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theorycrafting contest. help ranger and you could win 100g

Daniel Handler.4816

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@Professor Sprout.1560 said:@"Dragonzhunter.8506" Good spot =)I do actually have my reasons for choosing that trait, but you're right that some comment as to why Second Skin is being used might be appropriate. I've edited my original post to add in just such a discussion.

Well :) , no offence, but that's why my build is better so I'll steal your money :D :D :D . That's why I use Survival with Refined Toxins when I use Soulbeast with Predator's Cunning (because sometimes I use this instead of Second Skin for more damage). Also in my humble opinion Unstoppable Union is pretty tricky to and when you use it, because it's trigger only when you go in beastmode, so if you'll stay more in Beastmode you will not benefit from that trait. Also , sometimes you go in beastmode many times when you want to evade or defense yourself, so again that trait will be waste. In other way Unstoppable Union works only against block , so only against warrior -Shield Stance and very few other skills from some class who use block (this is the list https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Block). Most of the skills who gives players immune to direct damage (power damage) are not blocks, like Signet of Stone, Defy Pain, Endure Pain (warrior use both from trait and utilities) etc.Don't forget that many warriors know that right after a ranger goes in beastmode can trigger Unstoppable and they will not use block, but Endure Pain, also Guardians will use shields etc ...My point is that Unstoppable Union is too hard to control so it can be efective, better choise if you really want some unblockable it's Signet of the Hunt.Now if you want Essence of Speed to be effective, you must use it with Live Fast. I don't say it is a big deal, but in fight 1 vs 1 on point , or on roaming when you are not near your fellows because you are a range fighter, Essence of Speed it is better then Second Skin or Predator's Cunning when you don't use other traits who can trigger these two, or when you don't use a condition pet.In other way, what you said about the fact in sPVP (also many time in wr roaming) when you try to stay more closer near your friends, yes Second Skin will be activated ... but depend of your friend class.

PS: I'm not saying you or other guys didn't know what I wrote, but are many new player who don't know, and if we are here for theorycrafting, I said let's develop some ideas.Also if I made a mistake , you can correct me, I am human after all ;)

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Best sniper build out there. If positioned and timed rightly, downing someone in seconds is a fact. This is something i like to run when facing scourges, thieves and druids.

LB/GS, siamoth/krytan drakehound, WS/BM/SB

Longbow for ranged pressure, gs for utility and kiting. The main combo is 'one wolf pack', 'sick em' and 'quickening zephyr'. Trick is to know when to use them and when not to. Since we're not running marksmanship, our arrows dont pierce and we have to mind our positioning in order for the burst to land properly.

If our target can block or has a support class with blocks nearby, make sure to enter beastmode just before engaging to proc unblockable attacks. For more damage, merge with our hound for increased power and ferocity.

The build have good condi removal and fury uptime thanks to wilderness knowledge. Another key-trait is potent ally, which combined with sigil of courage and strength runes allows us to maintain high power. (Basepower w/o boons is well above 2600 merged with hound.) We also get 5%damage modifier from rynes while affected by might. Oppressive superiority grants another 10% ans sigil of separation another 5%

Beastmastery trait line for enhanced beastmode, additional cc and potent ally trait.

Wilderness surv trait line for offensive and defensive boons and condi removal

Since we're runing glass canon we must be able to mitigate attacks focused on us. Thats where GS and the siamoth pet comes in. Exelent kiting with leap, cc and block on gs. Siamoth provides us with a leap/knockdown for either setring up burst or additional kiting. It also bring immunity to direct damage to the table. It also grant us a bit of defensive stats on merging.

I've downed a lot of People in one rapid fire using this build (smokescale over hound tho). Key is to keep a distance and kiting in order to survive.

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@Daniel Handler.4816 said:Once again paging @Prophet.1584 and @Xenash.1245

Your submissions don't count. Please fix them to follow rule 3. "length is not important but you must describe the playstyle of the build, why you chose both pets, and why the build is the best or worst.

  • @Xenash.1245 you need to talk about why you chose bear. Everything else is fine.
  • @Prophet.1584 you need to talk about playstyle in both submissions and the pets in your entry for "worst." The comment "2 knockdown pet skills" in your entry for "best" meets the minimum for discussing both pets.
  • @Daniel Handler.4816 you need to make sure these people aren't disqualified because they weren't notified.


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I've used this build just for giggles during sPVP.


