapable of having a logical and reasoning backed conversation. The moment someone disagrees with you, you go on the offensive with insults and hyperbolic remarks to destabilize any sort of actual conversation that could be had about the topic just so that you can be right and so that you can push your bias against Druid.

You're trolling, and it needs to be clearly stated for anybody else reading so they know to not waste their time and effort being civil with you or giving anything you say any thought.

-There are videos of devs explaining the same thing I have tried to show-TOP players says the same thing-You have no data whatsoever to back up your claims that nerfing any core trait would solve druid issues..nothing other than rants
  • I talk about hard logic : druid issues - you nerf druid traitline...1+1=2...you're free to your own opinion..but sadly hard logic is not an opinion

Sounds like you need help with your build, so maybe post it so the community can help you? I’m sure we can give you some constructive gameplay pointers too!

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Video links to these dev videos and references to some of these top players that you're quoting?

Once again, you're not nerfing Druid with your suggestions. And yes, I can mathematically show you how removing the heal from Rugged Growth and reducing/compacting Troll Unguent to 4 seconds would reduce Astral Force generation if the concept itself is too hard to comprehend.

If you're going to nerf Druid, actually nerf it. You keep trying to frame me as "protecting Druid" when I'm advocating for nerfs that would directly impact the top performing Druid build.

On top of that, the stun break from Druidic Clarity and Superspeed from Celestial Shadow could be removed as well. You can even make them compete for a slot on top of it, it really makes no difference to me. I'd like to see the whole game toned down.

The thing is, you dismiss people the moment they disagree with you. I've seen you posting all around, you're not some martyr that gets attacked over and over the way you claim, you're just incapable of being objective the moment somebody expresses something that dissents with your vision of balance.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Was that response even intended for me?I'm not sure what you're on about @Arheundel.6451 with that response, but I already said earlier your change doesn't rebalance anything.

People will still choose Druidic Clarity, because in this metagame why would you choose anything else, and good Druids will still be able to 1v1 and 1v2 the vast majority of people they're up against.

It's just not a tangible solution, you're just removing an option from a build that will still remain the dominant build without even remotely touching it's capabilities, and your own bias is keeping you from understanding that it's tools that come from the core ranger toolkit that need how they interact with Druid changed, not nerfed, in order to rebalance this particular build that's over performing; not Druid as a whole.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the common PvP playerbase suggestion of increasing the cooldown on Celestial Form to 18-20 seconds before any of the ideas that keep getting thrown around on this subforum, because although it's heavy handed in how it doesn't affect all builds equally, at least it suggests a basic understanding of what the actual problem is.

Hey JC hows it going man, i havent seen you play in game for like a year. You and Durzlla

Hahaha hey man, it going good, how about yourself? I work 13 hour days now with my commute so my whole gaming schedule swapped around, but still no break from it, so I guess I'm just missing you in game.

Durz still plays, and he comments here from time to time too!

...I can't wait for a new balance patch. Make these obnoxious threads obsolete.

Hey bud-- glad to know you're doing well. I was just wondering the other day where you were at since I haven't heard much from you on the forums that you are usually pretty regular on.

13 hour days, whew! You aren't a truck driver by chance are you? I did that for a while---and 13 hour or more was the NORM. And they don't call it overtime, ha!

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Was that response even intended for me?I'm not sure what you're on about @Arheundel.6451 with that response, but I already said earlier your change doesn't rebalance anything.

People will still choose Druidic Clarity, because in this metagame why would you choose anything else, and good Druids will still be able to 1v1 and 1v2 the vast majority of people they're up against.

It's just not a tangible solution, you're just removing an option from a build that will still remain the dominant build without even remotely touching it's capabilities, and your own bias is keeping you from understanding that it's tools that come from the core ranger toolkit that need how they interact with Druid changed, not nerfed, in order to rebalance this particular build that's over performing; not Druid as a whole.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the common PvP playerbase suggestion of increasing the cooldown on Celestial Form to 18-20 seconds before any of the ideas that keep getting thrown around on this subforum, because although it's heavy handed in how it doesn't affect all builds equally, at least it suggests a basic understanding of what the actual problem is.

Hey JC hows it going man, i havent seen you play in game for like a year. You and Durzlla

Hahaha hey man, it going good, how about yourself? I work 13 hour days now with my commute so my whole gaming schedule swapped around, but still no break from it, so I guess I'm just missing you in game.

Durz still plays, and he comments here from time to time too!

...I can't wait for a new balance patch. Make these obnoxious threads obsolete.

Hey bud-- glad to know you're doing well. I was just wondering the other day where you were at since I haven't heard much from you on the forums that you are usually pretty regular on.

