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@Arenanet - do you guys check /bug reports from ingame?

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I'm not from Arenanet, but I do know I've submitted bug reports in-game for things which have later been fixed, and I've not seen anyone report the same bugs on the forum. Of course I can't be sure no one else reported it somewhere I didn't see, or that it wasn't someone from Anet spotting it themselves. But it seems equally likely that they do look at the reports and that's how they knew about the bug.

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@Chilli.2976 said:I usually do /bug in game when I encounter a problem - do you guys check them regularly and do you insist we should do it more often?

According to the devs, they check frequently. That doesn't mean we'll see any changes any time soon. Whether a bug gets fixed quickly or not depends on a huge number of factors.

You can help stuff get fixed by offering useful details about the bug. Time|date|location are covered automatically when you use /bug, so focus on the other elements: what should happen, do you remember when it last worked correct, can you reproduce the bug at will (and if so, how), and so on.

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@Danikat.8537 said:I'm not from Arenanet, but I do know I've submitted bug reports in-game for things which have later been fixed, and I've not seen anyone report the same bugs on the forum. Of course I can't be sure no one else reported it somewhere I didn't see, or that it wasn't someone from Anet spotting it themselves. But it seems equally likely that they do look at the reports and that's how they knew about the bug.

I have found this to be accurate. I only start a ticket in support if it is affecting my advancement in the game after reporting it and seeing no fix.

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@"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:We do look at the bug reports. There's a lot that goes into triaging bugs, though, so it's impossible to predict how quickly any particular bug is going to be acted on.

While we're on the subject is there any value in submitting multiple bug reports if we have additional information to add after sending the first one?

For example the other day I found a small area in the middle of The Spillway in The Desolation which gives you the 'you are now leaving the playable area' message and then kills you even though it's not on a map boundary. I initially submitted a bug report after I swam into it and it killed me, but at the time all I knew was I'd approached the spot from the south and been killed. Since this was more interesting than whatever I'd been doing before I went back and explored a bit more and found out it was very easy to reproduce and I got the same message if I swam into that spot from any direction except straight up, so I sent in a second report with the additional details I'd found.

But I'm not sure if it was worth doing that or if it could just be confusing because then two different people pick up the reports and end up doubling up on investigating it. (I'm also not sure if I need to repeat the key details from the first report, so both make sense independently or if I can just say something like "this is following on from a report sent 5 minutes ago".)

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@Danikat.8537 said:While we're on the subject is there any value in submitting multiple bug reports if we have additional information to add after sending the first one?More details are valuable, especially if it helps nail down the root cause (as it would in your example). For folks who are thoughtful about what they type, I'd err on the side of one too many reports rather than one too few. (And folks aren't careful about what they write are going to do whatever they do anyhow.)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

As Illconceived stated above, the more details the better since it (hopefully) makes it easier to reproduce the issue--if you're adding info to a bug you've previously reported, I'd suggest putting "Update" or "New Info" in the report, so it's less likely to get dismissed as a duplicate report.

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there are a lot of variables that determine how the bug is triaged.Including...

  • Is it urgent? (Living story vs clipping)
  • Is it important? (blocking issue vs cosmetic)
  • How many people are affected? (everyone logging in vs just mac users vs just mesmers using staff-2 in a specific location)
  • How much is each person affected? (can't play vs easy work-around)
  • How much effort is involved in resolving the issue? (dozens of devs vs fixing it while working on a similar issue)
  • What else would be impacted by the fix? (affects combat balance vs text issue)
  • Are there other plans in place (new content or fixes) that would resolve this issue or make it moot?
  • Can this issue be bundled with others, similar issues and should it wait for those?
  • And, of course, do we know how to reproduce the issue?

Some stuff that I find important is going to take 5 years to fix; some stuff that someone else thinks is trivial will get fixed today.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

there are a lot of variables that determine how the bug is triaged.Including...
  • Is it urgent? (Living story vs clipping)
  • Is it important? (blocking issue vs cosmetic)
  • How many people are affected? (everyone logging in vs just mac users vs just mesmers using staff-2 in a specific location)
  • How much is each person affected? (can't play vs easy work-around)
  • How much effort is involved in resolving the issue? (dozens of devs vs fixing it while working on a similar issue)
  • What else would be impacted by the fix? (affects combat balance vs text issue)
  • Are there other plans in place (new content or fixes) that would resolve this issue or make it moot?
  • Can this issue be bundled with others, similar issues and should it wait for those?
  • And, of course, do we know how to reproduce the issue?

In another game, I recall a bug where names in the guild listing could be parsed as gm commands.

It only showed up when someone happened to pick a name, then get into a guild (Well, SuperGroup really, it was City of Heroes) with the name "Goto" - and the "incorrect parsing" caused it to crash the game client of anyone who opened the SG window. And the game would remember how your UI was, so the only workaround waiting for a GM to rename the character was for someone with enough guild authority to log in and kick via slash commands since they couldn't open the window.

Sometimes a bug can hide, and when it strikes it hits hard, but you have to find out why.

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