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New-ish player. Need prof suggestion.


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Hey all, I'm returning to the game and I need help on professions. I've played on/off since launch, but never gotten anything to 80. Highest level was a 50 engie, but I found the kits kinda clunky to use.

Either way, I'm looking for a profession that fits my style. Basically, I like big numbers. Specifically, I like hitting something so hard it turns into big numbers. Sometimes this can come with brawn with a meaty smack, sometimes this is done from afar via a big fireball or powerful shot from a ranged weapon. Either way, I find that classes that can just dump truck on my target to keep my attention the most. I mostly play solo, so something that can do well on its own in both PvE and WvW (i.e. roaming) would be what I'm looking for. Not looking to get into hardcore raiding, maybe a pug here and there.

Thanks in advance!

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I would say stick with Engineer (Maybe a single kit build like the Elixir Bomber) and then when you get to 80 buy PoF and switch to Holosmith (kits optional at this point). Definitely something that will "dump truck" on your target. You also might want to take a look at Reaper (HoT Necro elite). Beast in open world PvE, but lacking as Necros tend to be roaming. Not that there aren't people out there making it work.

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Warrior gives you those big numbers while giving you lots of versatility to play whatever way you want. you can be a glass cannon, you can face tank, you can do power or condi, you are wanted in team content. It's got a pretty straight forward style of play or you can make it complicated with how you interact wtih the burst mechanic. It's probably the class with the most variations.

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Thanks for the suggestions so far. I looked into the Holosmith and it looks interesting. Really like the look of the elite skill, gotta love a big beam of deletion. I may continue my engie and also work on a warrior for the versatility, and after a bit look into DH or Ele if I find warrior to be a bit too vanilla.

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You honestly just have to buckle down with all of them and try them out. People will tell you all day that warrior and ranger are the best for beginners and that you ought to stay away from mesmers, engineers, and elementalists. But honestly, though it was a bit tougher, the engineer is incredibly fun to play with. You have the solution to every problem, you just have to remember where your tools are to solve it. Mesmer clicked so hard for me. Ranger bored me to death, and I felt like my Mesmer had more survivability than my warrior ever did. You just gotta go in and try those guys out. What might be easy for me could be brutal for you, and the reverse could hold true. If you wanna get REAL good at dodging and positioning, elementalist will teach you FAST. Just go in there and try stuff. Look up the gw2 wiki to give you some class talent and ability summarizations if you have questions.

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engineer sucks ...mostly. Leveling an engineer - you will need to put up with B ull sh it mechanics and bad gameplay. Once you get to level 80 - Get hero points and become a holosmith. I can tell you as holosmith i do a TON of damage and even after the nerfs i still hit hard.

Holosmith's weakness is that they also can be killed quite fast. So if you have someone to keep a monster or player busy - you can assassinate a player or monster easily.

I wouldn't recommend holosmith because you're missing like 90% of the engineer class (kits / support / cc / scrapper spec / turrets ) but engineer is really in a bad spot right now.

Maybe try necromancer or warrior. Both hit pretty hard in different ways. Necromancer floods the targets with disease and is strong (conditions) and warrior just smashes things.

Engineer is a very boring painful class to level so goodluck.

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