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Returning and looking for a new engaging main

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Came back after about a 2 year break and I'm pretty much fumbling around on what to play now. Lots of things changed like deadeye with the new malice mechanic and sword ele actually being considered good! Thing is the class I use to play the most of, thief, has really lost its' charm now that the game is different. The appeal use to be the high amounts of stealth gameplay coupled with high damage. But with so much stealth hate, and not mentioning just playing warrior to do much more damage and have way more sustain, it seems evasion thief is the way to go; I never cared for evasion thief.

So I'm looking for a new class/es to focus into. I'd prefer a build/class that has a very high skill ceiling without resorting to playing handicaps to actually achieve such a thing. Emphasis on "high skill ceiling", the skill floor I don't care about. I've tried necro, but it just feels rather boring to me. Sure there may be a ceiling for optimizing damage, but the core gameplay of scourge bores me to death. Even reaper seemed rather shallow; not to mention outclassed. So having "outplay" potential is an enormous plus in a high skill ceiling over just a simple optimizing damage skill ceiling (That's not me saying scourge has a high skill ceiling or not). From what I gathered dragon hunter might be a good contestent, but it also sounds like I might just end up running into a brick wall with it.

So any suggested classes or even builds?

TL;DR:Looking for a high skill ceiling class/build that isn't handicapped to achieve such a thing. Having "Outplay" potential is very appealing.

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I am gonna be that guy and say there is no more high skill ceiling professions, especially since you don't want to play Thief.I know I am not being helpful but its factual information non the less so I hope it might give you an idea...With how powercrept all stuff is its come to the point that the handicapped professions are for that very reason the ones with high skill ceiling, but as I understand your post, thats not what you're looking for.

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Most of the good stuff has a braindead safety net autododge rotation built in.

My best answer is necro, but core. Youll get stomped in organized 1v2s, but its the most engaging as its main mechanic boonhate is always different depending on enemy.Check valluns latest youtube vid, has 3 necro offmeta builds all based on countering controlling the enemy.

Revenant afaik can also get pretty deep.

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That core necro build actually sounds interesting from what I've seen. Was thinking about making a core necro oddly enough, since I'm not a fan of reaper/scourge anymore, but was questioning its' viability.

Revenant does make it look like it can get pretty deep in it's gameplay, so I may have to start playing with it more.

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I am gonna be that guy and say there is no more high skill ceiling professions, especially since you don't want to play Thief.I know I am not being helpful but its factual information non the less so I hope it might give you an idea...With how powercrept all stuff is its come to the point that the handicapped professions are for that very reason the ones with high skill ceiling, but as I understand your post, thats not what you're looking for.

And I will be the guy to tell you there never was a high skill profession. I play all nine and they are about the same as long as you have enough experience with the class.

@Glitchfull.5826 what you are looking for does not exist, never existed and will never exist. Just look at what is meta:

FBSBHeraldHoloSoul beastScourge

Just pick whichever class you prefer.

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If you're looking for high-skill ceiling class I'd still suggest you giving thief a go. You will feel bad about getting oneshot from time to time by pretty much every class, you will feel bad about other classes having straight-forward 18k dmg combos without using brain and you will feel bad you have to actually work your ass off to atleast have a chance at killing someone who plays another class for the first time but man... the feeling of decapping a node before the rampage warrior oneshots you with boulder is just worthless.So, atleast give thief a chance - it's pretty fun gameplay after all. Evasion thief gameplay is way more rewarding than stealth deadeye imo.

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Have to agree with what people have already said.Most classes now have been dumbed down hard and reduced to some sort of cheesy gimmick or another.But I'll try to give some pointers anyway.

Herald - altho not as difficult anymore as it used to be in the past - has pretty good "outplay"-potential compared to other classes.Thief - good toolkit and requires some brain to play decently. Feels rewarding for good decision making.Holo - Not super hard but not faceroll easy either. Managing heat and utilizing combo fields add some intricacies at least.Weaver - Fun (= personal bias) and good pay-off for good decision making. Not as underpowered as it used to be, but still very unrewarding at times.