It's a stall build with perma protection and weakness on enemy. You basically kill with poison/ raven pet because of high burst of bird pets unexpected damage. Raven is also good when you go BM since its a versatile type it increases your protection just on dodge roll to 4secs thats 1940 of healing plus condition damage reduction from second skin. I use siamoth for utility and of course to counter hard burst with unflinching fortitude. pair it up with perma weakness on axe 3. rune of the herald for extra healing it will give you 3 seconds of protection with this build thats an extra 1440 when you heal. warhorn and oakheart salve for perma regen thats also permanent 5% damage reduction.

ambidexterity for lower CD on dagger evade and to keep healing reduction on enemy i use sigil of doom on top of sword/dagger poison. dolyak stance of course for escaping, you have sword 2 as well plus renewal and stone signet for situational encounters.

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@intox.6347 said:Cant take it seriously once you want only core pets... most soulbeasts use only hot / pof pets :D

Not rly. I play Soulbeast since release, and for fight (remember not for disengage/escape - run away) the best offensive pet is still Smokescale, due to his knockdown+teleport on target+smoke scale (who gives you invisibility with a combo finisher or blast) in normal mode and knockdown+ smoke assault (teleport to target and evade)+wordly impact in beastmode. For fight Smokescale is much better than Gazelle. Also when it comes about defensive pets , due to the situation and what enemy class do you meet, instead of Jacaranda you can use Brown Bear or Siamoth, which are better than Jacaranda vs melee class.I don't like the idea to use only core pets, because for me Smokescale it's a must, but, maybe he has some reason ;) , and it's not about PoF because he asked about Soulbeast build ....

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@intox.6347 said:dude lazy to build own soulbeast, so pay 100g to somebody else think about it....

Cant take it seriously once you want only core pets... most soulbeasts use only hot / pof pets :D

Good. You read three sentences into the OP and wrote two sentences that barely meet 3a and address a topic I've already explained in the comments. If I'm lazy it's because I wouldn't want to spend the effort reading whatever you came up with.

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@Prophet.1584 said:

@Daniel Handler.4816 said:Once again paging @Prophet.1584 and @Xenash.1245

Your submissions don't count. Please fix them to follow rule 3. "length is not important but you must describe the
of the build,
why you chose both pets,
and why the build is the best or worst.
  • @Xenash.1245 you need to talk about why you chose bear. Everything else is fine.
  • @Prophet.1584 you need to talk about playstyle in both submissions and the pets in your entry for "worst." The comment "2 knockdown pet skills" in your entry for "best" meets the minimum for discussing both pets.
  • @Daniel Handler.4816 you need to make sure these people aren't disqualified because they weren't notified.


Your and @Xenash.1245 entries have been accepted. Thank you for fixing them.

Everybody who hasn't submitted, a reminder there are like 4 ish days left.

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The Best One-Shot Melee Burst Build

Here is the link >> Swordmaster Soulbeast

Why it's the best

  • 225% + Critical Damage
  • 26K+ Health
  • High Mobility
  • 8 condi cleanses + resistance, 3 Stunbreaks + stability
  • Has multiple interrupts (Pull, Stun/Daze, Knockdown, Knockback)
  • Multiple Projectile Hate options

How it works

Fury refreshes Opening Strike and the latter deals 25% more damage. Opening Strike is also a guaranteed crit, so no investment needed in precision. The high critical damage mixed with guaranteed crits, on demand fury and burst weapon (greatsword) allows you to make huge bursts. Mixed with the numerous hard CC, you can safely land hits on the opponent - the canine has knockdown which you inherit in Soulbeast mode, or you can use the greatsword's Hilt Bash or even pull enemies thanks to the axe's Path of Scars. Can't burst an enemy? No problem! - switch to the Sword/Axe weapon set, knockdown your enemy and pop Quicknening Zephyr + One Wolf Pack while using Whirling Axe! 50K+ damage guaranteed!

With your Greatsword equipped with Sigil of Intelligence and Sigil of Agility, your next 3 hits are guaranteed crits, and sure to land with the 2s of quickness!

Thanks to the awesome mobility, you can safely disengage, recover a little, and come back and destroy anything thanks to the greatsword's Swoop, the sword's Hornet's Sting, the owl's Swoop or even Lightning Reflexes or Quickening Zephyr !

Conditions afflicting you? Well well, you can either ignore their effects thanks to Spiritual Reprieve's resistance and burst heal, or you can also cleanse up to 8 conditions thanks to your trait Wilderness Knowledge and your Survival Skills

About your healing - don't forget that merging with a supportive pet such as the Snow Owl grants you a bonus 25% healing efficiency! Your regular Troll Unguent won't heal you for 8496 health when merged... No, instead, it'll heal you for 10620 health! 5 digits!! Rugged Growth will passively heal you not for 259 health a second, but 323 health per second whenever you have protection (which you gain everytime you dodge!)

