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pvp - condi scrapper?

Stand The Wall.6987

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Depends on your target. Some targets that feature heavy cleanse will shrug you off, and classes with heavy CC will absolutely wreck you (one stunbreak, juggernaut is not reliable in PvP). Prot holo will be your absolute worst nightmare.

Specific recommendations:

  • Thumper turret is an out-of-place choice. I would suggest slick shoes instead. The toolbelt is on a lower cooldown, and the main skill makes more sense with your build.
  • I would recommend sneak gyro over mortar kit. Simply put, condi engi doesn't have the staying power to make mortar kit worth taking, even with the toughness from wanderer's.
  • Swap Juggernaut for incendiary powder. You shouldn't be camping flamethrower in PvP, so juggernaut is way less valuable.
  • Swap out experimental turrets for mecha legs. Your current build doesn't justify Experimental turrets for a single turret.
  • I'd recommend rune of the renegade over rune of balthazar.
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So with p/s, it barely does any damage, which is fine if it's a bunker .. but if it's a bunker, I think the meta Hammer Bunker does the same job better.

I can't say condi is in a good spot right now - far too much incidental cleanse across all classes for it to be viable. If you run into any support or any conversion holo or even a class with lots of dedicated cleanse, you have to leave that point or lose.

With this in mind (and personally, I just prefer this playstyle), I play condi scrapper more as a mobile roaming +1-er with Sneak Gyro and Rocket Boots to break engagements.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Do not think that Incendiary powder is weak. It has never been weak since it's inception, it is definitely not weak now. The build above is what I've dubbed "the phoenix engie", hard to kill but still deals damage enough to take you out. I'll put together a small guide soon because it has got some unique things to it that inform how you use it and not many people may be familiar with using things like Elixir Gun's glue skill and so on.

I don't make videos anymore so a write-up will have to do.

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@Dirame.8521 said:Do not think that Incendiary powder is weak. It has never been weak since it's inception, it is definitely not weak now.

3.7k dmg every 10 sec in burns is weak tho lol. its certainly weaker then being able to prevent a cc every 3 sec with a flamer equipped. this nonsense about camping flamer is just that. actually its better in small bursts.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Dirame.8521 said:Do not think that Incendiary powder is weak. It has never been weak since it's inception, it is definitely not weak now.

3.7k dmg every 10 sec in burns
weak tho lol. its certainly weaker then being able to prevent a cc every 3 sec with a flamer equipped. this nonsense about camping flamer is just that. actually its better in small bursts.

And how long are you going to camp Flame thrower? There are better ways to get stab. May be you haven't realized yet, but the power of a passive proc is more than you realize initially with initial numbers. That's how I beat Mirages, Passive proc on burn in Holosmith. I can't touch them most of the time but I can guarantee that my application of burn on dodge is ticking their health down.Same with this, you don't know the value of it until you actually look at it practically. Questions like, how many times will I have a chance to hit someone with my flamethrower skills in order to apply burning?...... not a lot really when you actually get into the game. Sometimes you'll be too busy running around trying to avoid damage. The passive proc just takes care of that for you. You can apply burning pressure with ANY skill. And keep in mind, burning is not the only condition you have in this build.

EDIT: After testing I have changed the build to what works most effectively.

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Here's the guide: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Engineer_-_Comeback_King_Engie_Core_Spec It may say Core spec but you can replace Alchemy with Scrapper and take appropriate traits for increasing survivability.

Test it if you want. Run it with what you think works and then try it as I have advised and see if there's a performance difference. If yours feels better, stick to it. At least then you've got something that you like. @Stand The Wall.6987

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