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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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@Slayristo.7531 said:I can't believe this boss was difficult enough for people to rage quit and not play the game over. I beat it, Guardian here, yes it was a stupidly hard fight, but rage quiting hard? i had a bigger issue on some fights in HoT

Balthazaar and how pointless that fight is (and the fact that due to bugs I had to do it four times) is what made me seriously consider quitting the story, not Eater, whome I took down very quickly that it wasn't even a bump in my story progression.

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@"Fantasia Badass.4765"

Glass or glass canon refer to builds that are exclusively damage based with no defense in mind of their gear. It generally refers to builds that use all Berseker gear (power, precision & ferocity). These builds tend to pack a hard punch (sustained and burst damage) but because they have no toughness or vitality, they tend to shatter 'like glass'. I've seen "glass" refer to condition damage builds as well (usually sinister stats) but it's rare.

" I can't be the only one that wandered aimlessly for a long time looking for weapons! " Nope it took me a while to find them too and I literally had to bump into a crate.

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@Fantasia Badass.4765 said:@MMAI.5892 Thanks for the offer! That is very nice. I might take you up on that if I need help with understanding what the heck people are talking about. Some I've been able to figure out, but what the heck is glass? I've seen that recently and I've no idea about it.

I also get that l need to do my part. And I do my best to understand what's going on with events and the like. In the rare case that I actually have experience with an event, I'll actually instruct people if I can so we don't fail. It's always best for all of us to do that so we win.

I'm working on my build and play mechanics, and honestly I've learned a lot in just the short time I've been playing again. For the most part I enjoy it, but some of the things we need like understanding the break bar and how to break it are not explained. And this quest in particular needs a little prompting I'd think. I can't be the only one that wandered aimlessly for a long time looking for weapons! The wander around and talk to the same people six times quest was also a pain lol.

@Fantasia Badass.4765

I can answer the glass question.

It's typically paired with cannon - glass cannon.

They are characters who can do high DPS, but die quickly if they get hit. If they do hard fights perfectly, they go by very quickly, but they don't have much room for error.

Also feel free to send me a PM or message. I've mained an Elementalist since game launched. Not a great player, though. And I have defeated Eater of Souls and believe I could easily repeat on core Ele or on Tempest.

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@MMAI.5892 said:

@"Fantasia kitten.4765" said:

I get what you're saying. I honestly am not asking for people to do it all for me. I am trying to better my game though and every time I look online for build help, I'm stumped by the lingo and the lack of clarity (as in when it might be useful). Weaver is complicated, I get that too. But there are precious few places that explain a build in plain English that new players understand. (1)

I'm not asking for hand holding all the way. I like trying to figure it out, but sometimes I think this game should be playable without doing all that and it frustrates me at times.

I also get frustrated when people gripe about the gap in skill level between players in this game like it is shameful to be new or something. Why shame people? It's not productive. (2)

Like I said I got through it the cheaters way. But it felt like cheating and I would prefer not to have to do that. I also prefer it when the game gives me clues on what to do and this fight was lacking in hints. I found it more frustrating initially than Mordremoth and that was an awful fight that I am not looking forward to doing again.

(1) I completely agree. Personally, I think Anet relies too much on veteran players and outside sources (wiki, gw2efficiency, etc) to explain things to players. The tool tips aren't always helpful. I've stumbled through a couple of bounty missions because rn there's very little info available either in game or outside on some of the attacks (or at least I've yet to stumble across it). Veteran players get frustrated because people don't know the fights and can't easily learn it for themselves, so they keep getting the same questions or failing events. New players get frustrated because suddenly they have to do things they don't know about with no warning and sometimes don't even understand why an event or instance fails.

(2) I don't disagree unless the person who doesn't know comes out with a sense of entitlement and demands hand holding. (Not saying you do that, but even my barely medium-ish player butt has run across it.) lol

Unfortunately, I cannot directly help with Weaver as i don't have an elementalist at all and never played the class. But, if there are abbreviation and jargon questions that you have, I'd be glad to answer what I can. If it's easier than scrolling through the board, add me in game or send a mail.

