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Reaper meta bois!


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@FtoPScrub.5476 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@FtoPScrub.5476 said:Not to say that Reaper didn't need buffs nor do I think it's particularly overtuned, but is anyone else concerned with the fact that they're seemingly becoming more content with just handing out free quickness to anything that isn't support? First engi now reaper. Increasing amounts of stability and resistance are one thing - after all there is way more CC and condis then before, but there's no reason why any spec should have insane amounts of quickness unless they are a pure support build. I fully expect them to introduce perma quickness while in berserk mode for Warriors as another lazy solution to balance Berserker. If the spec is poor, they should buff the spec as is. Don't randomly introduce insane amounts of quickness to shove a spec down our throats. The fights in this game already end way too quickly.

Reaper's Onslaught over Blighter's boon and Elixir U over Hard Light Arena,

Free quickness is what someone who doesn't understand build trade-offs would see it as

We got choices? Nonsense!

You can get choice without very high quickness uptime. Surely you can see how proliferation of quickness can eventually lead to incredible levels of power creep?

I will argue that 25 stacks of might is more game breaking than quickness.

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@Aza.2105 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@FtoPScrub.5476 said:Not to say that Reaper didn't need buffs nor do I think it's particularly overtuned, but is anyone else concerned with the fact that they're seemingly becoming more content with just handing out free quickness to anything that isn't support? First engi now reaper. Increasing amounts of stability and resistance are one thing - after all there is way more CC and condis then before, but there's no reason why any spec should have insane amounts of quickness unless they are a pure support build. I fully expect them to introduce perma quickness while in berserk mode for Warriors as another lazy solution to balance Berserker. If the spec is poor, they should buff the spec as is. Don't randomly introduce insane amounts of quickness to shove a spec down our throats. The fights in this game already end way too quickly.

Reaper's Onslaught over Blighter's boon and Elixir U over Hard Light Arena,

Free quickness is what someone who doesn't understand build trade-offs would see it as

We got choices? Nonsense!

You can get choice without very high quickness uptime. Surely you can see how proliferation of quickness can eventually lead to incredible levels of power creep?

I will argue that 25 stacks of might is more game breaking than quickness.

25 stacks of might solo is also pretty egregious, but it 'only' amounts to a damage buff. Quickness is not only a damage buff, it changes the cast time of every skill which undermines a lot of class design. Powerful but telegraphed skills like Prime Light Beam, Holographic Wave lose a lot of their counterplay when you reduce cast times by half. It's even worse on skills that are must dodge but have normal cast times like Corona Burst.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:One day, maybe I mean another day (additional) real necro mains will say necro is always so weak. 13 seasons in the meta, but they never had it good. Poor necros

Most of the complaints from necros is about how frustrating it is always being chained to a support. Also Reaper is particular can be quite frustrating to play given that it's a low mobility melee class with mediocre stability access, so you tend to get ping-pong'ed around, while never being able to catch anything.

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@Crinn.7864 said:

@"Crab Fear.1624" said:One day, maybe I mean another day (additional) real necro mains will say necro is always so weak. 13 seasons in the meta, but they never had it good. Poor necros

Most of the complaints from necros is about how frustrating it is always being chained to a support. Also Reaper is particular can be quite frustrating to play given that it's a low mobility melee class with mediocre stability access, so you tend to get ping-pong'ed around, while never being able to catch anything.

i respect you opinion on matters on necro because we have similar level of commitment to our mains and we are not just "band-wagoners"


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In all honesty, i don't know how to evaluate reaper. Most games in silver/gold do have 2 reapers in both sides, and there are too many players/builds who drop like flies to inexperienced reapers, and it's a big issue since you cannot carry at all some games. That being said, i think the result would be similar with Scourge.

That's clearly a l2p issue since i didn't experience that in plat, but still i believe it ruins the whole ladder behind in low league. Many do climb thanks to their build and the fact opponents do not know how to handle reapers or conditions in general. Should there be tutorials or " ingame builds " to facilitate condition anticipating maybe ?

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@"Abazigal.3679" said:In all honesty, i don't know how to evaluate reaper. Most games in silver/gold do have 2 reapers in both sides, and there are too many players/builds who drop like flies to inexperienced reapers, and it's a big issue since you cannot carry at all some games. That being said, i think the result would be similar with Scourge.

That's clearly a l2p issue since i didn't experience that in plat, but still i believe it ruins the whole ladder behind in low league. Many do climb thanks to their build and the fact opponents do not know how to handle reapers or conditions in general. Should there be tutorials or " ingame builds " to facilitate condition anticipating maybe ?

You see a lot of them because people come to the forums complaining so people flock to make the "OP" class. The meta isn't always the real meta, but just perceived. I mean up until VERY recently I'd still see people saying Revs are bad and shouldn't be player.

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