Projectiles annoying you? Use that greatsword's Counterattack to block the projectiles, or even better, use your axe's Whirling Defense to reflect those nasty projectiles back to the attacker!

You get 100 extra points if you play this build while cosplaying as a Cyborg Ninja named Genji! Only you don't need a swiss medic's help for healing!

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Here is the link >> Raptor Ranger (Raptor as in bird of prey, not the saurian)

Why it's the worst

  • Uses hybrid stats (ew!)
  • Uses double birds (yuck!)
  • Uses Shortbow (uninstall, now!)
  • Focuses on stacking at most 2 different damaging conditions (what an amateur!)
  • Uses a warhorn... Untraited! (wait what?)
  • ...And a sword! (uh okay?)

How it works

Uh well you kill opponents before they kill you?You have the power of BIRDS thanks to the snow owl, the raven, the warhorn and the Rune of the Madking!When attacking from range, use your shortbow and pop Sharpening Stone and Vulture Stance ! Stack those bleeds and poisons!

If your enemy is in melee range, switch to the Sword/Warhorn and pop One Wolf Pack and Hunter's Call for a crazy Massive Bird attack! Rune of the Mad King will affect up to 3 enemies in a 950 radius, and paired with One Wolf Pack's effect, massive damage! Extra bleeds thanks to the trait Sharpened Edges

But all that is bad! Because the enemy can evade the initial strike of the bird attack, effectively cancelling it altogether! Or even block or blind it! How bad!

Also, you may have 4 evasive skills... But how good is damage mitigation... If you can't deal damage yourself! It's a hybrid build for fakk's sake!

You may have resistance and multiple condi cleanses... But only one stun break! That sucks!

You get 75 extra points if you play cosplaying as the Greek Goddess of the wild Artemis! And you get an extra 75 points for using that build... At all!Worst ever™ !

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@"ProtoMarcus.7649" said:


Here is the link >> Raptor Ranger (Raptor as in bird of prey, not the saurian)

Why it's the worst

  • Uses hybrid stats (ew!)
  • Uses double birds (yuck!)
  • Uses Shortbow (uninstall, now!)
  • Focuses on stacking at most 2 different damaging conditions (what an amateur!)
  • Uses a warhorn... Untraited! (wait what?)
  • ...And a sword! (uh okay?)

How it works

Uh well you kill opponents before they kill you?You have the power of BIRDS thanks to the snow owl, the raven, the warhorn and the Rune of the Madking!When attacking from range, use your shortbow and pop Sharpening Stone and Vulture Stance ! Stack those bleeds and poisons!

If your enemy is in melee range, switch to the Sword/Warhorn and pop One Wolf Pack and Hunter's Call for a crazy Massive Bird attack! Rune of the Mad King will affect up to 3 enemies in a 950 radius, and paired with One Wolf Pack's effect, massive damage! Extra bleeds thanks to the trait Sharpened Edges

But all that is bad! Because the enemy can evade the initial strike of the bird attack, effectively cancelling it altogether! Or even block or blind it! How bad!

Also, you may have 4 evasive skills... But how good is damage mitigation... If you can't deal damage yourself! It's a hybrid build for kitten's sake!

You may have resistance and multiple condi cleanses... But only one stun break! That sucks!

You get 75 extra points if you play cosplaying as the Greek Goddess of the wild Artemis! And you get an extra 75 points for using that build... At all!Worst ever™ !

I would say extra points for formatting but that isn't how this contest works. I can at least say thank you for making them easier to read.

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I'm going to say this is a worst build but I still want to run it. >_>There's been at least one other poison focused build on here but I don't think it quite went far enough.