The statement about use of resources and reliance on other people is false in regards to story content (Like Eater of Souls). It is true (to an extend) about the group content (Raids, fractals, etc.), because no one who does it regularly wants to waste time if something may take few hours to begin with, which is not to say you have to use these things either. You can make a group of people who are willing to go into a Raid cold turkey and figure things out by themselves as a group, for example, even if they wont down the content first few times..Use of these resources is up to people. Everything can be learned in-game without need for these things. Every story fight is soloable, with enough personal experience. I am sorry that not everything is an instant gratification for everyone, but if there was no challenging content in the game, it would be pretty boring and pointless to even play it. Some content will be harder to new people, because there is lots for them to get used to, but it's not unobtainable WITHOUT guides. Even back in the day, when I first started this game, the second I figured out how the game works (basics), I started to theory craft my own builds and never looked back. I come up with my own strategies.

I don't look up guides as I like to come up with solutions myself, and quite frankly, there is nothing not soloable in the game story-content wise (aside from dungeons). If I look up things online it's usually to compare my own solutions to other people's and sort of "compare notes." That's how I ended up looking into this thread in the first place, only after I have beaten Eater myself.

Nothing forces you to look things up online or rely on others in story mode (Eater is story mode). People need to be more patient. If you don't like guides, don't use them, but be ready you won't get that feeling of instant gratification, and some content will be more challenging than others to you. But saying you have to rely on builds/guides to do content is false. Some things will be harder to figure out for you than others, but that's the beauty of it. I don't want every fight to be easy, boss fight should be hard. If you were able to die, Balthazaar would have been much more challenging of an encounter than Eater.

And yes, you can play the game without need to figure things out. Do other missions that lead to a boss fight, it's damn easy and you can do it on autopilot. Don't expect boss fights to let you autopilot through (which Eater was to me regardless), they are BOSS fights for a reason.

As for gap in skill level. Quite frankly that's unavoidable in EVERY single game. It's about practice. if you practice enough, you will overcome that gap. The people who complain about noobs are hypocrites as they were noobs themselves at some point. All I can say about them, you probably should move on and look for other people to play with, as you may be better off without them. It's an MMO, so you got all kinds of personalities.

Please don't feed community false statements, as it will create false perceptions. Guides are convenience, not necessity or requirement (for story content).

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I read about people's frustration with the fight before I got there, but I managed to avoid spoilers on how to actually pass it. While I did die the first time, as soon as I noticed that EoS pops a break bar right before the jump that starts the life gain AoE, I decided to try breaking it. Thief pistol 4 is a very fast daze, and it was enough to break the bar completely. So then I just spammed unload until EoS died. Incredibly easy fight once you figure out how to break the bar.

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@Vladish.3940 said:

@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@Vladish.3940 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@Ahlen.7591 said:I never understood how wide the skill gap is in this community until this thread.

You must not have been around for the caudecus fight complaints.

Any time Anet implements a boss that has literally any mechanics other than stand still and press 1 to kill it, a large portion of the community suddenly emerges that is shockingly incapable of understanding even the most simple mechanics.

Actually imho the entire instance was badly designed, especially for those that solo the story and play other content as a group. Sheer amount of vets and the fact that they don't stick to nothing but you made it very boring and frustrating. The fights with the boss may not have been as irritating if some of us haven't had all their gear broken by the time we got to him. It's not about mechanics at times, it's about design too.

You should be having no trouble with veterans.Elites I would understand if you were getting obliterated, but not Vets.

That's a pretty kitten statement. Not everyone plays op meta builds, not everyone (particularly if their main game play revolves around story alone) has end game exotic/ascended hear, there are new players that use story to learn how to play the game. Troll much? Any mobs in large enough quantities and with enough mechanics will be able to overpower you. Add to id how your gear progressively gets destroyed and it becomes much harder experience by the end. Just because certain content was easy for you, doesn't mean it will be for others.

Is it too much to expect players to pay at least minimal attention to the mechanics of the game they're playing? I guess it is. Because otherwise I see no reason for the statement you quoted to be regarded as "kitten".

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@Hawkfeather.2071 said:Just got to this story step. It was super long, and took me a little while to get the rotation of the eater down, but I beat it. Aaaand then promptly disconnected while listening to Joko threaten me. So now I have to do the whole darn thing over again.

