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Hydra Heads HP

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Just went and checked. They do not give any exp and therefore no loot will drop.

Sample size is only two but killing a veteran branded hydra did as much damage as the head(though not the same amount for each, one was 80k while the other was 85k). Considering the head is also bleeding from its own that means it does have the same HP as the main body.

At around 20 seconds(could be less since I am not running full damage) to kill it doesn't really matter that much but there is literally not benefit to kill the head except to get out of combat if you accidentally hit it.

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@DragonSlayer.1087 said:I swear I feel like the chopped off Hydra Heads has the same HP as main Hydra. Anyone notice this? Even with my hardest hitting chars, it still takes a while to kill these things especially when you're trying to do HP points.

I just ignore these mobs completely, they drop trash loot so just not worth the time to kill.

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I always have the same feeling, which is why I lure the rest of the hydra away from its severed heads, as they have a somewhat limited mobility.Still, a severed head should not have the same amount of HP as the whole creature does. As it is, they're just damage sponges, flopping around merrily and annoyingly.

Apart from that detail, I really like dismembering those Hydras!

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