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"Mice" charr epithet


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What race are charr insulting when they use the term "mice"? Like in Camp Resolve in the Silverwastes, where one charr says to the other "I don't see why we should have to take orders from mice and talking cabbages".

I can't figure out whether they mean humans or asura. I think I half-remember a usage somewhere else that might have been using that to mean "human", but I'm not sure.

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"Mice" for the Charr, much like "bookah" for the asura, used to specifically mean humans. But as the races have become more mixed up socially, the terms have become more of a generic insult. These days, "mice" is particularly for humans and asura, while "bookah" pretty much means any non-asura.

"Bookah" also means "foolish" or similar words, and asura may refer to themselves as such in self-critical moments, such as one does during the Triple Trouble escort phase.

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@"Hyperlynx.6429" said:I see. Thanks!

Do they have any epithet for nords? "Mouse" doesn't really apply to a creature that is taller than you...

I haven't heard any special Charr insults for Norn in game. As you say, Norn are even bigger than Charr, so "mouse" definitely doesn't apply. And those two races generally respect each other, so maybe they don't have one.

Besides, it's hard to insult a Norn. Norn culture is full of trash talk and tall tales; to them, insults are an art form. The more you try to insult them, the more they laugh and insult you back. Call a Norn a dumb drunk angry son of a grawl, and "grawl" is the only part he won't take as a compliment. To REALLY insult a Norn, you pretty much have to go after their personal honor or their ancestors, and in both cases you had better be ready to defend yourself...

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@Jimbru.6014 said:

@"Hyperlynx.6429" said:I see. Thanks!

Do they have any epithet for nords? "Mouse" doesn't really apply to a creature that is taller than you...

I haven't heard any special Charr insults for Norn in game. As you say, Norn are even bigger than Charr, so "mouse" definitely doesn't apply. And those two races generally respect each other, so maybe they don't have one.

Not to mention that it's hard to insult a Norn anyway. Norn culture is fond of trash talk and tall tales, so they consider insults an art form. The more you insult them, the more they laugh and insult you back. Call a Norn a dumb drunk angry son of a grawl, and "grawl" is the only part he won't take as a compliment.

Makes sense.

I always figured the charr and the norns would get on well. I don't think I've ever seen them interact in gw2, though, other than that bit of norn personal story where you get drunk and steal an Iron Legion bike. I mean, the norn would love Meatoberfest and I get the charr would love norn moots.

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@"Jimbru.6014" said:Besides, it's hard to insult a Norn. Norn culture is full of trash talk and tall tales; to them, insults are an art form. The more you try to insult them, the more they laugh and insult you back. Call a Norn a dumb drunk angry son of a grawl, and "grawl" is the only part he won't take as a compliment. To REALLY insult a Norn, you pretty much have to go after their personal honor or their ancestors, and in both cases you had better be ready to defend yourself...

There is actually an ambient conversation in Hoelbrak about this very thing.

Charr Traveler: I don't get it. I give 'em grief, and they give me stories.Charr Traveler (2): Yeah, they like to talk about themselves.Charr Traveler: You insult 'em, and they just boast more.

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@Elspereth.1280 said:

@"Jimbru.6014" said:Besides, it's hard to insult a Norn. Norn culture is full of trash talk and tall tales; to them, insults are an art form. The more you try to insult them, the more they laugh and insult you back. Call a Norn a dumb drunk angry son of a grawl, and "grawl" is the only part he won't take as a compliment. To REALLY insult a Norn, you pretty much have to go after their personal honor or their ancestors, and in both cases you had better be ready to defend yourself...

There is actually an ambient conversation in Hoelbrak about this very thing.

Charr Traveler: I don't get it. I give 'em grief, and they give me stories.Charr Traveler (2): Yeah, they like to talk about themselves.Charr Traveler: You insult 'em, and they just boast more.

This.... this is why I love this game. I don't know how many other games y'all have played, but in the few that I've spent time in, none of them have ambient conversation worth remembering like this. Gotta run to Hoelbrak to eavesdrop now.

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@Hyperlynx.6429 said:

Makes sense.

I always figured the charr and the norns would get on well. I don't think I've ever seen them interact in gw2, though, other than that bit of norn personal story where you get drunk and steal an Iron Legion bike. I mean, the norn would love Meatoberfest and I get the charr would love norn moots.

There's some interaction along that line in Diessa Plateau over by where it meets up with the Snowden Drifts. Both in the Norn story, and in open world.

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This reminds me of an odd question: Do charr have a vomeronasal organ? Do they have a flehmen reaction and to what extent may that have an influence in their partner choice?Like other felids, their perception is likely different from a human's especially in regards to smell, but also in terms of vision. In the home instance a female charr claims to smell when it's going to rain, which is an observable phenomenon, more than one actually. Sensitive noses can smell incoming rain and storms and most people notice a distinct smell when it has rained. This shows that the world building team has done their homework in that regard.

It might also explain why Evon Gnashblade is a very successful businesscharr: He can smell it, if the competition is afraid. There might be other behaviours that stem from biology.I suspect that on a rainy day, there'd be fewer charr on the streets, preferring to stay inside for two reasons: Not getting their fur wet, which normally insulates them against cold and heat and the interference of rainfall with their keen sense of smell. Not to mention that even humans don't like it when cold raindrops fall on them.Likewise, unpleasant smells like vinegar could be used to keep your neighbourhood mostly charr free. Food for thought for all the hot blooded Ascalonians out there.Pleasant smells, like spearmint, might make you the unwanted center of attention in a crowd of charr and the smell of Nepeta Cataria will probably give you unwanted headrubs.

Hearing differences have been explored as well. To a charr humans may sound squeaky, yet are not in the best hearing range. It's like a prepubescent player on voicechat with a bad microphone. Imagine living in Lion's Arch and the people sound like:"Good day sir! Would you like to book a squeak squeaky squeak?""A what now?""A holiday trip to Southsun Cove?"Hopefully it's easier for your average charr to hear the "mice" squeak than to read this dialogue.

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