........yeah I think I need a break from the game for a day before trying that again. Checkpoints next time, Anet. Please.

I was on my Mirage the first time I fought him. He'd fully heal off illusions (not sure if fixed now), and dodge doesn't give distance for a Mirage, though it does give speed boost. He'd easily catch up to me. Died a bunch, said screw it and left it for the next day.Retooled build to add another interrupt and a condition swap. 25 long lasting stacks of vulnerability sucks when you're wearing a dress. Just focused on interrupting as soon as the circle appeared and killed him pretty quickly, especially swapping all the vulnerability back at him.Game crashed when talking to Joko.Repeated the entire instance again, because Saved Progression isn't a thing for Anet, didn't even bother dodging with Balth just stood their spamming 1 while watching TV. Kill the Eater again, game crashes talking to Joko again. Send bug report.Whatever, once more into the Mists. Kill it all once again and just run past Joko up the stairs to the portal. It works, I leave.

So yeah, just in case, run past Joko up the stairs, why risk it? You don't really care what he thinks, do you? (You can still hear him anyway.)

Finding the weapons took me a while the first time. The second time I noticed that the Grenth Guy actually POINTS to them, if you happen to be watching.

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@Vladish.3940 said:

@MMAI.5892 said:

@"Fantasia kitten.4765" said:

I get what you're saying. I honestly am not asking for people to do it all for me. I am trying to better my game though and every time I look online for build help, I'm stumped by the lingo and the lack of clarity (as in when it might be useful). Weaver is complicated, I get that too. But there are precious few places that explain a build in plain English that new players understand. (1)

I'm not asking for hand holding all the way. I like trying to figure it out, but sometimes I think this game should be playable without doing all that and it frustrates me at times.

I also get frustrated when people gripe about the gap in skill level between players in this game like it is shameful to be new or something. Why shame people? It's not productive. (2)

Like I said I got through it the cheaters way. But it felt like cheating and I would prefer not to have to do that. I also prefer it when the game gives me clues on what to do and this fight was lacking in hints. I found it more frustrating initially than Mordremoth and that was an awful fight that I am not looking forward to doing again.

(1) I completely agree. Personally, I think Anet relies too much on veteran players and outside sources (wiki, gw2efficiency, etc) to explain things to players. The tool tips aren't always helpful. I've stumbled through a couple of bounty missions because rn there's very little info available either in game or outside on some of the attacks (or at least I've yet to stumble across it). Veteran players get frustrated because people don't know the fights and can't easily learn it for themselves, so they keep getting the same questions or failing events. New players get frustrated because suddenly they have to do things they don't know about with no warning and sometimes don't even understand why an event or instance fails.

(2) I don't disagree unless the person who doesn't know comes out with a sense of entitlement and demands hand holding. (Not saying you do that, but even my barely medium-ish player butt has run across it.) lol

Unfortunately, I cannot directly help with Weaver as i don't have an elementalist at all and never played the class. But, if there are abbreviation and jargon questions that you have, I'd be glad to answer what I can. If it's easier than scrolling through the board, add me in game or send a mail.

The statement about use of resources and reliance on other people is false in regards to story content (Like Eater of Souls). It is true (to an extend) about the group content (Raids, fractals, etc.), because no one who does it regularly wants to waste time if something may take few hours to begin with, which is not to say you have to use these things either. You can make a group of people who are willing to go into a Raid cold turkey and figure things out by themselves as a group, for example, even if they wont down the content first few times..Use of these resources is up to people. Everything can be learned in-game without need for these things. Every story fight is soloable, with enough personal experience. I am sorry that not everything is an instant gratification for everyone, but if there was no challenging content in the game, it would be pretty boring and pointless to even play it. Some content will be harder to new people, because there is lots for them to get used to, but it's not unobtainable WITHOUT guides. Even back in the day, when I first started this game, the second I figured out how the game works (basics), I started to theory craft my own builds and never looked back. I come up with my own strategies.

