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Hope those people can keep laughing after learning they start having difficulty in killing bosses


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Yeah raids and fractals got harder, and yes the chrono haters asked for the end of the boon shares because they wanted to play another class... The thing is, there is no other viable class that can get EVEN CLOSE to mesmer.But this will have consequences too, as other people said you need to stack and stuff and doing "optimal" DPS now its much harder. At this it doesnt help that everyone was used to that people were doing really good DPS, now that this dropped the ones who were doing top tier DPS till now will continue and ones who were doing that much DPS because the Chronos did all the dirty job will do less DPS. The bad thing about it that people who think they are good, will get kicked from squads and as some months ago every day there will be a new thread on this forum with the title "Why raid community is this toxic?".Honestly i dont mind the changes, and atleast can kick anyone from squad who screws up mechanics.ANet wants us to become toxic then shall be it

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Nobody answered my question.

Is chrono support still viable? just curious now.

Yes, the nerf to chrono hurt the other professions more than Chrono, its just that other players have to get gud and stand on wells in order to get alacrity and quickness

Thats why opening lfg in fractals u see 10 groups looking for chrono only ... After staring 2 hours into LFG I think support chronos uninstalled game to hell xD

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@tinyreborn.1938 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Nobody answered my question.

Is chrono support still viable? just curious now.

Yes, the nerf to chrono hurt the other professions more than Chrono, its just that other players have to get gud and stand on wells in order to get alacrity and quickness

Thats why opening lfg in fractals u see 10 groups looking for chrono only ... After staring 2 hours into LFG I think support chronos uninstalled game to hell xD

tbh its always been filled with 'lfg chrono' because most chrono players (I Presume) are bored of the role chrono had since HoT

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@"Nepster.4275" said:Yeah raids and fractals got harder, and yes the chrono haters asked for the end of the boon shares because they wanted to play another class... The thing is, there is no other viable class that can get EVEN CLOSE to mesmer.But this will have consequences too, as other people said you need to stack and stuff and doing "optimal" DPS now its much harder. At this it doesnt help that everyone was used to that people were doing really good DPS, now that this dropped the ones who were doing top tier DPS till now will continue and ones who were doing that much DPS because the Chronos did all the dirty job will do less DPS. The bad thing about it that people who think they are good, will get kicked from squads and as some months ago every day there will be a new thread on this forum with the title "Why raid community is this toxic?".Honestly i dont mind the changes, and atleast can kick anyone from squad who screws up mechanics.ANet wants us to become toxic then shall be it

Rumor has it that firebrand can put out quickness.How well they do it I don't know, but it looks as if firebrands going to replace chrono.

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@tinyreborn.1938 said:

@"Axl.8924" said:Nobody answered my question.

Is chrono support still viable? just curious now.

Yes, the nerf to chrono hurt the other professions more than Chrono, its just that other players have to get gud and stand on wells in order to get alacrity and quickness

Thats why opening lfg in fractals u see 10 groups looking for chrono only ... After staring 2 hours into LFG I think support chronos uninstalled game to hell xD

While it is slightly worse since the patch, understandably so, this has been a massive problem for well over a year now."Looking for Chrono" has become arguably worse than the "Looking for Monk" issue in the original Guild Wars. One Profession/Spec being basically mandatory for every single group, with a limited amount of people enjoying that specialisation/theme/playstyle, is something Anet stated was something they learned from for GW2, and would be a mistake they would not repeat.Yet here we are. Since a while.

Quite frankly, I think the majority of the community had, and maybe still has, no idea how crazy Chrono actually was, and in many aspects still is.Chrono, after all these nerfs is still viable, if not meta.It's not about other supports being bad, it's just a case of Anet not being able to introduce new tools to play and beat the content with, when there is already a tool on the market in Chrono, which just does everything.Just making every other support OP as well, and giving them all the tools an entire Raid squad needs, would be incredibly bland.

And people crying about Raids being too hard now, or Chrono being unplayable, because people now have to stand in the wells (and the Chrono actually requiring skill in knowing when and where to place them, concerning phasing and movement), you know, doing Chrono's mechanic, is a joke.

Once they slightly nerf focus pull, while buffing that capability on other professions, like the tome of justice pull for FB (currently 600 range pull on Chrono, 240 range pull on FB), remove the automatic boon rip on sword like they did with Necro Scepter, so it actually takes either a investment for the Chrono to boon rip, or open up alternative roles, and reworking SoI once again, so it requires a heavy stat investment into Concentration to do what it currently does (and no going back to Boon Epidemic), as well as nerfing the total boon duration of the wells, while making them tick boons continuously over the duration instead, then I think it will slowly be in a good place.

