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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:Yes, I was cautious about judging Anet after this thread but the fact that Chris removed his tweets confirms this whole case smells bad.

Interesting that they removed their tweets. Makes me wonder.

Chris probably got in a bit of hot water for his tweets since they could have been construed as a bit unprofessional (I think were hysterical and snarky).

I think people are reading into that bit a little too much.

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3 things.

  1. The terms of service protect anet and allow them to do as they please. By clicking "ok" you agree to give up your rights as a human being.

  2. Every game I play uses a scanner(to scan your computer for hacks bots trainers ) and a TOS so for this to be shocking means guild wars 2 players don't have much gaming experience.

  3. If you don't want to risk your self - best way is to play unmodded version of guild wars 2. You took the risk and you knew what the risks we're ( and if you didn't perhaps you need more awareness).

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@DaShi.1368 said:That they didn't give a chance to appeal states that they are pretty confident in their discovery.

And a lot of banned people are sure they did not cheat. It seems that being confident isn't always a good thing.

@DaShi.1368 said:Accept the fact that you cheated and got caught. Even if there is an action about the spyware, that's not going to make your ban go away.

Well, I did not cheat in any way. How am I supposed to just accept something that isn't true? Anet should admit their mistakes and make unjustified bans go away.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Laila Lightness.8742" said:I will say this all who got suspended is guilty for other wise they wouldnt be suspended so stop pretending innocence we all know what you people are

There were cases in the past of people being wrongfully banned. What do you have to say about this?

Also, read this:

Dear Anet,

If this is true, words can't even begin to express how disgusted I am with you right now. There's no excuse for violating my personal privacy/security on my PC just to stop a few "cheaters." I don't play games like Rift and BDO for a reason-- no video game is worth installing rootkits or spyware onto my system. No actions by shady players or bots or goldspammers warrant violating my PC's integrity.

I'd like you, Anet, to issue some sort of confirmation or denial that the above player's analysis is correct. If it is, then I want an apology and a promise you won't take such actions in the future. Then I want you to stand by it. As it is, my trust and faith in you as a game studio has been shaken. You still have a chance to earn it back. Please try.

Sincerely,Someone who believes that a game is just a game

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Fact is, people can say they didn't cheat until they are blue in the face. Be it true or not the only people with the proof aren't going to share it with anybody. Although at this point with all the evidence of them scanning processes I'm a little curious to know for sure what they saw and how they went about knowing 100% that somebody was in fact cheating in GW2.

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Well over on reddit a user has figured out that Anet installed spyware in an update on 3/6/18 then removed it on 3/27/18. This spyware pretty much looked at EVERY process you had running then sent it back to Anet servers.

So if you have software they deem bad while playing GW2 boom suspended.

This is a HUGE invasion of privacy and we consumers need an IMMEDIATE answer in light of the recent Facebook scandal.

My personal information was breached and the trust I have for Anet has been destroyed.

I'm not posting the link to thread and I'm sure I'll get banned off these forums for this.....but this needs to be said

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@Vault Girl.6792 said:

@"Tasida.4085" said:Here's an idea.......don't use anything. Play the game as is with no extras. Easy peasy and no worry about bans.....Gosh so simple to do. Otherwise those banned more than likely deserve what they got imo and hopefully will know better when their ban is over.

How should people "know better" if they have no idea what they were banned for?

If you use a cheat program for any game, you probably used a cheat for GW2...no matter the denials. It's simple...cheat all you want on single-player games, don't cheat on MMOs. I have no issue with the ban.

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@misterman.1530 said:

@"Tasida.4085" said:Here's an idea.......don't use anything. Play the game as is with no extras. Easy peasy and no worry about bans.....Gosh so simple to do. Otherwise those banned more than likely deserve what they got imo and hopefully will know better when their ban is over.

How should people "know better" if they have no idea what they were banned for?

If you use a cheat program for any game, you probably used a cheat for GW2...no matter the denials. It's simple...cheat all you want on single-player games, don't cheat on MMOs. I have no issue with the ban.

Not good enough. That's Witch Hunting and assuming. Unless there is absolute proof that a cheat program was used FOR Guild Wars 2 then they should not be banning people. It should be taken very seriously and treated as such. The edited comment listing the programs was good but it still doesn't answer the most pressing concerns such as if they have absolute proof people were using things like Cheat Engine to cheat IN Guild Wars 2 and why they are sneakily installing and removing spyware from our systems without even mentioning it at all and hoping people won't notice.

They say they value our trust well that's a funny way of showing it. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Hello,

I wanted to be sure that folks who are following or participating in this thread are aware that we've provided a lot of additional information this evening in this post. I hope that in reading that update, you'll find your questions are answered.