I don't look up guides as I like to come up with solutions myself, and quite frankly, there is nothing not soloable in the game story-content wise (aside from dungeons). If I look up things online it's usually to compare my own solutions to other people's and sort of "compare notes." That's how I ended up looking into this thread in the first place, only after I have beaten Eater myself.

Nothing forces you to look things up online or rely on others in story mode (Eater is story mode). People need to be more patient. If you don't like guides, don't use them, but be ready you won't get that feeling of instant gratification, and some content will be more challenging than others to you. But saying you have to rely on builds/guides to do content is false. Some things will be harder to figure out for you than others, but that's the beauty of it. I don't want every fight to be easy, boss fight should be hard. If you were able to die, Balthazaar would have been much more challenging of an encounter than Eater.

And yes, you can play the game without need to figure things out. Do other missions that lead to a boss fight, it's kitten easy and you can do it on autopilot. Don't expect boss fights to let you autopilot through (which Eater was to me regardless), they are BOSS fights for a reason.

As for gap in skill level. Quite frankly that's unavoidable in EVERY single game. It's about practice. if you practice enough, you will overcome that gap. If every new player was instantly capable of performing at he same level I can in every aspect of the game, it would mean the game has zero learning curve and no challenge to it whatsoever. That's a boring game and a bad game design for an MMO. It's like starting to play Overwatch, and crying that it is unfair because you can't make headshots like a player that has been playing since release. GW2 being skill-based rather than level/gear grind, was always one of its main selling points, and lets keep it like that.

Please don't feed community false statements, as it will create false perceptions. Guides are convenience, not necessity or requirement (for story content).

Generally speaking, I think you're reading more into this than what I'm actually saying. So, let me back up a bit. My implication wasn't that you had to use guides to do anything. Sure anything can be figured out. The question is time investment and to some degree familiarity. I've never played a MMO before GW2 and while it has many aspects of the console RPGs that I typically play, it's also very different.

I'll go back to the defiance bar. I don't recall anything in the game that directly 'teaches' what it is or how to counter it and - at the time that I started playing at least - none of the skill tool tips stated what effects worked on defiance bars and what didn't. Given that it is such a heavily used mechanic in the game, I stand by that a clearer in game explanation of it would be massively useful to new players and those who are pretty casual players.

Specifics:(1)Nothing forces you to look things up online or rely on others in story modeNever said it did. That still doesn't, for me, change the fact that there is some information that I think should be included in game instead of the 'figure it out' or 'ask someone' approaches. For a different example, I'll use crafting. The recipe that I buy won't let me craft x because I apparently need another mysterious recipe by which to make some other component is, imo, needlessly cumbersome.

(2) Every story fight is soloable, with enough personal experience.Sure, and I meant that honestly. The difference often comes with personal investment in the game. Take raiding. I went on a learning raid where we all decided to go in cold and learn the fight. It was fun even though we didn't get the kill. But I also realized that I didn't care enough about it to spend a couple of hours a week or more to for one encounter in the game mode. I think it's pretty clear from previous statements that I don't advocate 'press 1 and done' as the standard, but I can understand someone getting entirely frustrated with a fight that hits them out of left field with mechanics that may not be particularly clear. There is to me, a difference in a fight that is challenging because of mechanics or new boss skill, and ones that are challenging because of a lack of clarity with in game materials. Ultimately, that's all I'm saying. For someone who's played the game for a while and been through it's evolutions, then these things have come in smaller, more digestible chunks than for those that have just started or been away for a while.

(3)Please don't feed community false statements, as it will create false perceptions. Guides are convenience, not necessity or requirement (for story content).Again, I never said they were. Stating that I think in game information resources could be better on this front =/= stating that guides are a requirement (edit for clarity) requirement.

To be clear, I don't think there's an argument here aside from a difference of what you and I think would be baseline information to provide in game.

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I deal a heck ton of damage and I have a cc that insta breaks his bar, but I still had to bug him out in order to defeat him. Walked past Joko's cage and up the thing to the end portal, and stood behind a tree where he couldnt get me and shot him 'till he died. Dodging his jump and the dumb life drain attack did nothing for me, after taking out 50% of his health he just gained it back. I have no idea how people can kill him without bugging him, they must be so pro~ I am never doing this again!

