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Party kicking mechanics.

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@FOX.3582 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@"Taygus.4571" said:They used to have it that party leader goes. But that was far more toxic.

I want to correct this! They used to have a system that made the complete group exit the instance if the “leader” left, which is AMAZINGLY stupid. Arenanet then wanted to change that (it should’ve not been like that in the first place, because like I said before, it is AMAZINGLY stupid, and people who design stuff like that should be fired on the spot) and of course, we all know Arenanet; instead of making it work perfectly like it works in most MMO’s, they chose to design a system like it is now. A system where people can join the party that YOU have created on the LFG could kick you after spending an hour in an instance, just for the fun of it if they really want to.

You are leaving out the fact that the party leader had total control, completely beside the point that the instance was saved to him.

Second, partying does not work "perfectly" in other MMOs. Each system has its issues and a sole control system has its own. Please don't pretend otherwise.

The current system via majority vote is not ideal, but it is far from as problematic as people make it out to be.
  • You can easily work within the system to prevent abuse. Simply have 1 other friendly player you know with you (this is a MMORPG after all, if you have 0 social contacts on a regular basis, you might want to start working on other issues first)
  • if you get majority voted out of groups on a regular basis, the problem is clearly you and not the system. I have over 7k hours played, about to hit fractal god, have all the dungeon collections done, etc. I have been in lots of groups for group content. I can count the times I was kicked from group on 1 hand.

I don’t agree. In my opinion, when you are the party leader, you should have the right to abuse.

See, and that's where I'm sure many will disagree.

@FOX.3582 said:And if you don’t want to take a risk by joining a group and hope your party leader isn’t an a$$h0le, you should make your own group, just like it works in real life. The system as it is now is also bad, because I should be able to do what I want with the group, and when the other players disagree they should be able to leave instead of kicking the one who MADE the group. That’s how it works everywhere, and that is how it should work in this game too. But hey, we have to think about the “special” people too right?

If the majority of players in the group want you out, it's easier for them to replace you and you start a new group. Hence a majority system is in place. The fact that you started the LFG is of no consequence. The net result would be the same if the people left and reformed. This way the required workload and organization across all involved players is kept to a minimum. If this keeps happening to someone, they need to work on personal social skills. Which in turn would be even more a reason to not give such a player total control.

Your real life example lacks 1 essential component: payment. I guarantee you, a majority of people would not support/work/stick with you in real life if you are mistreating them unless they get payed, and even then some will leave.

I agree with you on the social aspect. But I still think it’s really wrong that the creator of the party can be kicked.

Well just pay the other 4-9 people to drag you along then.

Wth is this reaction? That has nothing to do with this topic. With over 1k insights I think I can safely say that no one needs to “drag” me along with anything. Learn to read and interpret, you will have a way better internet experience ...

Maybe they did, why be rude? I interpreted it to be pay them to put up with your toxicity, lack of skill, lack of caring for mechanics and lack of understanding the content. that previous sentence is not even aimed at -you- but at all players who would be put in that position. Since anyone can start a party, not just the top 1% of players that includes those that arent any good at the game. You might be a good player sure, but not everyone else is, and if they are doing the opposite of what they posted in the LFG why -shouldnt- the be kicked?

I remember the days at launch when the party leader had all the power, it was terrible for the game, this party mechanic is way friendlier, is it perfect? no. But -everyone- is at the mercy of the system which is way better and its a majority rules and that will have my support always so long as its for the betterment of the ame.

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@Koods.9815 said:So your solutions are to don't play with random people.. Really. If I had people to play with, I'd surely not complain about LFG and party mechanics. I have to pray to all possible gods just to get a decent group to do some content, yes, of course, they want to finish this content too, but for what price.. Consider nice playtrough of Arah with friendly teammates, and then group toxic people who joins YOUR LFG and votes you off because you dare to die in Arah, since it's very hard dungeon, and some mobs actualy instakills even high mastery players. The whole point is, I always like to start the party, because if I join some, I often just jump into unknown group, but if I make one, I can meet them one by one, and find out if they are cool or not. But it should still be MINE party, not that someone can take it over. That's how it works in any other mmos, and nobody is complaining. If I had guild to run dungeons and fractals with, I'd not need to relly on LFG and random players, but.. either there are far too big guilds that does not care about newbies or people at all (grindfest guilds) or smaller inactive guilds, shame >.<

Responding to bolded comment.

What MMOs are you referring to? I have played World of Warcraft, Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, Lord of the Rings Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, War Thunder, The Secret World, and probably some others that I'm forgetting. All of them use a majority rules vote kick system. The details may vary, but the core is the same across all the MMOs I have played. WoW used to have a party leader system that was heavily abused. They changed it in response to the massive amount of tickets opened about the abuse. Also, raids are handled differently. However, 5-player content is majority rules vote kick in every MMO I have ever played.