@alchemist.6851 said:it’s all about ego and salty.. a lot of these anti chrono players were salty at some point and their ego got hurt.... they wanted chrono nerf without thinking about the impact to the entire play community that benefit from chrono sharing booms in raids and fractals... just human nature for some to care about their own selves than greater community

While it's interesting to read how you are projecting your selfish desire for Chrono to be OP, so you either can get free Raid/Fractal clears without effort, or play it yourself, on others, you are also incorrect.It will be of much greater benefit to the game and it's community longterm, if there is a healthy variety of profession to play and for individual skill and contribution to matter, as well as people feeling their chosen class has an identity, other than Chrono does everything and the rest just DPS.Also if they ever want to add new specialisations in the future, they can never add new supports, or it would be pointless as they would never be played, unless they are capable of doing everything like Chrono is, essentially becoming copies.There are countless Threads on the forums of support players, who took a break for 2 years from the game because they got bored of Chrono, coming back to ask if they can play the specs they enjoy and still support now, just to hear that years on, nothing had changed.

Chrono was and is incredibly harmful to the game and it's design.If anyone is selfish here, then it's the people who want to keep the status quo, just so they don't have to put any effort in themselves in order to overcome hard content, to the detriment of the game.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"Nepster.4275" said:Yeah raids and fractals got harder, and yes the chrono haters asked for the end of the boon shares because they wanted to play another class... The thing is, there is no other viable class that can get EVEN CLOSE to mesmer.But this will have consequences too, as other people said you need to stack and stuff and doing "optimal" DPS now its much harder. At this it doesnt help that everyone was used to that people were doing really good DPS, now that this dropped the ones who were doing top tier DPS till now will continue and ones who were doing that much DPS because the Chronos did all the dirty job will do less DPS. The bad thing about it that people who think they are good, will get kicked from squads and as some months ago every day there will be a new thread on this forum with the title "Why raid community is this toxic?".Honestly i dont mind the changes, and atleast can kick anyone from squad who screws up mechanics.ANet wants us to become toxic then shall be it

Rumor has it that firebrand can put out quickness.How well they do it I don't know, but it looks as if firebrands going to replace chrono.

It can provide quickness quite well. Problem is that you need renegade for alacrity which loses dps compared to normal dps. Firebrand an renegade can only play condi so on power bosses you have at least 3 condi damage sources. Chrono can play both condi and power, has higher damage then ever before and require one less locked spot. Also it us true that chrono cc was nerfed by huge numbers but it is still more cc then firebrand. I would say firebrand is maybe easier to play but i think it will not be optimal.

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@ButcherofMalakir.4067 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"Nepster.4275" said:Yeah raids and fractals got harder, and yes the chrono haters asked for the end of the boon shares because they wanted to play another class... The thing is, there is no other viable class that can get EVEN CLOSE to mesmer.But this will have consequences too, as other people said you need to stack and stuff and doing "optimal" DPS now its much harder. At this it doesnt help that everyone was used to that people were doing really good DPS, now that this dropped the ones who were doing top tier DPS till now will continue and ones who were doing that much DPS because the Chronos did all the dirty job will do less DPS. The bad thing about it that people who think they are good, will get kicked from squads and as some months ago every day there will be a new thread on this forum with the title "Why raid community is this toxic?".Honestly i dont mind the changes, and atleast can kick anyone from squad who screws up mechanics.ANet wants us to become toxic then shall be it

Rumor has it that firebrand can put out quickness.How well they do it I don't know, but it looks as if firebrands going to replace chrono.

It can provide quickness quite well. Problem is that you need renegade for alacrity which loses dps compared to normal dps. Firebrand an renegade can only play condi so on power bosses you have at least 3 condi damage sources. Chrono can play both condi and power, has higher damage then ever before and require one less locked spot. Also it us true that chrono cc was nerfed by huge numbers but it is still more cc then firebrand. I would say firebrand is maybe easier to play but i think it will not be optimal.

Honestly, as dull as it may seem I'd be happy if after all this Chrono / Druid was better for Power Setups and FB / Rene was better for Condi Setups but not totally useless for either. But we shall see.

