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I realized why Jackal annoys me


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Hmmmm I love the jackel but understand what your saying. I don't think that is jackels problem though. I've noticed it's the jumping mechanic for gw2 that you have to get use to. Because even if you hit the arrow keys a certain direction, unless the characters face is positioned at the spot you want to jump, you won't make it. You have to aim the character or mount before you jump or want the character or mount to move. So jackel being a more complex mount with the sand jumping makes it harder to predict the angle. It's just something you got to get use to. When I first rid a mount on the game I had to get use to it a little bit. I think the hardest to control is the skimmer because it hovers and the turning is very weird so I bump into everything when turning. It's just a different thing we gotta accommodate.

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@Aurelian Omenkind.2470 said:“No matter what you do, that [peach] seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.” -Master Oogway

Things are what they are often by design. Adjust your expectations.

I'm not a fan of peaches.

@Skuzz.6580 said:Honestly, be glad that it teleports to where the camera faces, If there is 1 thing I find annoying about mounts, it is their slow rotation.This is why I actually prefer the jackal over all the others, it feels so much more responsive.

Nobody said that the teleport should be slower to change direction. It should definitely react instantly to your inputs. The only suggestion on the table is that those inputs should take the key presses into account as well as the camera. Basically it should teleport you in whichever direction your character would move on foot.

@Menadena.7482 said:Is it just me or was anyone else more disappointed in the base jackal than the base level on any other mount?

This is true, since there's basically nothing you can do with the base Jackal that you can't do with the Raptor, but I think that's fine. The Skimmer also doesn't unlock very much until you get the "high glide" ability for getting out of the water.

@Palador.2170 said:You're asking for ANet to break the jackal's most important feature when there's a far easier solution.

I'm not asking them to break anything. If you like the way it works now, then even if they did what I asked, it would still work how it does now if you aren't holding any directional keys.

@etsubmariner.4690 said:I'll take that direction-of-the-camera movement from ya for my thief. I detest my thief dodging in some random kitten direction instead of the direction I'm pointing.

I've never had that problem. My Thief always dodges in the direction that I'm moving.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:The raptor jumps in the direction it's body is pointing not the direction of the camera, and as for strafing, I'm pretty sure that's not happening either.

Nope. If you run in a direction, turn your camera behind you and use the ability, the jackal will teleport into the opposite direction. I've found this extremely useful in turning around faster, and avoiding enemies/traps in front of me.

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@Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

The raptor
jumps in the direction it's body is pointing not the direction of the camera, and as for strafing, I'm pretty sure that's not happening either.

Nope. If you run in a direction, turn your camera behind you and use the ability,
the jackal
will teleport into the opposite direction. I've found this extremely useful in turning around faster, and avoiding enemies/traps in front of me.


I'm not taking about the jackal. Did you mean raptor? if you're talking about the jackal I'm not sure why you quoted me as my post was about the raptor and how it jumps/strafes.

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@Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

@"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:The raptor jumps in the direction it's body is pointing not the direction of the camera, and as for strafing, I'm pretty sure that's not happening either.

Nope. If you run in a direction, turn your camera behind you and use the ability, the jackal will teleport into the opposite direction. I've found this extremely useful in turning around faster, and avoiding enemies/traps in front of me.

But the point is, what I would like is for this to work, but ALSO for if you keep the camera looking ahead and then you release "w" and hold "s" instead when you teleport, you would hop backwards. Either way. You would travel in the direction your character would travel if he were on foot. Simple.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

The raptor
jumps in the direction it's body is pointing not the direction of the camera, and as for strafing, I'm pretty sure that's not happening either.

Nope. If you run in a direction, turn your camera behind you and use the ability,
the jackal
will teleport into the opposite direction. I've found this extremely useful in turning around faster, and avoiding enemies/traps in front of me.


I'm not taking about the jackal. Did you mean raptor? if you're talking about the jackal I'm not sure why you quoted me as my post was about the raptor and how it jumps/strafes.

Oh, my bad. I don't honestly know what happened there, guess I confused you with the OP and his post about the jackal.

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Yes. The Jackal so far has felt clunky to use and in all honesty, I'm better off using raptor leap or just griffon flying. I hope they implement more content that requires fun/intricate use of the Jackal; so far all I've felt 'necessary' were a few mastery point areas. It's a shame because I do like the aesthetics of it.

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Changing the jackal to teleport where he's looking would destroy half his purpose, which is pretty much mid-air maneuvering.With the port to cam, you can always change the direction of the port on the fly, if you're like about to jump into something dangerous (like quicksand) or even just down a cliff you don't want to fall down. Or maybe you've just seen a hidden cave somewhere while you jumped down. Swoosh and you're in.So, no thanks.

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I agree the Jackal feels clunky because of the teleport design. I understand why it works that way and I'm not sure I'd like to see it changed, but it seems a bit counter intuitive given its evasion passive too. When mobs are attacking me from behind, I like to turn my camera so I can actually see the attack and evade it. But you can't do that with the jackal because you'll teleport backwards/to the side instead. So I feel like its design is a bit wonky. Still it's quickly become my most-used mount because it's more versatile than the others.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:Actually the Jackal will teleport through an object depending on the size, in other words if the object is larger than the teleport distance it won't go through(at least I've done it twice through columns, which you can't run through). Maybe a bug though.

Well, you might be able to travel through things you can run around, but I don't think you could teleport through even very thin walls that you couldn't actually run through.

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