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Solo PVE content, what to do?


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I like PoF. The mounts are amazing. It's been a while since i enjoyed the game. The reason i struggle to like GW2 is because i feel like the game always forces me to join other people. It's like i'm not allowed to enjoy the game on my own.

I was kinda excited about the idea of bounty hunting until i found out i couldn't do them solo.Then i found out that i could farm "eyes of kormir" and trade 25 of them for a random reward. until... i found out that those rewards are worthless.Now i'm looking in to chest hunting, but i have a feeling that it will unrewarding as well.

The reason i don't want to do group content is because it has always been too easy and it always follows the same pattern,, stand in the right spot and spam your skills. It doesn't even matter if you die. I can't enjoy battles where i don't have to use my brain. To me it's just like typing the same word over and over again in notepad. I did group up for bounty hunting and i didn't die once after killing like 20 bosses. Imagine playing super mario but you have just 50 other marios jumping around you, you basicly don't have to do anything. What would even be the point playing that game?

Anyways. If any of you have an idea for good solo content, comment bellow.

UPDATE: I already found 4 chests with decent loot. I think this might be what i will do. If you guys know any good chest spawns in PoF, let me know.@ANET: Now that PVE rewards us with so many minipets.. can we please be able to put them in the mystic forge?? Now i just need to delete them over and over again or sell them for 50 bronze.

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@Vissarion.6509 said:First of all, this is an mmo, so you are expected to group up with other people.

Second, almost everything is soloable (except bounties) in PoF. So its like 99% of the content can be done solo.

Third, if u want challenge, you should play raids.

There's more to an mmo than playing in a group. It's a world. You can travel the world alone or you can do it with friends. Let's take the real world for example. Lets say you want to travel the world and you want to take a train and the train says, sorry bro, you need atleast 4 other people to use this train... and all i'm asking is,, why?

Yes PVE is solo'able, but i'm looking for something in the open world that i can do on a daily basis that's rewarding.

Raids are indeed challenging and fun. Still group content though.

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@CoRtex.2157 said:

@Vissarion.6509 said:First of all, this is an mmo, so you are expected to group up with other people.

Second, almost everything is soloable (except bounties) in PoF. So its like 99% of the content can be done solo.

Third, if u want challenge, you should play raids.

There's more to an mmo than playing in a group. It's a world. You can travel the world alone or you can do it with friends. Let's take the real world for example. Lets say you want to travel the world and you want to take a train and the train says, sorry bro, you need atleast 4 other people to use this train... and all i'm asking is,, why?

Yes PVE is solo'able, but i'm looking for something in the open world that i can do on a daily basis that's rewarding.

Raids are indeed challenging and fun. Still group content though.

This is not real world....and yea,it's an mmo so expect Massive Multiplayer elements in it...maybe mmos are not for you.

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@Vissarion.6509 said:Third, if u want challenge, you should play raids.

Raids aren't really all that challenging though. They just have high failure rates because they rely on everyone getting things right, so there are more chances to randomly fail because of things outside your control.

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M.M.O.R.P.GMassive game play world, as opposed to an instanced lobby game with small maps.Multiplayer: more than one player able to play on said massive map.Online: This world is accessible via the internet from any where in the world as opposed to LAN, local area network.R.P.G. It is a role playing game in which your character develops, improves, grows, takes on a personality, as opposed to an FPS, first person shooter, where you stay the same but just gain a few weapon/armour upgrades.

I prefer the definition: Virtual Persistent Online World, it more accurately reflects what these games are.

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@Rikkagin.9472 said:M.M.O.R.P.GMassive game play world, as opposed to an instanced lobby game with small maps.Multiplayer: more than one player able to play on said massive map.Online: This world is accessible via the internet from any where in the world as opposed to LAN, local area network.R.P.G. It is a role playing game in which your character develops, improves, grows, takes on a personality, as opposed to an FPS, first person shooter, where you stay the same but just gain a few weapon/armour upgrades.

I prefer the definition: Virtual Persistent Online World, it more accurately reflects what these games are.

I know, i know. But the fact that you're in a world full of people doesn't mean you have to do everything with other people. All i want is choice between content that is aimed for groups and content that can be done alone. I however understand the difficulty in developing this. Because solo content (if not instanced) will be done by groups. The risk/reward ratio would be broken. But they could for example only give a reward to the person with the most damage.

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Repeatable Hero points.AndThere are some areas with high density mobs that can be farmed for T6 mats. Might be boring to most though. The mobs in PoF actually have decent drop rates, different from some of the past few maps. I don't know if it's on purpose because they are not afraid of bots anymore since you need certain masterys to get to these places. (or tele to friend)

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@Vissarion.6509 said:First of all, this is an mmo, so you are expected to group up with other people.

Second, almost everything is soloable (except bounties) in PoF. So its like 99% of the content can be done solo.

Third, if u want challenge, you should play raids.

No, not even close. There is much more soloable content than HoT, and now that I've become used to the mobs I would say most of it, but nowhere near all of it. Heck the northeastern quarter of the first map alone seems to have been reserved for champion oriented group events.

