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So.. uh.. about vision...

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Why does a trinket that has an identical effect to Aurora with one minor difference if you have Aurora... cost almost an identical amount of mats to a legendary weapon? Aurora's pricest mat sink was the Icy Runestones... and everything else was obtainable in the collection.

Yet here we are with a trinket that requires not only one large for itself, but a previous even larger collection for the mount.

Legendary armor doesn't even take this much?

Some highly questionable decisions being made lately.

Obviously, people don't have to get Vision, and I may not knowing that I could spend nearly the same amount of mats and have a legendary weapon with far greater effort put into its visuals. I could maybe understand this insane amount of cost if it had way better visuals, like a full body aura or something... and if it were an amulet...

But to make Vision exponentially more expensive than Aurora... also an accessory... with identical single-equipped effects and barely noticeable combined effects...

I guess it's a good thing I don't raid, because who knows what the legendary ring will require when it comes out.

Was this trinket, collection, and mat requirement just tossed in sometime after people started complaining about the Skyscale collection being comparable to Aurora without being legendary and whoever did it didn't even stop to consider the extreme cost of this? Was it made intentionally this expensive out of spite of those complaints?

Not much that can be done about it now I guess. It just seems like some serious oversight to make this thing cost 1000 gold, when it's twin was.. what.. 200..300 max?

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Today is June, 3rd.This day is special because only today players don't complain about price cost/mat cost of a collection or an item. It shows appreciation of the things we have in our favorite game and a deep respect to the devs. It is only 1 day of the year but it is enough to show everyone how grown is the community of GW2:)

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:Today is June, 3rd.This day is special because only today players don't complain about price cost/mat cost of a collection or an item. It shows appreciation of the things we have in our favorite game and a deep respect to the devs. It is only 1 day of the year but it is enough to show everyone how grown is the community of GW2:)

The dream.

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Maybe I'm misremembering, but I don't recall having to use any of those tier 6 mats?

Was it something in one of the earlier collections? Oh, wait, it took a mystic tribute too.

I don't know how I didn't see that before.

Still seems odd to require mystic tributes for either one though, considering you don't need them for legendary armor. But I stand corrected on the material cost.

I hold my position on the effect though. Surely there's a way to amplify it without just making the orbs globs of goo.

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I'm upping you by quoting the GW2efficiency values :p

Aurora (https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-81908) = 1,434 goldVision (https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-91048) = 1,574 gold

@"cptaylor.2670" said:I hold my position on the effect though. Surely there's a way to amplify it without just making the orbs globs of goo.

I think the general idea is to develop the effect further and further. Currently Mesmer clones show a more advanced effect with very likely Coalescence already added. Suffice to say, that effect looks amazing.

! https://i.redd.it/e7cj40kczq131.jpg! Since I own both trinkets, to describe the effect above the clones: the now again solid white orbs seem to keep the black orb in check while rotating around it.

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I'm upping you by quoting the GW2efficiency values :p

Aurora (
) = 1,434 goldVision (
) = 1,574 gold

Either method is easy to check. Something always worth doing before making a claim about total or comparative costs.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:I'm upping you by quoting the GW2efficiency values :p

I was curious about why there was a significant disparity between the two methods.(spoiler alert: two different reasons — for aurora, wiki doesn't include the xunlai costs for the collection to make precursor, Spark of Sentience; for Vision, the wiki doesn't count the costs of acquiring funerary incense; both of those are fixable tho)

It wasn't market value changing on us (I checked just now; wiki and GW2/e prices were a bit higher than when either of us checked, nothing close to the difference between the two sites). Nothing stood out in the recipe list as especially different.

! So I looked at the cost of the major components of Aurora. Three end up being a wash:! Mystic Tribute: wiki ~1200g vs gw2e ~1180g! Gift of Sentience: wiki ~206g vs gw2e ~222g! Gift of Draconic Mastery: wiki <2g vs gw2e < 2g!! It's the fourth in which the wiki loses in translation! Spark of Sentience: wiki doesn't include the costs; gw2e rates it at ~40g (and market evolution explains the remaining differences)!! For Vision, the break down is! Mystic Tribute: wiki ~1200g vs gw2e ~1180g! Gift of Prescience: wiki ~207g vs gw2e ~222g! Gift of Arid Mastery: wiki <2g vs gw2e < 181g!! Neither site attributes any costs to the precursor.! Glimpse: wiki 0g vs gw2e 0g!! The reason for the different in the Gift of the Arid Mastery? The wiki treats funerary incense as 'free' (since it's purchased from a vendor for a variety of currencies, it's hard to evaluate).!

Additional caveat:Neither site pays any attention to the opportunity costs of the various account bound materials or currency involved. T3 & T4 mats can be converted into unbound or volatile magic respectively, which in turn can be traded to a vendor for containers worth substantive amounts.

Update: I spoke to one of the veteran WikiEditors and it turns out it's not as simple to address the gaps as they'd like. Short version: because of the wiki's extra level of presentation code (MediaWiki, Semantic MediaWiki). That turns out only to be a problem for a fraction of collection-oriented items. GW2 Efficiency can manually adjust the overall shopping list(s), in ways that the wiki can't.

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The single effect of Vision and Aurora is the same makes me very let me disappointed. Their cost is very expensive.I like the effect when I have both of them, but Anet even not change the color of the Vision's effect :(Shame

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