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Looking for WvW NA active server


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@shiri.4257 said:goto www.crystal-desert.com and join the CD discord. The NA EST guilds can tell you more about themselves. CD has only a handful of EST organized groups compared to other servers in t1-t3. best to feel them out. I'm late NA/PST, won't speak on their behalf.

Thanks! I'll look into the website and Discord. Also apparently JQ is closed/full now. Well that's one less server I have to worry about picking lol. FA/SoS/CD. (Or apparently Gate of Madness. or NSP which I hadn't considered. I'm going to have to look at website on the timezone stuff for those two.)

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@Jerry CCH.9816 said:JQ only 2hr wvw server now。 SEA/OCX/EU full dead now since InS(ocx tz) xfer off , Exa(EU tz) xfe4 off , TPA quit game (SEA tz)

And apparently we are still closed. If an entire server of people are unable to understand the logic then there is no logic behind this gaming system.

Frankly speaking the devs or whoever the fuck is in charge of the current wvw gaming system I.e matches and population should simply be fired

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@arenta.2953 said:

@"Xruptor.3965" said:I'm currently on Dragonbrand but it feels mostly empty when I play WvW. I live on NA EST. According to
. Yaks Bend and Sea of Sorrows are at the top of the list for NA EST. Yet, I'm extremely confused as I read that SoS is mostly a OCX/SEA server. There are several threads dating back to October stating this. So I'm confused as to why it's showing up as NA EST. From what I've gathered it appears that Fort Aspenwood is a better matchup for NA EST. I'm open to suggestions. Currently i'm in a tossup between Sea of Sorrows or Fort Aspenwood. Any help would be great. I'm just looking for more WvW active times. Dragonbrand seems to be a complete mess for me in terms of timezones.

JQ is open. get in before they close it.

Hmm SOS is the only server that is committed to T1 and dethroning BG coverage is filling up fast ,JQ only play 9 mths of the year as shown by their 3 month off when it gets tough as proved by the guilds that have left.

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@cobbah.3102 said:

@"Xruptor.3965" said:I'm currently on Dragonbrand but it feels mostly empty when I play WvW. I live on NA EST. According to
. Yaks Bend and Sea of Sorrows are at the top of the list for NA EST. Yet, I'm extremely confused as I read that SoS is mostly a OCX/SEA server. There are several threads dating back to October stating this. So I'm confused as to why it's showing up as NA EST. From what I've gathered it appears that Fort Aspenwood is a better matchup for NA EST. I'm open to suggestions. Currently i'm in a tossup between Sea of Sorrows or Fort Aspenwood. Any help would be great. I'm just looking for more WvW active times. Dragonbrand seems to be a complete mess for me in terms of timezones.

JQ is open. get in before they close it.

Hmm SOS is the only server that is committed to T1 and dethroning BG coverage is filling up fast ,JQ only play 9 mths of the year as shown by their 3 month off when it gets tough as proved by the guilds that have left.

According to the charts. Looks like SoS has both PST and EST playtimes. If you look at (https://wvwstats.com/timezones/1016) You'll see that the Kills and Deaths are greater during the EST and PST times. I'm assuming that is because it peaks at those times. Which is exactly what I'm looking for. Do you feel the this is the case for PST and EST on the SoS server?

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@Xruptor.3965 said:

@Xruptor.3965 said:I'm currently on Dragonbrand but it feels mostly empty when I play WvW. I live on NA EST. According to
. Yaks Bend and Sea of Sorrows are at the top of the list for NA EST. Yet, I'm extremely confused as I read that SoS is mostly a OCX/SEA server. There are several threads dating back to October stating this. So I'm confused as to why it's showing up as NA EST. From what I've gathered it appears that Fort Aspenwood is a better matchup for NA EST. I'm open to suggestions. Currently i'm in a tossup between Sea of Sorrows or Fort Aspenwood. Any help would be great. I'm just looking for more WvW active times. Dragonbrand seems to be a complete mess for me in terms of timezones.

JQ is open. get in before they close it.

Hmm SOS is the only server that is committed to T1 and dethroning BG coverage is filling up fast ,JQ only play 9 mths of the year as shown by their 3 month off when it gets tough as proved by the guilds that have left.

According to the charts. Looks like SoS has both PST and EST playtimes. If you look at (
) You'll see that the Kills and Deaths are greater during the EST and PST times. I'm assuming that is because it peaks at those times. Which is exactly what I'm looking for. Do you feel the this is the case for PST and EST on the SoS server?

The timezone stats can be misleading since they are based on the current match and change with regards to the changes in opposing servers from match to match. Like right now it is showing FA's OCX at rank 2 but there's been matches where it was ranked much lower and that's before an OCX guild transferred to a different server!

