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Once again: rating decay...


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I will be on holidays during the end of the season. No chance to prevent dropping from the leaderboard. I might be able to finish 120 games before though - is there still a point in that rating decay when enough games are played? Do people really have to plan their holidays and weekends based on a three days window?

Can we get rid of this rating decay which is basically redundant with the 120 games played (yes, I know there still is a difference)?

To prevent more intelligent answers:Yes, I only play for titles. No, I will only be able to make the title this season. Yes, it is because my main class will get nerfed (lol). Yes, just dodge.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:The pvp community, overwhelmingly helpful as always.

It's like asking a corpse is it still dead. This one has been answered by Ben already. Quite a few times.

Some people want the decay to happen even faster :astonished:

But he did not anything that we did not already. In my opinion, decay only makes sense if you are in P2 and above. Below that it is a nuisance with no purpose or value.

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@"Megametzler.5729" said:Can we get rid of this rating decay which is basically redundant with the 120 games played (yes, I know there still is a difference)?It's far from redundant. If top players finished their season limit in a week and sat on their rating, then it becomes more difficult for players who play at a more gradual pace from moving up since there are even fewer people above them to better distribute rating.

WoW had this problem in many seasons where top players would farm to the top, sit on their rating all season (several months), and play a few games at the end of the season to fulfill the "active" requirement. GW2 seasons are shorter, so they're less prone to this, but it's still relevant.

The main problem with decay is the ridiculous magnitude of it and how it affects people who aren't anywhere close to the leaderboard.

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@Exedore.6320 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:Can we get rid of this rating decay which is basically redundant with the 120 games played (yes, I know there still is a difference)?It's far from redundant. If top players finished their season limit in a week and sat on their rating, then it becomes more difficult for players who play at a more gradual pace from moving up since there are even fewer people above them to better distribute rating.

WoW had this problem in many seasons where top players would farm to the top, sit on their rating all season (several months), and play a few games at the end of the season to fulfill the "active" requirement. GW2 seasons are shorter, so they're less prone to this, but it's still relevant.

The main problem with decay is the ridiculous magnitude of it and how it affects people who aren't anywhere close to the leaderboard.

But why are people getting punished for only being able to play at the beginning of the season - and people playing only in the last week popping up on the leaderboard are okay?

Now people play 113 games until they have their rating, wait for weeks and play 7 more games at the end. Is that also okay?

How are those variants better than people sitting visible on their specific rating? They can be surpassed, everybody sees their rating. Did Anet officially comment this specific topic?

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@Megametzler.5729 said:But why are people getting punished for only being able to play at the beginning of the season - and people playing only in the last week popping up on the leaderboard are okay?

well its not okay, but are you saying that cuz peeps can afk till end of season that we might as well not have decay at all? cuz that would only make the problem many times worse.

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