13 hour days, whew! You aren't a truck driver by chance are you? I did that for a while---and 13 hour or more was the NORM. And they don't call it overtime, ha!

Hahaha I'm always around for the most part.

I DO tend to appear offline when I'm PvP queuing. It's no secret that the PvP community is incredibly toxic, so it's just easier to enjoy long PvP sessions when you can take that preemptive measure to shut down a venue of toxicity.

But yeah, not a truck driver. I'm a services programmer. I add to, alter, and upgrade a business suite software product as well as doing support for it, which ranges from resetting passwords and adding users to fixing bugs and customizing aspects of the core product to suite individual needs.

I guess it's a tad misleading to say a 13 hour workday to include the commute as part of that day, but I drive 1.5 hours to work 1 way, and am always available to work from home at any time of day.

I love it though, can't complain. It would just explain why my playtimes have gone from late NA to basically dinner time EST NA. And then I'm sporadic on the weekends. I could wakeup and play at 5am or not get on until midnight and play UNTIL 5am lol.

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@Erzian.5218 said:or you just nerf the scaling with healing power because ranger already has a bunker spec in druid, we don't need another one. If the core/elites fulfill the same role, only one of them will be viable at the end of the day.

Or they already did that to healing power... and nerfed CA to 15s in wvw and spvp.

Do you peeps seriously think that there is a perfect build that counters every other build? Learn to use counters in your builds and practice.

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And there it is. It's not like we haven't already gone through this over and over again. Please quit asking to nerf someone when you could be asking to buff yourself. The answer is not to always ask for someone's class to be destroyed just because either: A. You don't have the skill or ability to play against someone who does or B. Didn't take the time to min/max your talents and ability and then complain when someone else did.

Again, the problem isn't always someone else.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@Erzian.5218 said:or you just nerf the scaling with healing power because ranger already has a bunker spec in druid, we don't need another one. If the core/elites fulfill the same role, only one of them will be viable at the end of the day.

Or they already did that to healing power... and nerfed CA to 15s in wvw and spvp.

Do you peeps seriously think that there is a perfect build that counters every other build? Learn to use counters in your builds and practice.

The worst match up that druid has is a stalemate where you actually have to play properly to some extend. Most 1v1 match ups as druid are actually so ridiculously easy that you can watch tv while playing and still survive without any troubles.Druid needs a nerf and nerfing the scaling will do that without nerfing other ranger builds, unless we are talking about bunkers. The problem with promoting other bunker builds for ranger is that those are either outperformed by druid as it is currently the case or they will outperform druid. If the latter is the case, we have rendered druid useless and in the end we have solved nothing but simply moved the issue from druid onto core/soulbeast.

@Ardenwolfe.8590: We should nerf things because power creep is already over the top. In fact, the current top tier builds are so good at what they do, that there is barely any room for different builds. This results in low build variety and a very frustrating experience for those who do not play or enjoy the current top tier classes/builds. Any buff to core traits has the potential to just push the best builds further instead of closing the gap between the best and the remaining builds.While the buff to wilderness survival (rugged growth) has made core ranger stronger, it also has made druid stronger. As a result, you don't see more core rangers/soul beasts but instead you see more druids. You should aim to nerf the elite spec in a way that does not affect alternative builds (= builds that fill a different role), so you either nerf druid traits or you nerf core ranger traits in a way that doesn't affect non-bunker builds. Nerfing the scaling on rugged growth does exactly that.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:Was that response even intended for me?I'm not sure what you're on about @Arheundel.6451 with that response, but I already said earlier your change doesn't rebalance anything.

People will still choose Druidic Clarity, because in this metagame why would you choose anything else, and good Druids will still be able to 1v1 and 1v2 the vast majority of people they're up against.

It's just not a tangible solution, you're just removing an option from a build that will still remain the dominant build without even remotely touching it's capabilities, and your own bias is keeping you from understanding that it's tools that come from the core ranger toolkit that need how they interact with Druid changed, not nerfed, in order to rebalance this particular build that's over performing; not Druid as a whole.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the common PvP playerbase suggestion of increasing the cooldown on Celestial Form to 18-20 seconds before any of the ideas that keep getting thrown around on this subforum, because although it's heavy handed in how it doesn't affect all builds equally, at least it suggests a basic understanding of what the actual problem is.

Hey JC hows it going man, i havent seen you play in game for like a year. You and Durzlla

Hahaha hey man, it going good, how about yourself? I work 13 hour days now with my commute so my whole gaming schedule swapped around, but still no break from it, so I guess I'm just missing you in game.

Durz still plays, and he comments here from time to time too!

