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Update Scholar Aiti's Message (When GW2 Stops Talking to GW1 About GWaMM or HoM)

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It should be fixed now.

I think it happened because GW1 was offline for a while. After I got the mail in GW1 I tried to log into GW1 thinking maybe that would resynch my accounts and it wouldn't let me in, saying it couldn't connect to the server. I tried again a few minutes ago and I was able to get in, then I switched back to GW2 and all my HoM achievements and titles were back (the items had never gone).

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On 10/8/2021 at 5:10 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

I think it happened because GW1 was offline for a while. After I got the mail in GW1 I tried to log into GW1 thinking maybe that would resynch my accounts and it wouldn't let me in, saying it couldn't connect to the server. I tried again a few minutes ago and I was able to get in, then I switched back to GW2 and all my HoM achievements and titles were back (the items had never gone).

Same for me.  It was the first time I ever got the message, and it had me freaking out for a few minutes there, especially since no one else in LA seemed to have gotten it.  After I logged in and out of GW1, the Hall of Monuments achievements showed up in my achievement panel as if I'd gotten them all again; unfortunately, I didn't think to check if it changed my number of achievement points down and up again.


All's well that ends well, though.  As bugs go, as long as you don't actually lose anything, I don't find it that big of a deal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

HOLY MOLY i pooped my pants when i just got the mail.

good thing there si a known solution. i have no patients right now to wait until monday for a ticket to be answered

Then kindly update your ticket with I no longer need help.

So support dont have to waste time answering it anymore.

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On 10/30/2021 at 10:59 PM, Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

Personally I think it’s been enough years since fixing the bug that the email is about that they can remove the email. 

They fixed the bug the email is about, but there's a different bug which happens when GW2 can't communicate with GW1 to check an account's HoM points where the achievements and titles are tempoarily removed. (I think the achievement points stay and I know unlocked skins, minis and ranger pets stay.)

When that happens it would probably be helpful to have a message to let affected players know it's only tempoary and everything they've obtained will come back as soon as the connection is re-established and they log out and back in.

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  • 1 month later...
54 minutes ago, Maegwina.5874 said:

I received the LOR-748 Aiti e-mail today and until i found this topic i was afraid of losing it.

That means the bug on the 11 of december 2021 it is not fixed yet

it is not a bug gw1 just get unsynced with gw2, login to your gw1 account again to fix it.

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