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New ranger pets


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@InsaneQR.7412 said:First fix the old ones.

But a basilisk would be neat.And green and golden moas.

Like InsaneQR said ... first fix the old ones ... we have so many pets with so many potential.If they will add more pets, we will have more bugs, more glitches etc.What I would like is when we use Jaguar we could have the ability to go invisible too. We have already a lots of pets with lots of skills/abilities and who don't give us their abilities but something else. Let's ask Anet to do this first, to change some abilities we get from pets atm.

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I wouldn't mind an Asura or a Choya.

I kind of agree with the above posters though; at the moment, you have pets that are clearly better than others at literally everything. I want an excuse to let my bird out for a fly, and not worry about how I’m letting the team’s fury and dps down. I think it would be cool if we could customise pets, so they would be visual rather than functional.

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I do agree that the current pets could use some tweaks first. But I’ve always wanted the white stag from the Sylvari personal story as a support pet. I wouldn’t care if other races would have access to it as well. Honestly any actual deer would be awesome :)

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