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Chrono vs Mirage


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@Phobos.6234 said:Who prefers Chrono over Mirage for their day to day playing? Does Chrono have any distinct advantages over Mirage?

I suppose that depends on what your day-to-day playing entails. Mirage has higher damage, but Chrono is a vastly superior support build. If your day-to-day playing consists of raids and fractals, then Chrono is almost certainly a much better choice! And there's really nothing at all wrong with Chrono for open world play either, even if Mirage is probably stronger.

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@spiritualabyss.7016 said:Since I do not like the dodge modification from mirage I prefer Chrono. And I love Continuum Split too much to give up on it.

Continuum split is amazing and I completely understand sticking with the spec that just feels right to you. But really? How can you not love Mirage Cloak? It is simply superior in every way to the standard dodge. The evade frame lasts longer, you can use it without interrupting attacks and while stunned, and you gain super speed which as far as I can tell is just as good as the dodge motion, but doesn't lock you into a single direction. Mirage Cloak is basically dodge on steroids!

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How I feel about mirage and chrono:

Chrono feels solid, steady, good aoe, control, strategic, tank/stationary defense, (and team support ofc), holding ground and is strong up til a thresholdMirage feels very powerful at single targets, mobility, burst, high damage, hit and run, +1 take downs, squeezing in and out of whatever impossible situations, but doesn't really stay put

I've used both with much success in various game types and that's how it feels for me

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@spiritualabyss.7016 said:Since I do not like the dodge modification from mirage I prefer Chrono. And I love Continuum Split too much to give up on it.

Continuum split is amazing and I completely understand sticking with the spec that just feels right to you. But really? How can you not love Mirage Cloak? It is simply superior in every way to the standard dodge. The evade frame lasts longer, you can use it without interrupting attacks and while stunned, and you gain super speed which as far as I can tell is just as good as the dodge motion, but doesn't lock you into a single direction. Mirage Cloak is basically dodge on steroids!

People just like different things. I cant for the life of me like cs mechanics, I tried chrono multiple times during HoT but it just didnt work. The only thing good was the 25% free runspeed in WvW.

Mirage on the other hand I've played so much I can barely play other classes now because dodging on them feel like an 80 year old trying yoga for the first time .

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In HoT, I love Chrono for pve. I felt like it was the perfect spec. But I didn't like it for PvE. I play dual sword build and I felt like I didn't have enough mobility or cleanses. After playing Mirage, I feel like Mirage is the perfect spec lol. I love it for pvp, and I wish a dual sword build was viable for pve raiding. I still power chrono now as pure dps in raids, and it's okay, but it's just not as fun to me as mirage.

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