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Just finished, with solo warrior rifle skill 5. I just circle strafed and shot and waited for his break bar to show up. It shows up twice. The sequence is, regular attacks for 15 seconds or so. Then break bar shows up while he jumps. After he lands he will use his life steal skill. At the end of the life steal skill, the bar shows up a 2nd time. You gotta try to hit it during that jump. That way it interrupts his life steal skill and resets the cycle. He actually has very little health. I think I stunned him a total of 10 times and it was enough. The break bar shows up every 20 seconds or so before his jump attack. As long as you got a instant CC like headbutt or something that recharges within 20 seconds, you got a chance. I thought this was impossible but the key is breaking the bar before the life steal attack. He ended up never using his life steal attack. I did die like 20 times or so before I figured this out.

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Words could not express how pissed off this whole mission has been. I feel like i did something horrible to the devs because honestly how can they make something this frustrating and charge for it? I spent forever trying to kill Balthazar because i kept getting downed and took quite a while to chip his health down, only to get lost in spirit land finding mystical crates for weapons. Finally get to the soul eater thing and spent literal hours trying to get passed it, only to finally kill it and have my build restart.

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Just completed these a little bit ago. I didn't do any research before hand and went in blind. Didn't get downed once against Balthazar, but there sure was a lot of running around and dodging and sniping with my staff. Eater of Souls took a bit to figure out, but I eventually got it. I'm not a good player by any means. pretty bad actually but I don't really see what the 12 pages of fuss is all about.

I used my main, a Power Reaper during all this.

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I did this as a Weaver wielding S/D. Fortunately attuning air/earth provides stun, lift, and knockdown, so breaking his bar wasn't too hard. I went in blind, so he beat me up for a while before I figured out how, but a well timed Polaric Leap would interrupt his first jump attack and ruin his chain. He's definitely annoying if you don't know how to take him down, and it could be a serious problem that you can't change your weapons if you have no CC... But his basic attacks don't deal much damage. Interrupt him well and he's a pushover.

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@MMAI.5892 said:

@Vladish.3940 said:

@MMAI.5892 said:

@"Fantasia kitten.4765" said:

I get what you're saying. I honestly am not asking for people to do it all for me. I am trying to better my game though and every time I look online for build help, I'm stumped by the lingo and the lack of clarity (as in when it might be useful). Weaver is complicated, I get that too. But there are precious few places that explain a build in plain English that new players understand. (1)

I'm not asking for hand holding all the way. I like trying to figure it out, but sometimes I think this game should be playable without doing all that and it frustrates me at times.

I also get frustrated when people gripe about the gap in skill level between players in this game like it is shameful to be new or something. Why shame people? It's not productive. (2)

Like I said I got through it the cheaters way. But it felt like cheating and I would prefer not to have to do that. I also prefer it when the game gives me clues on what to do and this fight was lacking in hints. I found it more frustrating initially than Mordremoth and that was an awful fight that I am not looking forward to doing again.

(1) I completely agree. Personally, I think Anet relies too much on veteran players and outside sources (wiki, gw2efficiency, etc) to explain things to players. The tool tips aren't always helpful. I've stumbled through a couple of bounty missions because rn there's very little info available either in game or outside on some of the attacks (or at least I've yet to stumble across it). Veteran players get frustrated because people don't know the fights and can't easily learn it for themselves, so they keep getting the same questions or failing events. New players get frustrated because suddenly they have to do things they don't know about with no warning and sometimes don't even understand why an event or instance fails.

(2) I don't disagree unless the person who doesn't know comes out with a sense of entitlement and demands hand holding. (Not saying you do that, but even my barely medium-ish player butt has run across it.) lol

Unfortunately, I cannot directly help with Weaver as i don't have an elementalist at all and never played the class. But, if there are abbreviation and jargon questions that you have, I'd be glad to answer what I can. If it's easier than scrolling through the board, add me in game or send a mail.

