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Deadeye's Mark bug.

Sarge shot Grif.6450

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Has anyone else had a problem with their mark not refreshing after a kill? I used to think it was because BQoBK makes things die so quickly after being marked but it just seems random, I'll kill/destroy whatever I've marked and it just stays on its full CD regardless. It doesn't happen constantly but it's enough to annoy me with my main mechanic being locked up for no reason.

(This isn't a recent thing, I just now thought to bring it up)

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i've had it happen a few times, before this patch mind ya.

not sure how it happens. i just thought there was a cooldown on the instant refresh (like 10 secounds) to prevent spamming it on 1 shot mobs to gain 20 secoudns of quickness.

but now that i think about it....i've done just that and not had a cooldown.....

maybe i got interupted when using it, or it failed to apply (obstructed or line of sight lost or out of range) and forces a cooldown.not sure. i'll keep my eyes open

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Maybe unrelated but the only time I've noticed something similar is when a mesmer mob stealths on receiving killing blow and leaves behind an invulnerable clone, and heals up in stealth. But mark would be still on mesmer when it unstealths but sometimes its hard to spot the marked mesmer amongst other enemies, when I'd really like to kill off marked mesmer so I can mark next enemy. But that's not a bug.

Edit: Actually I remember mark going on full cd when I cast it on invuln or no LOS target. Maybe that's what OP experienced.

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  • 3 months later...

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Bringing back this thread because I know what the problem is. Whenever you mark something that was summoned (like spider babies or Mesmer clones) it won't refresh when it dies. It doesn't count as a death but as just being unsummoned for some reason.

mine refreshes on mesmer clones most of the time unless they die in the first frames of the cast. but i think ranger pets dont count as dead when a soulbeast uses f5 thing to become one with the pet but you wont have a mark up anymore, they could move the mark + malice to the ranger in such a case.

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The mark refreshes whenever your target essentially stops being a target (Despawning, turning friendly or dying). The bug happens mainly when I'm killing stuff quickly and rapidly marking a new target. I think another cause for it is marking something as it's being killed in which case it almost feels like a coin flip on your mark being on cooldown or not.

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