Might I suggest, that rather than trying to get a system that works changed to a system that won't, you join a larger guild that has people on when you play? That way you can form a group of guildmates. Surely it's easier to form a party with people who are presumably interested in grouping with you for cooperative content.

edited for clarity and to be more diplomatic

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@"Hashberry.4510" said:Its odd, I do not recall it being this bad back in WoW, even when the auto group system started up. Maybe so many groups were available the clowns were diluted out.

It wasn't in the beginning, because the population was up and everybody was using it. It started getting bad during the last 1/3 - 1/4 of Wrath and got atrocious during Cataclysm. This was seemed to be due to population change and people wanting to do the max efficiency run for daily credit. Combined with recount and the ability to inspect people's gear, the elitism grew strong. Funny enough, it wasn't the actual "leet raiderz" but the wannabes who slavishly followed everything posted on the Elitist Jerks website.

But that's a story for a different thread, if not a different forum.

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@FOX.3582 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@"Taygus.4571" said:They used to have it that party leader goes. But that was far more toxic.

I want to correct this! They used to have a system that made the complete group exit the instance if the “leader” left, which is AMAZINGLY stupid. Arenanet then wanted to change that (it should’ve not been like that in the first place, because like I said before, it is AMAZINGLY stupid, and people who design stuff like that should be fired on the spot) and of course, we all know Arenanet; instead of making it work perfectly like it works in most MMO’s, they chose to design a system like it is now. A system where people can join the party that YOU have created on the LFG could kick you after spending an hour in an instance, just for the fun of it if they really want to.

You are leaving out the fact that the party leader had total control, completely beside the point that the instance was saved to him.

Second, partying does not work "perfectly" in other MMOs. Each system has its issues and a sole control system has its own. Please don't pretend otherwise.

The current system via majority vote is not ideal, but it is far from as problematic as people make it out to be.
  • You can easily work within the system to prevent abuse. Simply have 1 other friendly player you know with you (this is a MMORPG after all, if you have 0 social contacts on a regular basis, you might want to start working on other issues first)
  • if you get majority voted out of groups on a regular basis, the problem is clearly you and not the system. I have over 7k hours played, about to hit fractal god, have all the dungeon collections done, etc. I have been in lots of groups for group content. I can count the times I was kicked from group on 1 hand.

I don’t agree. In my opinion, when you are the party leader, you should have the right to abuse.

See, and that's where I'm sure many will disagree.

@FOX.3582 said:And if you don’t want to take a risk by joining a group and hope your party leader isn’t an a$$h0le, you should make your own group, just like it works in real life. The system as it is now is also bad, because I should be able to do what I want with the group, and when the other players disagree they should be able to leave instead of kicking the one who MADE the group. That’s how it works everywhere, and that is how it should work in this game too. But hey, we have to think about the “special” people too right?

If the majority of players in the group want you out, it's easier for them to replace you and you start a new group. Hence a majority system is in place. The fact that you started the LFG is of no consequence. The net result would be the same if the people left and reformed. This way the required workload and organization across all involved players is kept to a minimum. If this keeps happening to someone, they need to work on personal social skills. Which in turn would be even more a reason to not give such a player total control.

Your real life example lacks 1 essential component: payment. I guarantee you, a majority of people would not support/work/stick with you in real life if you are mistreating them unless they get payed, and even then some will leave.

I agree with you on the social aspect. But I still think it’s really wrong that the creator of the party can be kicked.

Well just pay the other 4-9 people to drag you along then.

Wth is this reaction? That has nothing to do with this topic. With over 1k insights I think I can safely say that no one needs to “drag” me along with anything. Learn to read and interpret, you will have a way better internet experience ...

Not trying to fight, but what do insights have to do with how good a player you are? Aren't most of them just press f to commune?

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@tinymurder.5791 said:

@"Hashberry.4510" said:Its odd, I do not recall it being this bad back in WoW, even when the auto group system started up. Maybe so many groups were available the clowns were diluted out.

It wasn't in the beginning, because the population was up and everybody was using it. It started getting bad during the last 1/3 - 1/4 of Wrath and got atrocious during Cataclysm. This was seemed to be due to population change and people wanting to do the max efficiency run for daily credit. Combined with recount and the ability to inspect people's gear, the elitism grew strong. Funny enough, it wasn't the actual "leet raiderz" but the wannabes who slavishly followed everything posted on the Elitist Jerks website.

But that's a story for a different thread, if not a different forum.

Oh what nostalgic memory, thanks =) . I think the kicking didn't matter so much as there was always another group instantly available.

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@"avey.4201" said:I see players solo running into NPC event of thaumanova failing the event loses a 5% damage buff.

This is something you should on purpose. Usually the event will be started by one player while the others head to the ooze. The event is activated, the player uses "/gg" and runs to ooze long before that even started. After killing the ooze the npc event is done - obviously failed - and you can easily pick up (activate the console). This shortens everything up. In addition someone skilled can also do heat room fast enough and still is there for the ooze fight. In that way this fractal can be done within 5 minutes or just a little bit longer. The 5% damage buff is irrelevant.This all shouldn't be against the rest of your argumentation and observations but can be an explanation that you see single players running there first in this specific fractal. They just want to save a lot of boring play time.

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