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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@azsh.1928 said:I'm waiting long, long time and got no response whatsoever ;-( ID 6890817

Did you receive the near-immediate automated reply?

If not, check spam/junk folders; if so, has it been more than 10 days?

Spam filters show nothing. Not even a search in email shows any responses.

Some people are not getting help from the tickets they are putting in.


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@atheria.2837 said:

@azsh.1928 said:I'm waiting long, long time and got no response whatsoever ;-( ID 6890817

Did you receive the near-immediate automated reply?

If not, check spam/junk folders; if so, has it been more than 10 days?

Spam filters show nothing. Not even a search in email shows any responses.

Some people
are not getting help from the tickets they are putting in.


If you didn't even receive the automated reply, then your ticket didn't go through or you put in the wrong email address. That's not an issue of support not replying.

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@RoseofGilead.8907 said:

@azsh.1928 said:I'm waiting long, long time and got no response whatsoever ;-( ID 6890817

Did you receive the near-immediate automated reply?

If not, check spam/junk folders; if so, has it been more than 10 days?

Spam filters show nothing. Not even a search in email shows any responses.

Some people
are not getting help from the tickets they are putting in.


If you didn't even receive the automated reply, then your ticket didn't go through or you put in the wrong email address. That's not an issue of support not replying.

I have the screenshots of the tickets, while putting them in and the acknowledgement online from the website.


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@atheria.2837 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:You can re-open a closed ticket by updating it. That may help with the time required to get through the queue. (There may be a Sticky about Ticket issues.)

Good luck.

Not true.

Most tickets can't be reopened.

Here's a quote:

Otherwise, simply respond to the e-mail associated with the previous ticket and that will automatically re-open the existing ticket.

Perhaps, policy has changed; anything is possible.


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@atheria.2837 said:

@azsh.1928 said:I'm waiting long, long time and got no response whatsoever ;-( ID 6890817

Did you receive the near-immediate automated reply?

If not, check spam/junk folders; if so, has it been more than 10 days?

Spam filters show nothing. Not even a search in email shows any responses.

Some people
are not getting help from the tickets they are putting in.


If you didn't even receive the automated reply, then your ticket didn't go through or you put in the wrong email address. That's not an issue of support not replying.

I have the screenshots of the tickets, while putting them in and the acknowledgement online from the website.


I'm not saying you didn't go through the process of making a ticket. I'm saying you have not received the automated confirmation email, which means that something has gone wrong there. If the ticket did fully go through, then you should have received the aforementioned email. If you don't have it, then you either accidentally put the wrong email address in your ticket or your spam filters are catching the emails from Anet.

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8 days now for 1 ticket. 5 days for the other... feels like a waste of time trying to recover an account when support has terrible communication with you. A simple "we got your ticket, we estimate itll take about x days before we can properly assist you" would be better than just simply ignoring the ticket until they are ready to "help"

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I have a friend who is a full week into waiting on support for his 2-factor authentication not working. Since its the 2-factor authentication that is creating the problem, they can't sign into the support site either to check the status of the original request (which had to be submitted anonymously). His ticket number is #6899332. Any help on this would be appreciated.

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whenever i go to support i can't stay logged in so i had to submit an anonymous ticket. it's for a basic task of changing email address (which why we can't change it ourselves is ridiculous to me). i didn't get a confirmation email and i have no idea if there's even a ticket in the system for it.

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Haven't read the rest of the posts but I sent in a ticket to remove my authenticator since I haven't played in 3 years. Hadn't heard back in about a week even after updating the ticket to ask about a status update so I just submitted a brand new ticket and it was resolved in about a day. Maybe some tickets just get lost in the cracks, but this is my experience.

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I probably read most post from Gaile or on the subject of support ticket time and I can say with 100% certainty that there is absolutly nothing anybody will or can do.But its okay to speak up, otherwise we would live a lie and feedback is always important.I hope our tickets get resolved soon :-/

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@Fritatoes.5136 said:I have a friend who is a full week into waiting on support for his 2-factor authentication not working. Since its the 2-factor authentication that is creating the problem, they can't sign into the support site either to check the status of the original request (which had to be submitted anonymously). His ticket number is #6899332. Any help on this would be appreciated.

My issue was fixed today! Thank you for the help, friend!

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@mowljo.2376 said:This sounds very interesting!Did you change anything about the support ticket? @Slayertidus.3278or was it the completly same?

I really didn't change anything. I just mentioned that I already had put in a ticket and tried to respond back to the same email for updates.

I'm guessing my first ticket just fell through the cracks somehow.

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I don't recall Support taking this long to answer a ticket. It's been almost two weeks since I filed one in regards to a purchase I made. I understand that Support has to analyze and respond each ticket depending on their 'priority', but since this was related to a purchase... I actually thought they would've answered it by now. I recall Support being way faster back in 2015 to the point where tickets were resolved within the same day they were filed.

Is there any particular reason why this is the case? I suppose it makes sense when it's around a major release or even during a troublesome wave of issues, but we're not going through anything like that the moment, which does make me worry. I've also noticed that it's usually the same "GMs" who respond to the tickets in question, and I remember there being more people in this line of work.

Has ANet shared any information in regards to this? If not, what are your thoughts on the matter?

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