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And what about WvW? The one game mode which makes this game kinda unique. Chronos got the hardest hit in WvW with this patch they are completely irrelevant at this point. You have litterly a Veil, Illusion, Gravy and pull and thats it. You litterly don't do anything else than using these few skills now which completely feels unsatisfying. The signet is complete bullshit because the corrutpion is insane - so re-applying the boons was a must have, boonduration is not relevant.Makes me wonder: If you take utility/power/whatever from a class where is the compensate for this? Chrono in zergs is really at a point where it will only be needed for putting down a Veil and that's it..Portal even got gutted in WvW (in PvP I understand this but why in WvW?) - I never heard someone complaining about portal.This is really sad now.

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@Morte de Angelis.7986 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"Nepster.4275" said:Yeah raids and fractals got harder, and yes the chrono haters asked for the end of the boon shares because they wanted to play another class... The thing is, there is no other viable class that can get EVEN CLOSE to mesmer.But this will have consequences too, as other people said you need to stack and stuff and doing "optimal" DPS now its much harder. At this it doesnt help that everyone was used to that people were doing really good DPS, now that this dropped the ones who were doing top tier DPS till now will continue and ones who were doing that much DPS because the Chronos did all the dirty job will do less DPS. The bad thing about it that people who think they are good, will get kicked from squads and as some months ago every day there will be a new thread on this forum with the title "Why raid community is this toxic?".Honestly i dont mind the changes, and atleast can kick anyone from squad who screws up mechanics.ANet wants us to become toxic then shall be it

Rumor has it that firebrand can put out quickness.How well they do it I don't know, but it looks as if firebrands going to replace chrono.

It can provide quickness quite well. Problem is that you need renegade for alacrity which loses dps compared to normal dps. Firebrand an renegade can only play condi so on power bosses you have at least 3 condi damage sources. Chrono can play both condi and power, has higher damage then ever before and require one less locked spot. Also it us true that chrono cc was nerfed by huge numbers but it is still more cc then firebrand. I would say firebrand is maybe easier to play but i think it will not be optimal.

Honestly, as dull as it may seem I'd be happy if after all this Chrono / Druid was better for Power Setups and FB / Rene was better for Condi Setups but not totally useless for either. But we shall see.

If what you say is true, then that is the best thing to happen balance wise, since it encourages less having one class be mandatory for all raids, and more of having variety of specs for different raids in utility.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"Nepster.4275" said:Yeah raids and fractals got harder, and yes the chrono haters asked for the end of the boon shares because they wanted to play another class... The thing is, there is no other viable class that can get EVEN CLOSE to mesmer.But this will have consequences too, as other people said you need to stack and stuff and doing "optimal" DPS now its much harder. At this it doesnt help that everyone was used to that people were doing really good DPS, now that this dropped the ones who were doing top tier DPS till now will continue and ones who were doing that much DPS because the Chronos did all the dirty job will do less DPS. The bad thing about it that people who think they are good, will get kicked from squads and as some months ago every day there will be a new thread on this forum with the title "Why raid community is this toxic?".Honestly i dont mind the changes, and atleast can kick anyone from squad who screws up mechanics.ANet wants us to become toxic then shall be it

Rumor has it that firebrand can put out quickness.How well they do it I don't know, but it looks as if firebrands going to replace chrono.

It can provide quickness quite well. Problem is that you need renegade for alacrity which loses dps compared to normal dps. Firebrand an renegade can only play condi so on power bosses you have at least 3 condi damage sources. Chrono can play both condi and power, has higher damage then ever before and require one less locked spot. Also it us true that chrono cc was nerfed by huge numbers but it is still more cc then firebrand. I would say firebrand is maybe easier to play but i think it will not be optimal.

Honestly, as dull as it may seem I'd be happy if after all this Chrono / Druid was better for Power Setups and FB / Rene was better for Condi Setups but not totally useless for either. But we shall see.

If what you say is true, then that is the best thing to happen balance wise, since it encourages less having one class be mandatory for all raids, and more of having variety of specs for different raids in utility.

