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Nerf This!


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@otto.5684 said:

@Cyric.7813 said:Lol guy walks nonstop ret, actually do nothing to me and i literally killed by myself, and it s normal.. Okay just okay

No, you forgot how the guy was probably laughing so hard that he nearly spilled his coffee because someone actually falls for retaliaton in 2019.

What's the lesson learned here? Pay attention to your boons and conditions AND your targets boons and conditions.

You know that core guardian has 100% uptime on retaliation, right? It is also so spamble that ripping it is almost useless.

On another note, I think retaliation should deal much less damage. It is passive damage that requires no input.

and yet, tournaments are not full of core guardians. Neither is it a very popular build. Now that might be because it's a 1 trick pony to farm idiots, or it might be... nah it's the first one.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Cyric.7813 said:Lol guy walks nonstop ret, actually do nothing to me and i literally killed by myself, and it s normal.. Okay just okay

No, you forgot how the guy was probably laughing so hard that he nearly spilled his coffee because someone actually falls for retaliaton in 2019.

What's the lesson learned here? Pay attention to your boons and conditions AND your targets boons and conditions.Are you memeing ?Core guardian keep permanent retal even if you remove it once, do you really expect me to watch how he kills me and basically go AFK? Are you?

So what you are saying is core guardians are basically unkillable? Cool, new super meta build found.

The fact you can't even figure out how to deal with retaliation is scary... Small hint: not attacking is not the only way but might be a smart start if you are being hard countered in a situation. Hopfully after disengaging and reengaging you have adapted your build...In what context? ? ? ? ? ?Thats you suggest me to go afk when he has retal which is beyond dumb .No one will wait out this boons unless they are about to die.
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@Cyric.7813 said:Lol guy walks nonstop ret, actually do nothing to me and i literally killed by myself, and it s normal.. Okay just okay

No, you forgot how the guy was probably laughing so hard that he nearly spilled his coffee because someone actually falls for retaliaton in 2019.

What's the lesson learned here? Pay attention to your boons and conditions AND your targets boons and conditions.Are you memeing ?Core guardian keep permanent retal even if you remove it once, do you really expect me to watch how he kills me and basically go AFK? Are you?

So what you are saying is core guardians are basically unkillable? Cool, new super meta build found.

The fact you can't even figure out how to deal with retaliation is scary... Small hint: not attacking is not the only way but might be a smart start if you are being hard countered in a situation. Hopfully after disengaging and reengaging you have adapted your build...In what context? ? ? ? ? ?Thats you suggest me to go afk when he has retal which is beyond dumb .No one will wait out this boons unless they are about to die.

No he is tellig you that the proper way to deal with a foe that have retal on isn't to deal a large amount of tiny hits. One thing that you can do is to favor slow and hard hit, you can also favor condition damage with long duration or simply boon rip/corrupt boons.

And, if your build don't cover any of those, you can also accept the fact that he is paper and you are rock which mean that it's a lost match up.

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