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@Chaba.5410 said:

@Xruptor.3965 said:I'm currently on Dragonbrand but it feels mostly empty when I play WvW. I live on NA EST. According to
. Yaks Bend and Sea of Sorrows are at the top of the list for NA EST. Yet, I'm extremely confused as I read that SoS is mostly a OCX/SEA server. There are several threads dating back to October stating this. So I'm confused as to why it's showing up as NA EST. From what I've gathered it appears that Fort Aspenwood is a better matchup for NA EST. I'm open to suggestions. Currently i'm in a tossup between Sea of Sorrows or Fort Aspenwood. Any help would be great. I'm just looking for more WvW active times. Dragonbrand seems to be a complete mess for me in terms of timezones.

JQ is open. get in before they close it.

Hmm SOS is the only server that is committed to T1 and dethroning BG coverage is filling up fast ,JQ only play 9 mths of the year as shown by their 3 month off when it gets tough as proved by the guilds that have left.

According to the charts. Looks like SoS has both PST and EST playtimes. If you look at (
) You'll see that the Kills and Deaths are greater during the EST and PST times. I'm assuming that is because it peaks at those times. Which is exactly what I'm looking for. Do you feel the this is the case for PST and EST on the SoS server?

The timezone stats can be misleading since they are based on the current match and change with regards to the changes in opposing servers from match to match. Like right now it is showing FA's OCX at rank 2 but there's been matches where it was ranked much lower and that's before an OCX guild transferred to a different server!

Darn I didn't realize that. Thanks for pointing it out for FA. Not sure why I didn't see it listed at 2nd place for SEA. Well that pretty much puts me within SoS, NSP or CD

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@Xruptor.3965 said:

@Xruptor.3965 said:I'm currently on Dragonbrand but it feels mostly empty when I play WvW. I live on NA EST. According to
. Yaks Bend and Sea of Sorrows are at the top of the list for NA EST. Yet, I'm extremely confused as I read that SoS is mostly a OCX/SEA server. There are several threads dating back to October stating this. So I'm confused as to why it's showing up as NA EST. From what I've gathered it appears that Fort Aspenwood is a better matchup for NA EST. I'm open to suggestions. Currently i'm in a tossup between Sea of Sorrows or Fort Aspenwood. Any help would be great. I'm just looking for more WvW active times. Dragonbrand seems to be a complete mess for me in terms of timezones.

JQ is open. get in before they close it.

Hmm SOS is the only server that is committed to T1 and dethroning BG coverage is filling up fast ,JQ only play 9 mths of the year as shown by their 3 month off when it gets tough as proved by the guilds that have left.

According to the charts. Looks like SoS has both PST and EST playtimes. If you look at (
) You'll see that the Kills and Deaths are greater during the EST and PST times. I'm assuming that is because it peaks at those times. Which is exactly what I'm looking for. Do you feel the this is the case for PST and EST on the SoS server?

The timezone stats can be misleading since they are based on the current match and change with regards to the changes in opposing servers from match to match. Like right now it is showing FA's OCX at rank 2 but there's been matches where it was ranked much lower and that's before an OCX guild transferred to a different server!

Darn I didn't realize that. Thanks for pointing it out for FA. Not sure why I didn't see it listed at 2nd place for SEA. Well that pretty much puts me within SoS, NSP or CD

Huh? I don't understand your reasoning. All server timezone ranks fluctuate based on who they are currently against. Dragonbrand is showing low because of who their opponents are. In a different match it would be higher.

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@Chaba.5410 said:Huh? I don't understand your reasoning. All server timezone ranks fluctuate based on who they are currently against. Dragonbrand is showing low because of who their opponents are. In a different match it would be higher.

If you looks it seems it's based on activity. Based on kill / death ratio activity during specific time zones. I'm assuming it uses this formula to calculate when the servers are most active. I could be wrong of course. If that's the case if someone could explain it that would be great.

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If you're not interested in a guild, Mag has a good self sustaining pug population. There are a few that pin up but it's mostly to PPT.

They will group but not squad and hunt OJ's or even create them for PPK. They also have very good defense when called for, depending on the score.

As a bonus, map/team chat can be entertaining. My block list keeps growing every time we link with them.

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@"Loosmaster.8263" said:If you're not interested in a guild, Mag has a good self sustaining pug population. There are a few that pin up but it's mostly to PPT.

They will group but not squad and hunt OJ's or even create them for PPK. They also have very good defense when called for, depending on the score.

As a bonus, map/team chat can be entertaining. My block list keeps growing every time we link with them.

LOL your block list keeps growing each time you link up with Mag? :) That's actually kinda funny. I somewhat picture you thinking, "aw man we are linked with Mag! time to block everyone in chat."

Well I meant activity in activity in general on FA. Not just pugs. I do intend to join a guild but I've looking for both an active NA EST server and one that as active guild, pugs, etc... happening on WvW. A few here have mentioned to avoid Mags if I'm not mistaken. Not only for the timezone but apparently from the community in there or lack thereof.