More Poison!http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAoXVnMqAl8idrA+rActglOBrJYt3OZO/tAwKLP1+ajtnMrmxC-jpxBQB+sMgB3fQkPAAAcCAC5hAQcHBAA

How it works:

  • Focus is on poison application and using fields to proc as much Predator's Cunning as possible.
  • Cave Spider and Murellow are the pets. Both have poison fields, Murellow is a bear for that sweet regen bite and Defy Pain, Cave Spider is the power pet which gives you a bonus poison field and Worldly Impact (a leap finisher, for some reason)
  • Start on Spider, wait for it to drop its poison field, combo in it, merge, SB merge combo field -> combo, unmerge, Poison Trap, combo, pet swap, Murellow F2 -> combo. Just stagger your poison application methods to keep a steady stream of poison hits going.
  • Activate Defy Pain and continue your poison application. You'll heal right up! (maybe)
  • Dagger/Axe is your main set. Poison and leap finisher from Dagger, Whirl finisher and pull CC from OH Axe.
  • Shortbow is your Utility/Escape weapon.
  • Dagger 3 into Worldly impact for a quick burst, and a bonus leap finisher.
  • Getting some pressure? Drop Healing Spring and combo with it! Bonus, The Regen will keep Oakheart Salve up.
  • Don't camp your pets. They are just as useful out for this build and having them out most of the time means you have Unstoppable Union ready to stunbreak.

Possible changes Signet of Stone instead of Renewal. Less HP per sec but gives another immunity.Rune of Rata Sum or Rune of Orr instead of Rune of Thorns. Instead of bonus damage, gain another poison application. Rata Sum is another poison field to play with (every 90 seconds); also improves your weakness from leaping through all your poison fields.

Why it's bad:

  • On the slow side. You can do the 180 SB 3 trick to get places but you can't burn Dagger 3 cuz it's one of your main combo finishers.
  • Few self-boons in general. On one hand that means fewer corrupt problems. On the other hand....
  • Stun breaks will probably not always be there when you need them as you main one is tied to beastmode.
  • Axe 5 is still rooted. :s
  • Little active condi mitigation. Would be forced to try to out-heal a lot of it. And that wouldn't go well. Especially if you need to be melee for most of your damage.

PS: Thanks for this. I like the ideas this contest has engendered. I want to play all the builds here! Yes, even the "worst" ones. =)

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@"Chrury.4627" said:I'm going to say this is a worst build but I still want to run it. >_>There's been at least one other poison focused build on here but I don't think it quite went far enough.[snip]PS: Thanks for this. I like the ideas this contest has engendered. I want to play all the builds here! Yes, even the "worst" ones. =)

Thank you for your submission and complements. But I hope you lose this contest. Your build is fairly close to one I like to mess around with and if it was the least affected by the patch it would be a disappointment.

Speaking of that, it will take at least a week to pick winners because finding least affected involves a lot of work.

I will create a Google Doc when the contest closes that shows all submissions and you can watch eliminations until I formally declare the winner/s on this forum.

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Best Soulbeast Build

Side Node Destroyer

Variation 1 (We Heal As One, Lightning Reflexes)

Variation 2 (Troll Unguent, Signet of Stone)


  • This is by far the best Soulbeast build.
  • The pressure this build can output is enormous, coupled with insanely high survivability through regeneration/evasion/condition clear/hard and soft cc, this build is insanely difficult to fight when played well.
  • I'd say its on par with Meta Druid if you were to use Smokescale/Gazelle instead of core pets. Nonetheless, Drakehound and Siamoth are extremely solid, both in and out of Beastmode. With Beastmastery's reduced cooldowns, you can chain your abilities with your pets to pull off insane cc/damage combos. If an enemy doesn't have stability, a single cc chain could take them out of the fight for 11 seconds (repeatable 12 seconds later)... more than enough to completely turn a fight around.
  • The only thing this lacks in comparison to Druid is group support. However, if your main focus is holding/securing side nodes, this beats Druid in every way.
  • It has incredible self sustain due to high amounts of health regeneration, as well as upwards of 10k burst healing every 20 seconds.
  • This build also has amazing boon uptime, contributing heavily towards its insane damage output.
  • It can also win 1v1s against every single meta build right now and is more than capable of holding 1v3s indefinitely and the occasional 1v4, while maintaining enough mobility to escape if needed.
  • I've used this build in high plat/legend and consistently win 1v2s and hold 1v3s/1v4s on my own while my team focuses on the rest of the map. It's incredibly hard to kill and can wear down anything in a reasonable time frame.
  • This build is one of the only ranger builds that can go toe to toe with Spellbreaker/Mirage on point and win. It can also kill Firebrand in a 1v1 due to the permanent poison uptime and high, constant dps and cc.

