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Who is your favourite villain/evil organization? (2/2)

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@Vyr.9387 said:

@"AliamRationem.5172" said:I'd say white mantle or awakened, but what I really wish GW2 would do is stop using dragons, gods and other immortal/all-powerful beings as the villains in their story.

this. im tired of the main antagonists (and protagonists) being (or are associated to) dragons, deities, etc.

having the white mantle or joko as the main villains was one of parts of the gw2 story i liked the most (season 3 & some of pof/s4).

after EoD (and presumably after the last dragon is dealt with) i do hope in the living world seasons that follow, that we face something that isn't a gigantic/god/etc. being and instead face a faction/organization/order/guild as our main adversary

Isn't it exactly the opposite way in GW2?

Sure, "gods" supposedly created humans (although I recall only hearing about them
humans to Tyria, but that can be interpreted in a myriad of ways), and dragons are big and scary, but either party is far, far from intangible, unlike how the Mursaat had fled the scene all the way back.Putting "gods" in quotation, because the Six don't really line up with possessing immortality or being omniscient/omnipotent like what some real world mythologies tend to claim. They're powerful, and probably beyond mortal comprehension, but more akin to, say, Daedric princes of the Elder Scrolls universe.

Even more so, considering during the aforementioned S3 we're "casually" contemplating keeping the dragons alive. Not afraid whether we can or cannot kill them, the mindset is that they'll get murdered, we're just not sure what will happen afterwards.

Although, now that I think about it, is there any work of fiction whatsoever - besides perhaps the Bible - that puts a character against a literal omnipotent being? Because, exactly as the Bible shows, it makes for a rather boring story.

The Handsome Joko was a magnificent villain, though.

i dont believe/read the bible sorry so i have no idea about any of the stories there. regarding having gods or dragons or some_gigantic_allpowerful_being as the main villain, for me it's no so much about them being intangible, omnipotent or immortal, but it's more like it's gotten boring for me already that since the personal story it's been dragons (zhaitan)... scarlet was a distraction but still dragons (mordremoth), then more dragons afterwards (with breaks in between where we get short arcs about white mantle, joko) and even in the upcoming expansion it's something about a dragon (end of dragon // deep sea dragon) tbh they should've renamed guild wars 2 to "dragon wars" before it launched i was hoping we go back to story arcs that sort of reflect the name "guild wars" -- and it doesnt have to be about humans btw can be anything as long as it's a faction/order/guild/organization/etc.

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@Vyr.9387 said:

@"AliamRationem.5172" said:I'd say white mantle or awakened, but what I really wish GW2 would do is stop using dragons, gods and other immortal/all-powerful beings as the villains in their story.

this. im tired of the main antagonists (and protagonists) being (or are associated to) dragons, deities, etc.

having the white mantle or joko as the main villains was one of parts of the gw2 story i liked the most (season 3 & some of pof/s4).

after EoD (and presumably after the last dragon is dealt with) i do hope in the living world seasons that follow, that we face something that isn't a gigantic/god/etc. being and instead face a faction/organization/order/guild as our main adversary

Isn't it exactly the opposite way in GW2?

Sure, "gods" supposedly created humans (although I recall only hearing about them
humans to Tyria, but that can be interpreted in a myriad of ways), and dragons are big and scary, but either party is far, far from intangible, unlike how the Mursaat had fled the scene all the way back.Putting "gods" in quotation, because the Six don't really line up with possessing immortality or being omniscient/omnipotent like what some real world mythologies tend to claim. They're powerful, and probably beyond mortal comprehension, but more akin to, say, Daedric princes of the Elder Scrolls universe.

Even more so, considering during the aforementioned S3 we're "casually" contemplating keeping the dragons alive. Not afraid whether we can or cannot kill them, the mindset is that they'll get murdered, we're just not sure what will happen afterwards.

Although, now that I think about it, is there any work of fiction whatsoever - besides perhaps the Bible - that puts a character against a literal omnipotent being? Because, exactly as the Bible shows, it makes for a rather boring story.

The Handsome Joko was a magnificent villain, though.

i dont believe/read the bible sorry so i have no idea about any of the stories there. regarding having gods or dragons or some_gigantic_allpowerful_being as the main villain, for me it's no so much about them being intangible, omnipotent or immortal, but it's more like
it's gotten boring for me already
that since the personal story it's been dragons (zhaitan)... scarlet was a distraction but still dragons (mordremoth), then more dragons afterwards (with breaks in between where we get short arcs about white mantle, joko) and even in the upcoming expansion it's something about a dragon (end of dragon // deep sea dragon) tbh they should've renamed guild wars 2 to "dragon wars" before it launched i was hoping we go back to story arcs that sort of reflect the name "
" -- and it doesnt have to be about humans btw can be anything as long as it's a faction/order/guild/organization/etc.

Heh, I'd rather vote for Cthulhu being real than the Christian god, but some of the tales of the Christian mythology are pretty entertaining. The rest is pure horror, so, ah... comes highly recommended, if You're into that kind of stuff!

As for GW2, yeah, I can see where You're coming from.I hoped for Jormag to be different from all the "GIB ALL MAGICS" plot lines, especially since she was advertised as the brilliant, polar opposite to the mindless rage of Primordus - and even looked that way from the start! - and that the story will be more about some 5D chess with Aurene - and the rest of the world, since, for example, asuras were really quick to ally with her - but then she got pissed, and we got just another "GIB ALL MAGICS (to freeze for future use)" dragon.

We're still in the middle of the story, though, might turn out she's been whispering a lot of different things to a lot of different people, which could result in something fancy. Or perhaps the writers are keen to move on from dragons, too, and so they're doing their best to wrap up those stories as quickly as possible without sounding like "...and then Jormag took a stroll on the beaches of Lion's Arch and, wouldn't you believe, realized she's allergic to sand, immediately dying to an anaphylactic shock. End of Dragons!"

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@"Vyr.9387" said:The Pale Tree.

Besides cutting Caithe's curiosity off with "Do not question the Dream!" instead of an explanation during one of the sylvari personal stories, the Tree indoctrinates her children from their very conception with an ideology of a world where there is no "evil" and all living beings and their pet rocks are friends, which, unless the Dream is literally the Eternal Alchemy, is a rather blindfolded attempt at reading Ventari's Tablet.

! Wonder which gaming company this reminds me of...! The irony is so gorgeous it'd make a magnificent wallpaper, if not an outright Rule 34 artwork.!

She's basically Jormag, even the suggestive whispers in the form of Wyld Hunts and permanent hivemind connection included, with the only difference being the sides the two have been put on at the beginning of the story.

But her most impressive victory?She's still considered a
positive character

She's a positive character only because she's the leader of a player character race. Although when we consider aurene and how the story made sure that being free from our dragon masters is an impossible dream, such wilful ignorance is to be expected.

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