...I can't wait for a new balance patch. Make these obnoxious threads obsolete.

Hey bud-- glad to know you're doing well. I was just wondering the other day where you were at since I haven't heard much from you on the forums that you are usually pretty regular on.

13 hour days, whew! You aren't a truck driver by chance are you? I did that for a while---and 13 hour or more was the NORM. And they don't call it overtime, ha!

Hahaha I'm always around for the most part.

I DO tend to appear offline when I'm PvP queuing. It's no secret that the PvP community is incredibly toxic, so it's just easier to enjoy long PvP sessions when you can take that preemptive measure to shut down a venue of toxicity.

But yeah, not a truck driver. I'm a services programmer. I add to, alter, and upgrade a business suite software product as well as doing support for it, which ranges from resetting passwords and adding users to fixing bugs and customizing aspects of the core product to suite individual needs.

I guess it's a tad misleading to say a 13 hour workday to include the commute as part of that day, but I drive 1.5 hours to work 1 way, and am always available to work from home at any time of day.

I love it though, can't complain. It would just explain why my playtimes have gone from late NA to basically dinner time EST NA. And then I'm sporadic on the weekends. I could wakeup and play at 5am or not get on until midnight and play UNTIL 5am lol.

I'm surprised with all my opinionated posts(at times not so popular), someone hasn't chatted me up online and told me off :open_mouth:Your job sounds fun

Not sure what I feel about Ranger/Druid/Soulbeast at the moment-- at least in pvp.I've been using soulbeast and while the dmg is really good and can take scourges out of a game--- it just seems too soft.

I was in that mini arena there in the spvp area and everyone was either a Warior/Guard/Necro/Mesmer--and they all could take the dmg AND put out more than their fare share......hard to understand where Ranger fits in. And still we seem to be in a better spot than ele's---and I think we are better off than Revenant...or maybe Ranger just has a larger base of players playing since launch.

CheersCya in game

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:All these threads do is tell me that Soulbeast needs some buffs. So far, no one is complaining about that elite spec. Quite the opposite compared to the other elite specs that came with Path of Fire.

Think about it.

Yeah, we aren't at the bottom of the heap and we aren't at the top.

Necro, warrior , guard and mesmer at the top---still need thieves to decap points.Rangers in the middleEles and revenants at the bottom.

And then with ele's...what's a little mindblowing, to me at least, you have Cellofrag who makes top 10 (I believe) or at least top 25 on an Ele.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:@"Arheundel.6451"

Video links to these dev videos and references to some of these top players that you're quoting?

Once again, you're not nerfing Druid with your suggestions. And yes, I can mathematically show you how removing the heal from Rugged Growth and reducing/compacting Troll Unguent to 4 seconds would reduce Astral Force generation if the concept itself is too hard to comprehend.

If you're going to nerf Druid, actually nerf it. You keep trying to frame me as "protecting Druid" when I'm advocating for nerfs that would directly impact the top performing Druid build.

On top of that, the stun break from Druidic Clarity and Superspeed from Celestial Shadow could be removed as well. You can even make them compete for a slot on top of it, it really makes no difference to me. I'd like to see the whole game toned down.

The thing is, you dismiss people the moment they disagree with you. I've seen you posting all around, you're not some martyr that gets attacked over and over the way you claim, you're just incapable of being objective the moment somebody expresses something that dissents with your vision of balance.

Very well said @jcbroe.4329 .

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@Erzian.5218 said:

@Erzian.5218 said:or you just nerf the scaling with healing power because ranger already has a bunker spec in druid, we don't need another one. If the core/elites fulfill the same role, only one of them will be viable at the end of the day.

Or they already did that to healing power... and nerfed CA to 15s in wvw and spvp.

Do you peeps seriously think that there is a perfect build that counters every other build? Learn to use counters in your builds and practice.

The worst match up that druid has is a stalemate where you actually have to play properly to some extend. Most 1v1 match ups as druid are actually so ridiculously easy that you can watch tv while playing and still survive without any troubles.Druid needs a nerf and nerfing the scaling will do that without nerfing other ranger builds, unless we are talking about bunkers. The problem with promoting other bunker builds for ranger is that those are either outperformed by druid as it is currently the case or they will outperform druid. If the latter is the case, we have rendered druid useless and in the end we have solved nothing but simply moved the issue from druid onto core/soulbeast.

