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Last chance... New modes.. Please??


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I'd like to know what is the current reasoning for Anet not adding new game modes to pvp. I've read before they are hesitant to split the current pvp population any further which is somewhat understandable right.. (Even though it is Anet fault for the lack of updates and balance for letting it get to where it is). But quite frankly that isn't even a good enough excuse anymore. To not take a chance at reviving the community while there's still a slim chance with new and exciting game modes... your trying to sustain the few thousands of players that are dwindling away and not bring any new ones in... and even that is the most minimal effort. You actually make your life much harder trying to balance a game, which best quality is its amazing combat system, solely around a conquest mode which reinforces and glorifies unhealthy builds.

Its sad honestly as I've been playing Wvw and pvp since release and aside from extreme power creep and poorly thought out elite specs, nothing has changed in 5 years (aside from a borderland that no one plays because you ignored feedback from Wvw community on initial release and a stronghold mode that no one ever cared about because we want to play Gw2 not Dota2)

I apologize if this comes off extremely negative, as I'm just voicing my frustration like others, but I would love to at least see some last ditch effort to liven up the game again as opposed to laying on life support.

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New game modes would be easy (though a lot of work):

Ranked becomes a 5v5 pre-made team only event with conquest only maps. Rewards should be made way better.

Unranked becomes a "battleground" style endeavor (like WoW) with several gamemode maps in a random queue (with most being more than just 5v5), with better rewards than current unranked.

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@"pah.4931" said:New game modes would be easy (though a lot of work):

Ranked becomes a 5v5 pre-made team only event with conquest only maps. Rewards should be made way better.

Unranked becomes a "battleground" style endeavor (like WoW) with several gamemode maps in a random queue (with most being more than just 5v5), with better rewards than current unranked.

Appreciate your feedback, but Im not sure the only ranked game mode should be conquest. If you wanted to keep it as a ranked option then by all means do so, but conquest creates its own imbalances with things like old turret engine which was and never would be an issue in any other game mode such as 3v3. I think 2v2 and 3v3 should be added as well for ranked. It would be an interesting way to stir up new metals, and with how fast damage is now games would be quick and on to the next.

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@Radicalz.3781 said:

@"pah.4931" said:New game modes would be easy (though a lot of work):

Ranked becomes a 5v5 pre-made team only event with conquest only maps. Rewards should be made way better.

Unranked becomes a "battleground" style endeavor (like WoW) with several gamemode maps in a random queue (with most being more than just 5v5), with better rewards than current unranked.

Appreciate your feedback, but Im not sure the only ranked game mode should be conquest. If you wanted to keep it as a ranked option then by all means do so, but conquest creates its own imbalances with things like old turret engine which was and never would be an issue in any other game mode such as 3v3. I think 2v2 and 3v3 should be added as well for ranked. It would be an interesting way to stir up new metals, and with how fast damage is now games would be quick and on to the next.

While I agree (3v3 deathmatch is probably the best thing for any type of "ranked" mode), I was speaking more about how realistic the change might be. They already have several good Conquest maps, and people are very used to that format.

My main takeaway, in my opinion, is that you CANNOT have any sort of solo-q ranked mode. It just doesn't make sense. And it only breeds terrible experiences for players of every ranked.

Ranked -- whether 3v3 DM or keep it 5v5 Conquest -- NEEDS to be pre-made teams only.

Unranked would ideally be 10v10, 15v15, etc, and focus more on fun maps where there would be no meta.

Rewards should be decent for both. WoW combat is bad, but their system of Arena vs Battleground is really great and should be copied, if I'm being honest.

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Circlequest isn't a competitive game mode. It has just added to the downfall of gw2. Think of this:

Gw1 had many class options and no one that shined like scourge has, SB, or now mes. Sure there were builds people copied but not game breaking. TDM is easy to comprehend kill other team and win simple.

GW2 has circlequest where spam on a circle where people are forced to fight instantly kills some, You then have a class that can outrun all other classes by 3x. Sure mesmer can be fast but a shortbow #5 teef will usually prevail at the cap de cap game. Have 2 teef players on 1 team and none on the other? lol 95% loss

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I rly like conquest but also would like to get other game modes. First test them in unranked like you do it with maps and then introduce to ranked. Let ppl vote in the start of the match about gamemode like we have it with the maps already. So new game modes don't split the low playerbase (what hopefully will get larger with the new game modes again).

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@Namless.4028 said:The thing is everyone making these posts acts like stronghold doesnt exist.New gamemodes wont help if noone plays them and i think every gamemode anet makes will get treated like stronghold by the community

Stronghold should have been a MOBA game type with a large map, strong creeps and towers (think in s something like Lupicus as a tower) and some mechanics to make the matches 15-30 minutes long. Instead they made a PvE small map (segmented by walls) with clunky mechanics designed to snowballing. Is lacklusting, is boring, is focused in healing your goons isntead of fighting and is essentially a non-PvP game mode.

I guess that is the kind of experience that karma train bandwagoners and late night PvDooring players enjoy at WvW, but if you like competitive endevours like duelling, roaming, small scale guild vs guild or even large zerg vs zerg fights Stronghold WON'T fill your lust for blood.

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@"Namless.4028" said:The thing is everyone making these posts acts like stronghold doesnt exist.New gamemodes wont help if noone plays them and i think every gamemode anet makes will get treated like stronghold by the community

New game modes need to exist within a random queuing system (see WoWs battlegrouds) that incentivizes queuing randomly so they don't split the PvP population. If Anet had a premade only "Arena (conquest) and a battleground system (like WoW, bigger maps and bigger teams) it would be a WAY healthier system.

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