The statement about use of resources and reliance on other people is false in regards to story content (Like Eater of Souls). It is true (to an extend) about the group content (Raids, fractals, etc.), because no one who does it regularly wants to waste time if something may take few hours to begin with, which is not to say you have to use these things either. You can make a group of people who are willing to go into a Raid cold turkey and figure things out by themselves as a group, for example, even if they wont down the content first few times..Use of these resources is up to people. Everything can be learned in-game without need for these things. Every story fight is soloable, with enough personal experience. I am sorry that not everything is an instant gratification for everyone, but if there was no challenging content in the game, it would be pretty boring and pointless to even play it. Some content will be harder to new people, because there is lots for them to get used to, but it's not unobtainable WITHOUT guides. Even back in the day, when I first started this game, the second I figured out how the game works (basics), I started to theory craft my own builds and never looked back. I come up with my own strategies.

I don't look up guides as I like to come up with solutions myself, and quite frankly, there is nothing not soloable in the game story-content wise (aside from dungeons). If I look up things online it's usually to compare my own solutions to other people's and sort of "compare notes." That's how I ended up looking into this thread in the first place, only after I have beaten Eater myself.

Nothing forces you to look things up online or rely on others in story mode (Eater is story mode). People need to be more patient. If you don't like guides, don't use them, but be ready you won't get that feeling of instant gratification, and some content will be more challenging than others to you. But saying you have to rely on builds/guides to do content is false. Some things will be harder to figure out for you than others, but that's the beauty of it. I don't want every fight to be easy, boss fight should be hard. If you were able to die, Balthazaar would have been much more challenging of an encounter than Eater.

And yes, you can play the game without need to figure things out. Do other missions that lead to a boss fight, it's kitten easy and you can do it on autopilot. Don't expect boss fights to let you autopilot through (which Eater was to me regardless), they are BOSS fights for a reason.

As for gap in skill level. Quite frankly that's unavoidable in EVERY single game. It's about practice. if you practice enough, you will overcome that gap. If every new player was instantly capable of performing at he same level I can in every aspect of the game, it would mean the game has zero learning curve and no challenge to it whatsoever. That's a boring game and a bad game design for an MMO. It's like starting to play Overwatch, and crying that it is unfair because you can't make headshots like a player that has been playing since release. GW2 being skill-based rather than level/gear grind, was always one of its main selling points, and lets keep it like that.

Please don't feed community false statements, as it will create false perceptions. Guides are convenience, not necessity or requirement (for story content).

Generally speaking, I think you're reading more into this than what I'm actually saying. So, let me back up a bit. My implication wasn't that you had to use guides to do anything. Sure anything can be figured out. The question is time investment and to some degree familiarity. I've never played a MMO before GW2 and while it has many aspects of the console RPGs that I typically play, it's also very different.

I'll go back to the defiance bar. I don't recall anything in the game that directly 'teaches' what it is or how to counter it and - at the time that I started playing at least - none of the skill tool tips stated what effects worked on defiance bars and what didn't. Given that it is such a heavily used mechanic in the game, I stand by that a clearer in game explanation of it would be massively useful to new players and those who are pretty casual players.

Specifics:(1)Nothing forces you to look things up online or rely on others in story modeNever said it did. That still doesn't, for me, change the fact that there is some information that I think should be included in game instead of the 'figure it out' or 'ask someone' approaches. For a different example, I'll use crafting. The recipe that I buy won't let me craft x because I apparently need another mysterious recipe by which to make some other component is, imo, needlessly cumbersome.

(2) Every story fight is soloable, with enough personal experience.Sure, and I meant that honestly. The difference often comes with personal investment in the game. Take raiding. I went on a learning raid where we all decided to go in cold and learn the fight. It was fun even though we didn't get the kill. But I also realized that I didn't care enough about it to spend a couple of hours a week or more to for one encounter in the game mode. I think it's pretty clear from previous statements that I don't advocate 'press 1 and done' as the standard, but I can understand someone getting entirely frustrated with a fight that hits them out of left field with mechanics that may not be particularly clear. There is to me, a difference in a fight that is challenging because of mechanics or new boss skill, and ones that are challenging because of a lack of clarity with in game materials. Ultimately, that's all I'm saying. For someone who's played the game for a while and been through it's evolutions, then these things have come in smaller, more digestible chunks than for those that have just started or been away for a while.

