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help me build a WvW Renegade


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yes this is the route i wish to take :bleep_bloop:i just hit 80 and unlocked renegade. i'm currently running corruption(323),invocation(123)/renegade(223)gear is exotic dire/viper. berserker runes for armor and smoldering/corruption on the weapons..jewelry or what ever it's called is a mixed messed with every thing condi and power related i could find.

i know people will tell me to avoid this like the plague but i just cant stand power builds so here we are.

oh and i'm running with mallyx/shiro.


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There's probably very little point in taking Mallyx unless you're just doing so to spam Pain Absorption for your friends (which isn't really even that strong anymore since 2/3's of every enemy pack you encounter is playing Scourge or Breaker.) Any situation where you'd be able to use its other, shorter ranged skills, would almost instantly end in your death because Renegades are such well known sitting ducks, you're going to be everyone's favorite target to one-shot.

Shiro's a must... Otherwise you have no chance of surviving. I'd probably just go Kalla for the other? Yeah the spirits just get insta destroyed in WvW, but Razorclaw would still add a good amount of dps in Pirateshipy team fights and Darkrazor is good for stopping rezes... Even Iceclaw would be okay to cover retreats and zone people. Maybe Jalis would be okay too... You could give your mid-lines stability to protect against pulls, and use taunt on people trying to hit and run bait your backlines.

I'm assuming you're team fighting and not looking to roam with Renegade, because there's literally nothing you can do to stand a chance in the solo roaming scene as one.

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Kalla the legend and renegade the specialization are two different things. Kalla's killable, stationary spirits are what don't play nice in WvW. Kalla's fervor, Heroic command, citadel bombardment, orders from above, and the traits are the core mechanics of the spec, and they are totally applicable. What you have seems fine to me, though maybe swap mallyx for jalis for more defense and stability. Perhaps swap cleansing channel for fierce infusion if you find you aren't swimming in it. Fury is very important for your build, and 1 condi clear every 10 sec at best is like playing the lotto, you might get that 10 stack of burning removed, or you might get the 2 seconds of vuln removed. Make liberal use of shortbow, it's very good dps and keeps you safer at range. Rev's condi weapons don't have as good defensive abilities as sword/staff does so you'll want to use energy on defensive utility skills. Try to get tankier rather than get small amounts of power damage. Trailblazers should be a big portion of your gear. Perhaps weapons/jewelry trailblazers, viper armor.

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@Comus.7365 said:ehh it's not the worst thing i've tried. and i have 0 interest in the meta builds.so not much else to do.

Its not about being a meta slave. It's about the nature of combat in WvW vesus PvE.In WvW people know to dodge red circles quickly. In PvE they mainly stack on the boss. The static summons from Renegade are great in one scenario and not the other. WvW combat is much more mobile. It seriously dimishes the value of your Skills at that point on one of your legends. To use Rev effectively, swapping legends is essential, so both those skill bars should bring more to the party than just a spare heal.This means Kalla is there for the traits and a spare heal and the F abilities.Herald by contrast is a superb mobile boon generator for those around you.

If you make it work, please post your results, I would absolutely love to see you come up with something cool. I just found it frustrating to try play the Kalla summons in WvW.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@Comus.7365 said:ehh it's not the worst thing i've tried. and i have 0 interest in the meta builds.so not much else to do.

Its not about being a meta slave. It's about the nature of combat in WvW vesus PvE.In WvW people know to dodge red circles quickly. In PvE they mainly stack on the boss. The static summons from Renegade are great in one scenario and not the other. WvW combat is much more mobile. It seriously dimishes the value of your Skills at that point on one of your legends. To use Rev effectively, swapping legends is essential, so both those skill bars should bring more to the party than just a spare heal.This means Kalla is there for the traits and a spare heal and the F abilities.Herald by contrast is a superb mobile boon generator for those around you.

If you make it work, please post your results, I would absolutely love to see you come up with something cool. I just found it frustrating to try play the Kalla summons in WvW.

yeah i don't use the kalla utilites i. i'm using shiro and mallyx... it's nice to have access to several stun breaks seeing as your defense is pretty non existant you got to be able to be on the move 24/7. and an on demand resistance before using a heal seeing as most of the time you'll have poison on you.. at least in my experience.

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