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Heavy Armor Suggestions

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Hello GuildWar-Warriors!

I am running a heavy armor character which unfortunately I find the armor to be unappealing for the most apart. Which I clearly will be buying something from the gem store to cover the ugggglllyyy armor I might need. ha ha

Looking for some suggestions on what type of armor should i be looking for:I am a Revenant looking to be a Renegade.

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@MUDse.7623 said:it would be nice to know:

  • gender/race of your character (optimally a naked screenshot)

That was hilarious.Well my gender is Female Norn (can't get screenshot, at work)Well I want to be geared so I am strong and able to do DPSInvest how ever time I need to achieve it, I'd rather hold out on spending real money and grind/farm what I need.

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@Amy.6427 said:

@MUDse.7623 said:it would be nice to know:
  • gender/race of your character (optimally a naked screenshot)

That was hilarious.Well my gender is Female Norn (can't get screenshot, at work)Well I want to be geared so I am strong and able to do DPSInvest how ever time I need to achieve it, I'd rather hold out on spending real money and grind/farm what I need.

so basically you want a rather light looking armor that hinders you little in you ability to deal damage? in that case i would go for something like:[&CskdAAA=][&Cs4AAAA=][&CmYDAAA=][&CvEAAAA=][&CtYBAAA=][&CuUAAAA=]those are mostly craft sets, a piece cultural armor and a gem store head wich you can buy in transfering a little gold to gems.

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@"joneirikb.7506" said:Unclear: Are you asking about "Fashion" or "Mechanics" ?

I want good gear but something that still looks nice. Does that make sense? ha ha because I can always buy from gem store to transmog it :D

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Well for Mechanics:

Do you have an idea of what kind of build you want? Because that is largely going to decide the stats you want. Same goes with the rest of the gear. I'm no expert on Herald/Renegade, so not the best help for that.

For Fashion:

Go to any bank (in all the cities, or any crafting station etc), there is a tab there that allows you to see all the skins in the game. You can click on them and try them on your character, including mixing/matching pieces etc. Look through and find something you like.

Warning though, some skins are super cheap, others are very expensive, and some can't even be bought. So be prepared that what you like might not be possible (for now, perhaps later, perhaps a long term goal).

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I got a feeling OP is not aware that they can choose any gear (any stats) they need and then simply cover it with skin of their choice (obviously only heavy skins work for revenant). If I misunderstood, apologies, but you mentioned you want to be strong but still good looking, so I assumed such :)So, find out what build would you like to run and what kind of stats it needs. Get the armour and weapons with those stats, can be cheapest and ugliest, doesn't matter, because after that you can reskin it with skins of your choice. To unlock skins, you have to either equip, destroy or salvage item with skin of your choice. Once unlocked, you may apply it anytime, as many times as you wish for the cost of one transmutation charge per piece. And you can see all skins in wardrobe. Good luck.

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@serialkicker.5274 said:I got a feeling OP is not aware that they can choose any gear (any stats) they need and then simply cover it with skin of their choice (obviously only heavy skins work for revenant). If I misunderstood, apologies, but you mentioned you want to be strong but still good looking, so I assumed such :)So, find out what build would you like to run and what kind of stats it needs. Get the armour and weapons with those stats, can be cheapest and ugliest, doesn't matter, because after that you can reskin it with skins of your choice. To unlock skins, you have to either equip, destroy or salvage item with skin of your choice. Once unlocked, you may apply it anytime, as many times as you wish for the cost of one transmutation charge per piece. And you can see all skins in wardrobe. Good luck.

Now that you mention it, I think OP knows about transmog but may not be aware about stat swapping for Ascended armor.

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