If this happens then i will gladly gear and learn firebrand. There will always be best in slot. Lets balance for each fight instead of for raids a as a whole

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@Asum.4960 said:That complain about mesmer offhand having a pull and sword auto 3rd hit boon removal makes me facepalm since its been in the game since release?Even more facepalms brought necro scepter corruption that came from nowhere without reason and gone as well. Would be pretty much an insult to add memser focus skill into FB baselane with a 6s cd on it.Not like I really core if its would be gone , mostly I play pvp.But when I want gold I go fractals and before it was hard to find masochists who want to play with a mimic rotation but now no one want to play it. Even if they play now everyone have tons of problems because need to dance around wells ,if u got randomly pushed out no boons for you till next wells.Also where all rage threads about bannerslave and druids? xD

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@tinyreborn.1938 said:

@Asum.4960 said:That complain about mesmer offhand having a pull and sword auto 3rd hit boon removal makes me facepalm since its been in the game since release?Even more facepalms brought necro scepter corruption that came from nowhere without reason and gone as well. Would be pretty much an insult to add memser focus skill into FB baselane with a 6s cd on it.Not like I really core if its would be gone , mostly I play pvp.But when I want gold I go fractals and before it was hard to find masochists who want to play with a mimic rotation but now no one want to play it. Even if they play now everyone have tons of problems because need to dance around wells ,if u got randomly pushed out no boons for you till next wells.Also where all rage threads about bannerslave and druids? xD

Hmmm, i wonder why the fb/rev support fanboys havent took chrono´s place

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@tinyreborn.1938 said:That complain about mesmer offhand having a pull and sword auto 3rd hit boon removal makes me facepalm since its been in the game since release?


@tinyreborn.1938 said:Even more facepalms brought necro scepter corruption that came from nowhere without reason and gone as well. Would be pretty much an insult to add memser focus skill into FB baselane with a 6s cd on it.

Buff doesn't mean make it 600 range, but right now it's just way to small to be of much use. Also, it's on an 8 second CD (which could easily be increased together with a buff to pull range) in a tome with a 30 second CD.

@tinyreborn.1938 said:Not like I really core if its would be gone , mostly I play pvp.But when I want gold I go fractals and before it was hard to find masochists who want to play with a mimic rotation but now no one want to play it. Even if they play now everyone have tons of problems because need to dance around wells ,if u got randomly pushed out no boons for you till next wells.

Which is why I think Wells should pulse the boons, but have a lower total boon duration, as to incentivise running concentration gear over zerker.

@tinyreborn.1938 said:Also where all rage threads about bannerslave and druids? xD

You can run a 3rd dps over a BS without any issue in Fractals, it's not that huge of a DPS loss, people just try to be "optimal". With how much BS players tend to slack in Fractals, quite frankly, a 3rd DPS putting effort in would come out on top group DPS wise a lot of times.Druid can be easily replaced since a while at least in 5 man, again, it's just a minor DPS loss due to spirits, which is traded for stronger support, which would benefit the average Fractal group much more. But gotta be meta.

Chrono is another story though.

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@vuanh.7014 said:

@vuanh.7014 said:With chronos, we could have make thing smoother for new people. Now, only high skill players are good with change. New players will soon quitting raids.

That's just speculation. Chrono is still as desirable as it ever was. Fearmongering won't get this discussion anywhere. If anything, I think raids will gain new players if more classes get a broader range of abilities and effects to benefit their teams.

@vuanh.7014 said:With chronos, we could have make thing smoother for new people. Now, only high skill players are good with change. New players will soon quitting raids.

That's just speculation. Chrono is still as desirable as it ever was. Fearmongering won't get this discussion anywhere. If anything, I think raids will gain new players if more classes get a broader range of abilities and effects to benefit their teams.

I give you 1 example which was real. We did W4 training, only 2 chronos and 1 druid were exp. 4 new dps, they were pulling like 8-9k on Sam. It was thanks to chronos MoA and stability, boons that kept them from flying over the place or die. We managed to kill the boss just by the enrage time. So now, it would be impossible now since newbie cant help much on CC, they would have to concentrating on rotation and mechanics. lots of chronos boons helped them alive which they didnt know.It will be come very hard for trainning groups after this patch.

Like everything else, new meta, people adapt learn new ways, teach newbie new ways and away we go. Not every newbie is going to give up after the first try of failure, some will get better. People still try raids and give up, even in the old meta. I was one of them. I tried them, and aside from the escort, I never "honestly" killed a raid boss. I didn't find it fun. I don't like banging my head a brick wall. I don't even particularly love boss fights. It's not my style of gaming. I basically walked away from raids and never looked back.

That was before the change. If you think it's fun for most people to be carried through content because other people can do it, you'd probably be wrong. Some people are okay with it, and some people aren't. But I think most people would rather feel like they're participating. Having one class that's carrying all the other classes, in my opinion, was always bad design.

You're worried that things have changed. You haven't really seen how they've changed or what they results of that change will be. I'd wager in three months, this will be the new norm and people will find other ways around the same problems.

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