Worst Soulbeast Build

Spirit Support


  • This is the worst, guaranteed.
  • It tries to help out its team through AoE healing and boons but fails miserably due to bad mechanics that were either nerfed or never buffed by Anet.
  • Healing Spring + Call of the Wild + Quick Draw + Water Runes + Fern Hound f2 = A LOT of AoE healing
  • Spirits/Spotter give team support through boons/conditions/stat buffs/elite resurrection
  • While the numbers may seem good, this build has little to no personal survivability due to the lack of evasion/cc/condition clear (outside of Healing Spring) with the weapons chosen. Shortbow and MH Axe serve as soft cc, crippling/chilling an opponent to give way to easier kiting, though lacking in any self peel to escape from a dangerous situation.
  • Magis Amulet boosts healing by quite a lot, however, the complete lack of power/condition damage means your attacks will hit with the force of a wet noodle.
  • The pets were, again, selected for their support capabilities. However, they completely lack damage/cc pressure in every way imaginable.
  • In conclusion, this build tries to be the best support it can be, but a combination of poorly designed traits/utilities/pets/weapons (although synergistic), hinder this build greatly.
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@Daniel Handler.4816 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:By worst build, do you mean the weakest build possible while maintaining trait/weapon/utility synergy?

Correct. Your worst build has been accepted.

Also, you have to choose a variation for your best build or I will just go with whatever is listed first when the contest ends.

I use the first. It's stronger, albeit less forgiving due to the lack of SoS. I just listed both for anyone interested. Go with the first.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:By worst build, do you mean the weakest build possible while maintaining trait/weapon/utility synergy?

Correct. Your worst build has been accepted.

Also, you have to choose a variation for your best build or I will just go with whatever is listed first when the contest ends.

I use the first. It's stronger, albeit less forgiving due to the lack of SoS. I just listed both for anyone interested. Go with the first.

Cool. Will do.

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@"AEFA.9035" said:I've used this build just for giggles during sPVP.


It's a stall build with perma protection and weakness on enemy. You basically kill with poison/ raven pet because of high burst of bird pets unexpected damage. Raven is also good when you go BM since its a versatile type it increases your protection just on dodge roll to 4secs thats 1940 of healing plus condition damage reduction from second skin. I use siamoth for utility and of course to counter hard burst with unflinching fortitude. pair it up with perma weakness on axe 3. rune of the herald for extra healing it will give you 3 seconds of protection with this build thats an extra 1440 when you heal. warhorn and oakheart salve for perma regen thats also permanent 5% damage reduction.

ambidexterity for lower CD on dagger evade and to keep healing reduction on enemy i use sigil of doom on top of sword/dagger poison. dolyak stance of course for escaping, you have sword 2 as well plus renewal and stone signet for situational encounters.

Is this a best or worst submission?

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@"shadowpass.4236" said:

Best Soulbeast Build

Side Node Destroyer

Variation 1 (We Heal As One, Lightning Reflexes)

Variation 2 (Troll Unguent, Signet of Stone)


  • This is by far the best Soulbeast build.
  • The pressure this build can output is enormous, coupled with insanely high survivability through regeneration/evasion/condition clear/hard and soft cc, this build is insanely difficult to fight when played well.
  • I'd say its on par with Meta Druid if you were to use Smokescale/Gazelle instead of core pets. Nonetheless, Drakehound and Siamoth are extremely solid, both in and out of Beastmode. With Beastmastery's reduced cooldowns, you can chain your abilities with your pets to pull off insane cc/damage combos. If an enemy doesn't have stability, a single cc chain could take them out of the fight for 11 seconds (repeatable 12 seconds later)... more than enough to completely turn a fight around.
  • The only thing this lacks in comparison to Druid is group support. However, if your main focus is holding/securing side nodes, this beats Druid in every way.
  • It has incredible self sustain due to high amounts of health regeneration, as well as upwards of 10k burst healing every 20 seconds.
  • This build also has amazing boon uptime, contributing heavily towards its insane damage output.
  • It can also win 1v1s against every single meta build right now and is more than capable of holding 1v3s indefinitely and the occasional 1v4, while maintaining enough mobility to escape if needed.
  • I've used this build in high plat/legend and consistently win 1v2s and hold 1v3s/1v4s on my own while my team focuses on the rest of the map. It's incredibly hard to kill and can wear down anything in a reasonable time frame.
  • This build is one of the only ranger builds that can go toe to toe with Spellbreaker/Mirage on point and win. It can also kill Firebrand in a 1v1 due to the permanent poison uptime and high, constant dps and cc.