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I am gonna be that guy and say there is no more high skill ceiling professions, especially since you don't want to play Thief.I know I am not being helpful but its factual information non the less so I hope it might give you an idea...With how powercrept all stuff is its come to the point that the handicapped professions are for that very reason the ones with high skill ceiling, but as I understand your post, thats not what you're looking for.

I am going to be that guy who agrees with him

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I tried that core necro build and it was honestly just a frustrating experience fighting a bunch of evades and teleports. Might have to to tweak it myself to make it not so awful against anyone that realizes to just kite.

Revenant felt very limiting in my opinion. Maybe it's just the herald glass setup that makes it so since it felt more like you just blow your abilities on an enemy and if it fails to kill you rotate your defenses, or run, till you can have at it again.

Evasion thief can be frustrating to fight with the absolutely absurd amounts of teles and evades. Though it felt exactly like a mesmer in that it looks like you are doing a whole lot crazy things and being expertly slippery but in reality you really aren't doing much at all and anyone could honestly do it.

Maybe will just keep searching for that something that sparks that gameplay creativity I once found before HoTs.

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I've been messing around with power mirage in unranked since the season ended and if you enjoyed the playstyle of old d/p daredevil you might enjoy this one. both builds are (or in the case of d/p dd, were) effective +1s capable of quickly swinging fights in your team's favor, highly mobile thus can outrotate slower classes (like scourge and scrapper) with ease and rely a fair bit on stealth (mirage less so than thief).you will easily reach legendary with this because its pink and therefore its op and broken and anet needs to deleet mezmur already.

This part has been deleted for suggesting mesmer takes skill to play.

When it comes to outplaying opponents I'd say power mirage hits that spot quite well. The abundance of stealth and dazes paired with decent damage, high mobility and some boonhate allows you to jump into fights and punish people hard and fast for the slightest mistakes. However, keep in mind you can be punished just as hard. This build's main weaknesses are condition damage and thinking you can 1v1 anything.

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Power_ShatterThat's more or less what I'm using. I dropped Renewing Oasis for Self Deception and use Mirage Mantle instead of Desert Distortion but other than that it's pretty much the same build. It's nowhere near becoming meta but it isn't exactly lul-tier either.

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@"Ryan.9387" said:Static discharge HoloRevenant

Both have very high skill caps. Both have excellent utility and are versatile.

Are you talking about this build for Holo?


I hear lots about "Holo static discharge" and this is all i can find which is like in their archive section.

Provided the link that i posted above is correct, why isn't this one posted as meta anymore ? Meanwhile there are, like what, 3 to 4 other holo builds posted instead, yet this static discharge one is getting all the hype?

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@Sampson.2403 said:

@"Ryan.9387" said:Static discharge HoloRevenant

Both have very high skill caps. Both have excellent utility and are versatile.

Are you talking about this build for Holo?

I hear lots about "Holo static discharge" and this is all i can find which is like in their archive section.

Provided the link that i posted above is correct, why isn't this one posted as meta anymore ? Meanwhile there are, like what, 3 to 4 other holo builds posted instead, yet this static discharge one is getting all the hype?

named elixir rifle and it's in the meta sectioni personally use power wrench but static discharge is equally viable

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So the static discharge build that everyone speaks of is just this Elixer Rifle build but instead of power wrench, use static discharge?

Super confusing considering that there's a build called static discharge. You veterans must consider us plebs! We want to get into the game harder, please be more clear! We're not in the know zone, these forums are all we got. Enlighten us. xD

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@Sampson.2403 said:So the static discharge build that everyone speaks of is just this Elixer Rifle build but instead of power wrench, use static discharge?

Super confusing considering that there's a build called static discharge. You veterans must consider us plebs! We want to get into the game harder, please be more clear! We're not in the know zone, these forums are all we got. Enlighten us. xD

Yeah, but I'd also swap annulment sigil for cleansing.

Additionally you can make these two changes:Elixer s -> rifle turretInvigorating speed -> Protection injection

That is a variant with very high damage.

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