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Shield 5 changes

Erick Alastor.3917

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I don't get it, ToT was changed to have a directional casting and everybody complained that it felt awkward because its direction behaved oddly, but at least we could use it (even if unreliably) at 360°.Now they "fixed" it and the skill goes always on a short cooldown while walking and pointing in any direction that is not in a semi-circle in front of us.Why didn't they simply made it behave like weaver's Plasma Blast?Is the mesmers community fine with how it does work right now?

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I'm a bit confused as to why it's so difficult to simply make the shield 5 just go in the direction selected. Not point targeted. Not unit targeted. When you target shield 5, the game generates a vector, and when shield 5 is cast, the projectile follows that vector originating from your player. Doesn't matter if the vector points behind you, in front of you, to the side, etc. Is there any reason it couldn't be this?

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@Takashiro.8701 said:It feels especially bad in pvp. Sword 3 into shield 5 felt fluid and good to use, now it's just a mess. I can't count the many times i died where i really shouldn't have simply because i had to waste up to 2 seconds to get a good angle, that would probably hit something.

This has been happening a lot to me too, with the original tides of time you could also use it while running from someone using a ranged weapon to block the shots. Now you have to stop a sec, politely ask them to reciprocate while you turn around, find the right angle and double press the 5 key then resume the chase once you have turned around.

I guess it means it can be cast without a target but I never really found that was an issue.

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