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@Xruptor.3965 said:

@"Loosmaster.8263" said:If you're not interested in a guild, Mag has a good self sustaining pug population. There are a few that pin up but it's mostly to PPT.

They will group but not squad and hunt OJ's or even create them for PPK. They also have very good defense when called for, depending on the score.

As a bonus, map/team chat can be entertaining. My block list keeps growing every time we link with them.

LOL your block list keeps growing each time you link up with Mag? :) That's actually kinda funny. I somewhat picture you thinking, "aw man we are linked with Mag! time to block everyone in chat."

Well I meant activity in activity in general on FA. Not just pugs. I do intend to join a guild but I've looking for both an active NA EST server and one that as active guild, pugs, etc... happening on WvW. A few here have mentioned to avoid Mags if I'm not mistaken. Not only for the timezone but apparently from the community in there or lack thereof.

Yes, I'm on Devona's Rest. Free transfer every 2 months!!! Haven't found a server worth moving our guild to.

True you will not find both guild/pugs on Mag in your time zone.

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@Xruptor.3965 said:

@"Loosmaster.8263" said:If you're not interested in a guild, Mag has a good self sustaining pug population. There are a few that pin up but it's mostly to PPT.

They will group but not squad and hunt OJ's or even create them for PPK. They also have very good defense when called for, depending on the score.

As a bonus, map/team chat can be entertaining. My block list keeps growing every time we link with them.

LOL your block list keeps growing each time you link up with Mag? :) That's actually kinda funny. I somewhat picture you thinking, "aw man we are linked with Mag! time to block everyone in chat."

Well I meant activity in activity in general on FA. Not just pugs. I do intend to join a guild but I've looking for both an active NA EST server and one that as active guild, pugs, etc... happening on WvW. A few here have mentioned to avoid Mags if I'm not mistaken. Not only for the timezone but apparently from the community in there or lack thereof.

Ebay may be a little small, we were linked with DB not too long ago but as far as I remember we carried the NA EST timezone during our matchups.BUT, with that being said...we have some decent activity, good people and even a guild named PUGS.As far as I can see, that fits at least 2 of your major criteria :)

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@Xruptor.3965 said:Well I meant activity in activity in general on FA. Not just pugs. I do intend to join a guild but I've looking for both an active NA EST server and one that as active guild, pugs, etc... happening on WvW. A few here have mentioned to avoid Mags if I'm not mistaken. Not only for the timezone but apparently from the community in there or lack thereof.

Mag is a bit trolly but it's fun. it is lacking guilds atm which is why people are saying it may not be the place to go but definitely no lack of community.

another thing you could do is make a list of WVW guilds you are interested, see what server they are on and go from there.

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@"Loosmaster.8263" said:If you're not interested in a guild, Mag has a good self sustaining pug population. There are a few that pin up but it's mostly to PPT.

They will group but not squad and hunt OJ's or even create them for PPK. They also have very good defense when called for, depending on the score.

As a bonus, map/team chat can be entertaining. My block list keeps growing every time we link with them.

LOL your block list keeps growing each time you link up with Mag? :) That's actually kinda funny. I somewhat picture you thinking, "aw man we are linked with Mag! time to block everyone in chat."

Well I meant activity in activity in general on FA. Not just pugs. I do intend to join a guild but I've looking for both an active NA EST server and one that as active guild, pugs, etc... happening on WvW. A few here have mentioned to avoid Mags if I'm not mistaken. Not only for the timezone but apparently from the community in there or lack thereof.

Ebay may be a little small, we were linked with DB not too long ago but as far as I remember we carried the NA EST timezone during our matchups.BUT, with that being said...we have some decent activity, good people and even a guild named PUGS.As far as I can see, that fits at least 2 of your major criteria :)

Let's not kid ourselves, NA doesn't really carry anything regarding tiers. we just sit back and circle jerk each other so we feel relevant. DB is in t1 without that Ebay NA carry. Surely it isn't the NA that's doing all the work.

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@Sovereign.1093 said:hod as i remember has strong presence since they able to go one tier up more than us nsp. is something happening to hod?

We are in t3 because of coverage, nothing to do with numbers. However, to compete with these two servers for coverage is not realistic. Since we can't win in coverage, the only advantage is gone. Numbers has never being a thing for HOD. The last time I have seen HOD has 4 map queues on reset was when linking with ebay.

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Ebay may be a little small, we were linked with DB not too long ago but as far as I remember we carried the NA EST timezone during our matchups.BUT, with that being said...we have some decent activity, good people and even a guild named PUGS.As far as I can see, that fits at least 2 of your major criteria :)

Let's not kid ourselves, NA doesn't really carry anything regarding tiers. we just sit back and circle jerk each other so we feel relevant. DB is in t1 without that Ebay NA carry. Surely it isn't the NA that's doing all the work.

Stop it.It hurts daddy when you say such things.

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