And that's absolute bullcrap about raids, challenge is not exclusive to one niche demographic.

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The fact of the matter is, there is less content in this game that is soloable, when compared to many other MMO games. You can try, but you will struggle on some of it. There's always jumping puzzles and personal story, you can chip in on some group events by yourself. But this game is unique in my opinion, for the very high emphasis on group play. Ironic really, considering they forewent the healer/dps/tank trinity, and pushed on making us self-sufficient (which hardly compliments group play). It works, but quite honestly the group play falls FAR short of other MMO games (WoW). Really I see PvP and WvW as the biggest strengths of this game, and bizarrely, they are by far the most neglected aspect.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:The fact of the matter is, there is less content in this game that is soloable, when compared to many other MMO games. You can try, but you will struggle on some of it. There's always jumping puzzles and personal story, you can chip in on some group events by yourself. But this game is unique in my opinion, for the very high emphasis on group play. Ironic really, considering they forewent the healer/dps/tank trinity, and pushed on making us self-sufficient (which hardly compliments group play). It works, but quite honestly the group play falls FAR short of other MMO games (WoW). Really I see PvP and WvW as the biggest strengths of this game, and bizarrely, they are by far the most neglected aspect.

Don't quite understand what you mean. Most of Guild Wars 2 is soloable. Dungeons, Fractals, Raids, and even large map-wide world boss events are a tiny fraction of the game, especially since the release of PoF.

@"CoRtex.2157" said:The reason i don't want to do group content is because it has always been too easy and it always follows the same pattern,, stand in the right spot and spam your skills. It doesn't even matter if you die. I can't enjoy battles where i don't have to use my brain. To me it's just like typing the same word over and over again in notepad. I did group up for bounty hunting and i didn't die once after killing like 20 bosses. Imagine playing super mario but you have just 50 other marios jumping around you, you basicly don't have to do anything. What would even be the point playing that game?

Exploratory question: Is you opinion based your previous experience with T4 Fractals and Raids? Or are your experiences with "group content" restricted to open world group events?

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@CoRtex.2157 said:

@Rikkagin.9472 said:M.M.O.R.P.GMassive game play world, as opposed to an instanced lobby game with small maps.Multiplayer: more than one player able to play on said massive map.Online: This world is accessible via the internet from any where in the world as opposed to LAN, local area network.R.P.G. It is a role playing game in which your character develops, improves, grows, takes on a personality, as opposed to an FPS, first person shooter, where you stay the same but just gain a few weapon/armour upgrades.

I prefer the definition: Virtual Persistent Online World, it more accurately reflects what these games are.

I know, i know. But the fact that you're in a world full of people doesn't mean you have to do everything with other people. All i want is choice between content that is aimed for groups and content that can be done alone. I however understand the difficulty in developing this. Because solo content (if not instanced) will be done by groups. The risk/reward ratio would be broken. But they could for example only give a reward to the person with the most damage.

I think you missed my point. The MMORPG genre emerged from M.U.D.s which where limited to a small number of players who wanted to recapture the pen and paper role playing experience without having to be in the same room. The first 3D M.U.D. from Verant became a MASSIVE virtual world, allowing thousands of players to be in the same world at the same time. So the term "massively multiplayer", in MMO, only refers to the fact that a massive number of people could be online on the same server, NOT that you had to be grouped up in order to play. Though group play was preferred, it was not required. I soloed with my ranger extremely effectively in Everquest, and have soloed ever since.

From the Wiki on M.U.D.s"The history of modern massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) like EverQuest and Ultima Online, and related virtual world genres such as the social virtual worlds exemplified by Second Life, can be traced directly back to the MUD genre.[9][11] Indeed, before the invention of the term MMORPG, games of this style were simply called graphical MUDs. A number of influential MMORPG designers began as MUD developers and/or players[12] (such as Raph Koster, Brad McQuaid,[13] Matt Firor, and Brian Green[14]) or were involved with early MUDs (like Mark Jacobs and J. Todd Coleman)."

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@CoRtex.2157 said:Yes PVE is solo'able, but i'm looking for something in the open world that i can do on a daily basis that's rewarding.

I wish I had an answer for you because I'm in pretty much the same situation.

Most content is soloable. Even content specifically designed for several players is soloable to some extent. The difficulty and time investment are, however, often far greater than doing the same thing with more people, while the rewards remain the same. So, while soloing things can provide a fun and challenging experience, reward wise you know you're just wasting your time.

The funny thing is that we actually have that solo content, but for some reason all of it is contained in festivals.Queen Gauntlet was strictly solo content (even if devs never ahieved a healthy reward structure). Wintersday jumping puzzle, even if there are other players arounds, is pretty much a solo far. SAB actually punishes group play since you need everyone to reach the checkpoint before advancing (and also fails on the reward structure too).On the persistant part of the game, AFAIK, there's nothing that resemble this. If it doesn't favor group content, then either the reward is pathetic (like HoT adventures) or the gameplay behind the activity is a complete snoozefest (like gathering).

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