(3)Please don't feed community false statements, as it will create false perceptions. Guides are convenience, not necessity or requirement (for story content).Again, I never said they were. Stating that I think in game information resources could be better on this front =/= stating that guides are a requirement (edit for clarity) requirement.

To be clear, I don't think there's an argument here aside from a difference of what you and I think would be baseline information to provide in game.

While I agree that it would be beneficial to teach some of the mechanics such as the break/defiance/stun bar, personally I quite enjoyed figuring out on my own and asking for affirmation. I enjoy asking the community/map chat for help, it feels more personal. It makes the game feel like you can look to the support of your community for help.I also don't mind looking up guides from time to time, which is usually a quick way for me to do achievement collections and learn it for others.

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I don't disagree. Overall, I've found most people to be pretty helpful and that's certainly nice! I'd say breakbar and some later stages of crafting are my biggest wishes for more in-game information. And maybe some more varied fights in the personal story because I think that would allow people to learn or at least experience certain mechanics in smaller bites if that makes sense.

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This is an easy fight even without any of the new PoF traits and skills.

I just finished it on my second character, a Warrior, and I did it on my old, beloved Condi Berserker build (because Spellbreaker sucks in PvE), using sword/torch and a longbow. No speed boost of any type equipped, so I was a little slow on foot, but it wasn't needed. I used a couple of melee attacks at the start of each cycle before attacking at distance with my bow, and took it down in under five minutes with simple condition damage.

It really is no big deal as long as you avoid its orange circles and aren't too close to it when it uses its life drain/pull attack on you. I really don't understand what people's issue is with this fight.

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@MMAI.5892 said:@hellsqueen.3045

I don't disagree. Overall, I've found most people to be pretty helpful and that's certainly nice! I'd say breakbar and some later stages of crafting are my biggest wishes for more in-game information. And maybe some more varied fights in the personal story because I think that would allow people to learn or at least experience certain mechanics in smaller bites if that makes sense.

The thing about that is, the break bar was introduced AFTER the personal stories were created.In fact, they installed it in the dungeons later down the track, however they don't work as intended because you can still knock down those dungeon bosses.They have no intention of going back to old content and changing it. However, maybe with enough appeals about new people feeling uninformed by the game we could see a change.

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I've Thumbs-Up'd the remarks about no save points. I was burned by that. I was burned by trying to find the gear. I explored the place for a half hour not realizing what was going on. I DC'd and had to start over. (I did this a couple of days ago.)

I managed to defeat him in a fairly unremarkable battle, which puzzles me. Perhaps I've been playing Necro so long -- and I don't use minions -- that I instinctively stayed at range, broke his bars, saw his telegraphs, etc. BUT the ONE TIP I can maybe give, the one thing I noticed, is that he really stacks vulnerability on you. As a Necro Scourge, I was able to turn those into stacks of buffs, and that might be a key: convert, cleanse, or transfer his debuffs at all costs. Perhaps his self-heal is enhanced by you having a boatload of vulnerability stacked on you?

Anyhow, that's all I've got to offer. All told, I probably wasted an hour between wandering around the first time and having to do it all over, but I'm glad I didn't see this thread before the fight and I was naive enough to get it done. We'll see what happens if I try a different profession. Maybe my tip amounts to using a Scourge, but I hope not.

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I've beaten him twice, once as a Weaver using air and earth attunements with Sword/Dagger spec'd into Earth and Air at the time I believe for the added defenses and stuns (Stun him as soon as you see the small circle) and as a Deadeye by kiting him in a circle using Death's Retreat and dodge, when he would go to drain I'd just run out of the effective range. I hope this helps,

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@Druitt.7629 said:As a Necro Scourge, I was able to turn those into stacks of buffs, and that might be a key: convert, cleanse, or transfer his debuffs at all costs.

No. Read my post two posts above yours. My first run was also with my Condi Scourge (took me about 2 mins), but it was almost just as simple with a Condi Berserker as long as you follow the rules I mentioned:

@Ashantara.8731 said:[...] It really is no big deal as long as you avoid its orange circles and aren't too close to it when it uses its life drain/pull attack on you.

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