Worst Soulbeast Build

Spirit Support


  • This is the worst, guaranteed.
  • It tries to help out its team through AoE healing and boons but fails miserably due to bad mechanics that were either nerfed or never buffed by Anet.
  • Healing Spring + Call of the Wild + Quick Draw + Water Runes + Fern Hound f2 = A LOT of AoE healing
  • Spirits/Spotter give team support through boons/conditions/stat buffs/elite resurrection
  • While the numbers may seem good, this build has little to no personal survivability due to the lack of evasion/cc/condition clear (outside of Healing Spring) with the weapons chosen. Shortbow and MH Axe serve as soft cc, crippling/chilling an opponent to give way to easier kiting, though lacking in any self peel to escape from a dangerous situation.
  • Magis Amulet boosts healing by quite a lot, however, the complete lack of power/condition damage means your attacks will hit with the force of a wet noodle.
  • The pets were, again, selected for their support capabilities. However, they completely lack damage/cc pressure in every way imaginable.
  • In conclusion, this build tries to be the best support it can be, but a combination of poorly designed traits/utilities/pets/weapons (although synergistic), hinder this build greatly.

Do you stream or YouTube at all Shadow?

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@Spartyr.6795 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:

Best Soulbeast Build

Side Node Destroyer

Variation 1 (We Heal As One, Lightning Reflexes)

Variation 2 (Troll Unguent, Signet of Stone)

  • This is by far the best Soulbeast build.
  • The pressure this build can output is enormous, coupled with insanely high survivability through regeneration/evasion/condition clear/hard and soft cc, this build is insanely difficult to fight when played well.
  • I'd say its on par with Meta Druid if you were to use Smokescale/Gazelle instead of core pets.
    Nonetheless, Drakehound and Siamoth are extremely solid, both in and out of Beastmode. With Beastmastery's reduced cooldowns, you can chain your abilities with your pets to pull off insane cc/damage combos. If an enemy doesn't have stability, a single cc chain could take them out of the fight for 11 seconds (repeatable 12 seconds later)... more than enough to completely turn a fight around.
  • The only thing this lacks in comparison to Druid is group support.
    However, if your main focus is holding/securing side nodes, this beats Druid in every way.
  • It has incredible self sustain due to high amounts of health regeneration, as well as upwards of 10k burst healing every 20 seconds.
  • This build also has amazing boon uptime, contributing heavily towards its insane damage output.
  • It can also win 1v1s against every single meta build right now and is more than capable of holding 1v3s indefinitely and the occasional 1v4, while maintaining enough mobility to escape if needed.
  • I've used this build in high plat/legend and consistently win 1v2s and hold 1v3s/1v4s on my own while my team focuses on the rest of the map.
    It's incredibly hard to kill and can wear down anything in a reasonable time frame.
  • This build is one of the only ranger builds that can go toe to toe with Spellbreaker/Mirage on point and win.
    It can also kill Firebrand in a 1v1 due to the permanent poison uptime and high, constant dps and cc.

Worst Soulbeast Build

Spirit Support

  • This is the worst, guaranteed
  • It
    to help out its team through AoE healing and boons but fails
    due to bad mechanics that were either nerfed or never buffed by Anet.
  • Healing Spring + Call of the Wild + Quick Draw + Water Runes + Fern Hound f2 = A LOT of AoE healing
  • Spirits/Spotter give team support through boons/conditions/stat buffs/elite resurrection
  • While the numbers may seem good, this build has little to no personal survivability due to the lack of evasion/cc/condition clear (outside of Healing Spring) with the weapons chosen.
    Shortbow and MH Axe serve as soft cc, crippling/chilling an opponent to give way to easier kiting, though lacking in any self peel to escape from a dangerous situation.
  • Magis Amulet boosts healing by quite a lot
    however, the complete lack of power/condition damage means your attacks will hit with the force of a wet noodle.
  • The pets were, again, selected for their support capabilities.
    However, they completely lack damage/cc pressure in every way imaginable.
  • In conclusion, this build tries to be the best support it can be,
    but a combination of poorly designed traits/utilities/pets/weapons (although synergistic), hinder this build greatly.

Do you stream or YouTube at all Shadow?

Unfortunately, no. I actually don't play anymore but if you have any questions regarding ranger feel free to ask. I wouldn't mind reinstalling either if you wanted me to teach you something in particular.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Spartyr.6795 said:Do you stream or YouTube at all Shadow?

Unfortunately, no. I actually don't play anymore but if you have any questions regarding ranger feel free to ask. I wouldn't mind reinstalling either if you wanted me to teach you something in particular.

This is incredibly generous. I don’t play right now either though. It’s so different than what Shadelang runs I was just curious what it looked like in action.

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