@Ardenwolfe.8590: We should nerf things because power creep is already over the top. In fact, the current top tier builds are so good at what they do, that there is barely any room for different builds. This results in low build variety and a very frustrating experience for those who do not play or enjoy the current top tier classes/builds. Any buff to core traits has the potential to just push the best builds further instead of closing the gap between the best and the remaining builds.While the buff to wilderness survival (rugged growth) has made core ranger stronger, it also has made druid stronger. As a result, you don't see more core rangers/soul beasts but instead you see more druids. You should aim to nerf the elite spec in a way that does not affect alternative builds (= builds that fill a different role), so you either nerf druid traits or you nerf core ranger traits in a way that doesn't affect non-bunker builds. Nerfing the scaling on rugged growth does exactly that.

Just because some players aren’t willing to improve their builds, learn counter skills and practice... doesn’t mean another professions build needs a nerf.

The last post you made talked about nerfing heal power right? Right. 1. You didn’t know the heal power changes. 2. You didn’t know that CA was already nerfed by 5s. 3. You called for heal nerf on top of the heal nerfs we already had to the healing aspect of the build... when POISON DEBUFFS ALL HEALING BY 33% and recent dev changes made conditions LAST LONGER.

You, and some other players, want to play competitive modes, yet you’re not willing to put in the effort on your own. You get beat and run to the board for nerfs instead of using potential counters in your own builds... and practicing... and learning... The devs will not make you a better player, that’s on you.

And if noncompetitve players keep clamoring for nerfs, and get them because the devs see those players as not capable, then good players will play something else and still destroy you in the little spvp circle.

There are counters for everything. Use them.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

Just because some players aren’t willing to improve their builds, learn counter skills and practice... doesn’t mean another professions build needs a nerf.

The last post you made talked about nerfing heal power right? Right. 1. You didn’t know the heal power changes. 2. You didn’t know that CA was already nerfed by 5s. 3. You called for heal nerf on top of the heal nerfs we already had to the healing aspect of the build... when POISON DEBUFFS ALL HEALING BY 33% and recent dev changes made conditions LAST LONGER.

You, and some other players, want to play competitive modes, yet you’re not willing to put in the effort on your own. You get beat and run to the board for nerfs instead of using potential counters in your own builds... and practicing... and learning... The devs will not make you a better player, that’s on you.

And if noncompetitve players keep clamoring for nerfs, and get them because the devs see those players as not capable, then good players will play something else and still destroy you in the little spvp circle.

There are counters for everything. Use them.

Don't talk about others not putting in any/enough effort, while you don't even bother to read and understand what others have written. Nowhere have I said anything about nerfig CA, I was talking about rugged growth. Apart from that, just because something has been nerfed at some point that doesn't mean it does't overperform anymore (e.g. scourge and firebrand were also nerfed since their release, yet they are still broken). Druid right now has too much sustain and (since you are such a big fan of effort) requires about 0 effort to be decent and only very little effort to actually be great. In fact, the build is so easy to play, that one can log on after more than 3 months of inactivity and immediately do well enough to win daily prime time ATs.Well, perhaps you can't, but I certainly can ;)

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@Erzian.5218 said:

Just because some players aren’t willing to improve their builds, learn counter skills and practice... doesn’t mean another professions build needs a nerf.

The last post you made talked about nerfing heal power right? Right. 1. You didn’t know the heal power changes. 2. You didn’t know that CA was already nerfed by 5s. 3. You called for heal nerf on top of the heal nerfs we already had to the healing aspect of the build... when POISON DEBUFFS ALL HEALING BY 33% and recent dev changes made conditions LAST LONGER.

You, and some other players, want to play competitive modes, yet you’re not willing to put in the effort on your own. You get beat and run to the board for nerfs instead of using potential counters in your own builds... and practicing... and learning... The devs will not make you a better player, that’s on you.

And if noncompetitve players keep clamoring for nerfs, and get them because the devs see those players as not capable, then good players will play something else and still destroy you in the little spvp circle.

There are counters for everything. Use them.

Don't talk about others not putting in any/enough effort, while you don't even bother to read and understand what others have written. Nowhere have I said anything about nerfig CA, I was talking about rugged growth. Apart from that, just because something has been nerfed at some point that doesn't mean it does't overperform anymore (e.g. scourge and firebrand were also nerfed since their release, yet they are still broken). Druid right now has too much sustain and (since you are such a big fan of effort) requires about 0 effort to be decent and only very little effort to actually be great. In fact, the build is so easy to play, that one can log on after more than 3 months of inactivity and immediately do well enough to win daily prime time ATs.Well, perhaps you can't, but I certainly can ;)

You... “or you just nerf the scaling with healing power ”

Some of you take zero responsibility for your losses and expect the devs to do the heavy lifting. Some seem to not have an interest in improving, only providing irrational complaints to things that are fixed by fixing your skills and your builds.

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