" CheatEngine " Just because this is running on someone's system doesn't mean its being used in Guild Wars 2. What about other games?

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@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

I don't buy that excuse. If they have cheat software running at the same time as GW2, they're most likely using it for this game. I also don't buy the excuse that they had the software running, but only use it for other games. I bet anything if they got banned from a different MMO for botting/hacking/cheating, they'd use the same excuse: "I don't use the cheat software for this game."

None of this matters anymore. Why? Because the United States, France, and the UK just struck Syria. World war 3 is about to start.

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@Vyrulisse.1246 said:

@"Tasida.4085" said:Here's an idea.......don't use anything. Play the game as is with no extras. Easy peasy and no worry about bans.....Gosh so simple to do. Otherwise those banned more than likely deserve what they got imo and hopefully will know better when their ban is over.

How should people "know better" if they have no idea what they were banned for?

If you use a cheat program for any game, you probably used a cheat for GW2...no matter the denials. It's simple...cheat all you want on single-player games, don't cheat on MMOs. I have no issue with the ban.

Not good enough. That's Witch Hunting and assuming. Unless there is absolute proof that a cheat program was used FOR Guild Wars 2 then they should not be banning people. It should be taken very seriously and treated as such. The edited comment listing the programs was good but it still doesn't answer the most pressing concerns such as if they have absolute proof people were using things like Cheat Engine to cheat IN Guild Wars 2 and why they are sneakily installing and removing spyware from our systems without even mentioning it at all and hoping people won't notice.

They say they value our trust well that's a funny way of showing it. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

I understand that, but all we have are the "word" of cheaters who use these programs stating they don't use them in GW2. I am more inclined to believe Anet that they were using them in GW2, than I am the people who are howling.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Hello,

I wanted to be sure that folks who are following or participating in this thread are aware that we've provided a lot of additional information this evening in this post. I hope that in reading that update, you'll find your questions are answered.

Awesome. That answers some questions, I'm sure. Thank you.

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"we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week period earlier this year." --- from GaileThat says that they have the proof that they were running them "at the same time" ..... over a "significant" number of hours for multiple weeks.

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@misterman.1530 said:

@"OrbitalButt.5708" said:This is just my immediate gut reaction, but installing spyware the way they did seems a little bit shady. I'm probably wrong, this whole situation is a big freakin mess

Not spyware. "monitoring" - using built in Windows APIs. Steam is worse.

Like I said, I'm probably wrong. Thanks for the correction

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@misterman.1530 said:

@"Tasida.4085" said:Here's an idea.......don't use anything. Play the game as is with no extras. Easy peasy and no worry about bans.....Gosh so simple to do. Otherwise those banned more than likely deserve what they got imo and hopefully will know better when their ban is over.

How should people "know better" if they have no idea what they were banned for?

If you use a cheat program for any game, you probably used a cheat for GW2...no matter the denials. It's simple...cheat all you want on single-player games, don't cheat on MMOs. I have no issue with the ban.

I have never cheated in any MMO games (and I don't even know how to do that), so this doesn't answer my question.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Hello,

I wanted to be sure that folks who are following or participating in this thread are aware that we've provided a lot of additional information this evening in this post. I hope that in reading that update, you'll find your questions are answered.

This is a disgrace. You just admitted to:

a) snooping around on my computer, gathering AND SENDING data to your own servers to do who knows what withb) suspending people for having a program running in the background and NOT having other evidence of them ACTUALLY cheating in gw2c) being unable to stop hackers without using such underhanded methods.

No, Ive not been suspended. Thankfully due to security risks I have to do my debugging work on a separate computer.

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@"PyrateSilly.4710" said:"we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week period earlier this year." --- from GaileThat says that they have the proof that they were running them "at the same time" ..... over a "significant" number of hours for multiple weeks.

But "at the same time" does not mean these programs were used to cheat in GW2.

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It gets worse out of all those programs i only have cheat engine and according to windows i last accessed them on 28th December 2017, 13:02:06

So either they were scanning for longer than they claim, it's not accurate or you are not even allowed to have cheat engine installed on your computer.

You cannot retroactively add rules and suspend players for 6 months after you snoop around on their computer without their permission and have literally ZERO EVIDENCE of them cheating.

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@Charrbeque.8729 said:I don't buy that excuse. If they have cheat software running at the same time as GW2, they're most likely using it for this game.

I was using Cheat Engine for things like changing the amount of wood in a single-player farm simulator. I have enough RAM to leave the program open, do dailies in GW2, and then continue playing other games. This is not against the rules and shouldn't be the reason to ban people.

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