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Returning after 2 year hiatus, what's the current class climate?

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Mirage (mesmer) is top dog right now with crazy condi burst and the ability to execute said burst while dodging - dodging doesn’t move the mirage, it just gives them evade frames and doesn’t interrupt their actions. Oh it also breaks stun and clears condi.

Scourge (necro) is strong with 900 range AoE condi that can also corrupt boons. They pretty much shifted the meta away from any melee that doesn’t have massive condi clear.

Firebrand (guardian) is a strong support and pairs very well with scourge.

Thieves seem to be flocking to a cancerous condi spec. Sad, really.

Revs are mostly non-existent as a whole except for a few top tier players that are just really good with a subpar choice in the condi heavy meta. Renegade is a joke in PvP. Sometimes you see the odd power sword/sword and staff rev. Can be quite effective when paired with another high burst class like thief to roam duo murdering people.

Soulbeast (ranger) has some competitive builds utilizing pet ability to stealth and merged pet abilities that do some crazy damage. Sword offers a lot of evades and longbow still puts out respectable damage. Honorable mention to the GS surprise attack from stealth.

Holosmith (engi) is cancerous with their ability to stunlock and 100-0 people while doing it. Very telegraphed attacks though. Paired with a mesmer the stunlock/interrupt is downright awful.

Weaver (ele) has a mentionable sword/dagger ‘bunker’ build that can do okay utilizing healing power for heals and barriers with heavy condi cleanse and evade frames with water sword 2 and twist of fate.

It’s not uncommon to see matches with double necro and double mesmer on both teams. Sometimes people switch after getting in the match to make it triple necro.

EDIT: I forgot warrior. They’re around. Spell breaker can be strong. They do lots of damage and heal for ridiculous amounts if adrenal health procs. GS allows them to disengage and reset most fights. Very annoying.

This is all from the point of view of a reaper in plat 1.

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@Sinful.2165 said:Mirage (mesmer) is top dog right now with crazy condi burst and the ability to execute said burst while dodging - dodging doesn’t move the mirage, it just gives them evade frames and doesn’t interrupt their actions. Oh it also breaks stun and clears condi IF TRAITED.

Scourge (necro) is strong with 900 range AoE condi that can also corrupt boons. They pretty much shifted the meta away from any melee that doesn’t have massive condi clear. AND HAS WICKED BARRIER STACKING CAPABILITY

Fixed it for you

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He forgot core hammer guard. When you wanna play something that needs even less brain than a condi mirage than this is your spec. This is also the spec you find 2 in each team very often. When you have a little bit clue about rotations and can random click more than3 bottons you can carry more with condi mirage but condithief and core guard are clearly the biggest no brain needed specs atm.

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@Sinful.2165 said:Mirage (mesmer) is top dog right now with crazy condi burst and the ability to execute said burst while dodging - dodging doesn’t move the mirage, it just gives them evade frames and doesn’t interrupt their actions. Oh it also breaks stun and clears condi

Scourge (necro) is strong with 900 range AoE condi that can also corrupt boons. They pretty much shifted the meta away from any melee that doesn’t have massive condi clear.

Fixed it for you

Mesmer main spotted.

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OP, anything you've heard about rangers being crazy good is likely based on the old bunker druid. Bunker druids can still troll points and hold 1v2+ fights for a while, but it's not nearly as easy to pull off as it used to be. I still run bunker from time to time, as sometimes a team lacking firebrand support could use some heals at mid, but it's far less optimal for that job than it could have been prior to several nerfs.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Sinful.2165 said:Mirage (mesmer) is top dog right now with crazy condi burst and the ability to execute said burst while dodging - dodging doesn’t move the mirage, it just gives them evade frames and doesn’t interrupt their actions. Oh it also breaks stun and clears condi

Scourge (necro) is strong with 900 range AoE condi that can also corrupt boons. They pretty much shifted the meta away from any melee that doesn’t have massive condi clear.

Fixed it for you

Mesmer main spotted.

Nope, soulbeast. Better luck next time :p

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