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How to efficiently use glint/shiro for sPVP?


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wanting to gitgud as rev, but i find myself always in the bottom for dmg.. while enemy revs gets top dmg.. how can i stop being a deadweight to my team ? after the rev burst ( facet buffs > facet nature > switch to shiro > shiro 1 > 3 > sword 4 > s2 > switch to glint > sword 3 ) i just end up smashing buttons.. 90% of the time im just guessing where to place my elemental blast. and hoping im in the right stance in the current situation...

another big issue is healing myself up while running and getting chased.. how do you guys come back from being low to enough health to create outplay potential ?

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If you're going to get good with Herald focus on learning how to kite well and when to use your energy offensively, defensively, and when to save it. Reading your opponent and knowing when its safe for you to pressure is really important as a Power Herald. Also don't use the same static rotations all the time; the most important thing as any revenant is knowing when to use all the pretty low CD skills available to you.

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There will always be an adaptative time for you to learn what you're capable of or not .... WIll it be worth or not ... should you go or should you stat... Chasing or not ...

Learning the dmg you can deal with the amount of energy you have. It's that hard part of herald. Example : using jade win with legend swap on CD isn't optimal for an offensive purpose .... more defensive.

And for the healing part... it relies a lot on glint heal ... or support . A good strat is to spam AA on a dead body after using shiro's heal

Just a quick tip : sword 3 is defensive skill - chasing skill

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Best damage combo imo is shrio heal>Sword 3>glint>sword 2 and 4> facet of elements and glint elite. This destroys any class if they get hit by the whole thing. Rev rn gotta have the best single target damage for pvp if you know what your doing.

For healing after the glint heal the only options you got is staff 4 and shiro heal with sword 3. Just try to manage your dodges though since thats the only real sustain rev has

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@Coolguy.8702 said:Best damage combo imo is shrio heal>Sword 3>glint>sword 2 and 4> facet of elements and glint elite. This destroys any class if they get hit by the whole thing. Rev rn gotta have the best single target damage for pvp if you know what your doing.

For healing after the glint heal the only options you got is staff 4 and shiro heal with sword 3. Just try to manage your dodges though since thats the only real sustain rev has

The best burst you can land is Enchant Daggers -> IO + Sw4 -> Sword 5. If someone eats the whole thing its basically a free kill.

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@thebatman.6250 said:

@Coolguy.8702 said:Best damage combo imo is shrio heal>Sword 3>glint>sword 2 and 4> facet of elements and glint elite. This destroys any class if they get hit by the whole thing. Rev rn gotta have the best single target damage for pvp if you know what your doing.

For healing after the glint heal the only options you got is staff 4 and shiro heal with sword 3. Just try to manage your dodges though since thats the only real sustain rev has

The best burst you can land is Enchant Daggers -> IO + Sw4 -> Sword 5. If someone eats the whole thing its basically a free kill.

whats IO?

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@Jay.3409 said:

@Coolguy.8702 said:Best damage combo imo is shrio heal>Sword 3>glint>sword 2 and 4> facet of elements and glint elite. This destroys any class if they get hit by the whole thing. Rev rn gotta have the best single target damage for pvp if you know what your doing.

For healing after the glint heal the only options you got is staff 4 and shiro heal with sword 3. Just try to manage your dodges though since thats the only real sustain rev has

The best burst you can land is Enchant Daggers -> IO + Sw4 -> Sword 5. If someone eats the whole thing its basically a free kill.

whats IO?

Impossible Odds

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Learn to use PT a lot, it's more than just a gap closer... If you have the energy use it before any big damage move for the quickness and modifier... Use it when you see people have aegis or are channeling a block for free hits, since they are unlikely to waste a dodge when they're already blocking--especially in a team skirmish.

Always use sw 5 before a burst if you can... It's almost always worth the cost, since you either destroy somebody or (more likely) force them to use a dodge (in addition to giving yourself fury and them chill/slow.) Now you can quickly burn something like sw4 or a chaotic release to force a second dodge and then you can do pretty much whatever you want to them (or it just kill them outright if they didn't opt to burn that second dodge.)

Try to think of ways that link your skills together for max damage and effectiveness vs your targets... You have all the tools to counterplay and execute, it's just about getting the experience to know what really works against certain classes, and which skills you need to have ready at a moment's notice to finish somebody off--nothing feels worse than exploding somebody down to 20% and then letting them get away because you couldn't chase or reveal. Or wasting all of your high energy or high cooldown burst skills before they use their invulnerability.

As an example, here's one my my new favorite one-tricks that I was farming hard with in no-down-state WvW week (great against thiefs/rangers/+1'ing into mesmers): start in shiro with swap off cd or close to: Enchanted Dagger -> F2+F2 -> PT + Sw 2 + Sw 3 -> Legendswap and Double Tap Gaze of Darkness to preemptively Reveal while sw3 is doing it's thing -> Sw 5 -> Sw 4.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The other rev players here offer some valuable tips.

As an inexperienced Rev player myself and because Rev doesn't have many/any 'get out of jail traits/skills' (like Warrior Endure Pain, Engi Tiny Form, etc.) I find I often get punished hard for over-extending or mistakes. Thus I tend to try and hold back on my sword3 (because of it's defensive evading capabilities) and not use it during an initial burst. After my flying cucumber (Shiro Heal) + Phase Traversal + Sword 5, 2, 4 burst, if the target survived I will check if he is going on the offensive and use sword3 then staff3 then Staff5 for the relatively safe few seconds of blocks/evades while dealing good damage and aoe blind.

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