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Timed PoF achievements too short

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Almost all of the PoF story achievements that involve any type of timer (including those with indirect timers such as "do X before Y") are on too short of a timer to do solo. As they almost all involve beating multiple things within a time limit, the DPS check is too hard and almost always REQUIRES bringing at least 1 other player, preferably more. These timers need to be opened up a bit so they can be done by solo players. The enemies themselves are not that bad, but the timers on some events are such that you can literally only kill 1/3 targets in the time allotted for all 3 solo. Not everyone wants to drag people into personal story instances for achieve runs or has people to drag.

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The 3 elites in 3 minutes was the only unrealistic one I've seen so far. It's as if they originally had it as veterans with half the health. They could easily double its time and most people would still fail. For comparison, a little later there's a similar achievement to kill all the bosses within the time limit and for that one I had enough time to read all the text, explore and still do it without even trying to.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Why do the timed achievements need to be easier for solo players?

You have it backwards. Why should groups be allowed to trivialize solo content?

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@Healix.5819 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Why do the timed achievements need to be easier for solo players?

You have it backwards. Why should groups be allowed to trivialize solo content?

I wasn't aware that any content in the game was designed to be soloed. It's set up for party-sized groups and skilled players can make do with less, even solo.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Healix.5819 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Why do the timed achievements need to be easier for solo players?

You have it backwards. Why should groups be allowed to trivialize solo content?

I wasn't aware that any content in the game was
to be soloed. It's set up for party-sized groups and skilled players can make do with less, even solo.

I consider story instances solo content because only one person gets to be the "commander" and in several instances, the "non-commanders" are very restricted in how they can contribute.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Healix.5819 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Why do the timed achievements need to be easier for solo players?

You have it backwards. Why should groups be allowed to trivialize solo content?

I wasn't aware that any content in the game was
to be soloed. It's set up for party-sized groups and skilled players can make do with less, even solo.

Because it's a continuation of the personal story. It isn't so personal when it requires you to find a group to get achievements in content that can be soloed.

As for your previous statement about the LFG tool: do you see anybody at all in LFG looking for living world season 2 achievements? It will be the same thing very soon with PoF. Once players get the achievements they move on. So new players, returning plays, and players who for whatever reason weren't able to get them at launch won't have many options other than trying to get guild members to help.

Sure, you can post in LFG yourself to create your own party, but you'll probably be sitting there for quite a while before you finally find players who need the achievement(s) you're advertising for.

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@Healix.5819 said:The 3 elites in 3 minutes was the only unrealistic one I've seen so far. It's as if they originally had it as veterans with half the health. They could easily double its time and most people would still fail. For comparison, a little later there's a similar achievement to kill all the bosses within the time limit and for that one I had enough time to read all the text, explore and still do it without even trying to.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Why do the timed achievements need to be easier for solo players?

You have it backwards. Why should groups be allowed to trivialize solo content?

Yea 3 elites in 3 minutes is annoying to do solo, because your time is counting down while you are out looking for them. I'd much prefer this achievement if they were marked on your minimap, so you could go straight to them and take them out.

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