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Dragon fest seems pointless

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@MarkBecks.6453 said:my struggle, and its real, is the 19 pinata bashing in 1min30, I have jumped into doors to be able to drop down, but get stuck in them (not one door, door posts have the same effect), the lag I experience means I have to bash pinata twice sometimes, and lose valuable time. I have managed 16/19 and that's my average, but with full maps, it just seems laggy. I have done most of the other events which are fun to do, and race around Hoelbrak I have even managed 2nd, so not my skills, just seems laggy to get the last 3. I have watched countless youtube videos and adjusted my route, watched these people make mistakes, yet they still managed 19 or 20 within the time. Is anyone else having some lag issues or is it just my toaster? I live on the furthest tip of the African continent, so that may also contribute to some of the lag I experience, as most servers are in EU

Just an FYI, there are as many 'servers' (data centers) in EU as in NA; namely 1 (each). So, you either connect to one or the other.Perhaps, if you are in ZA, you might try the NA data center (you can try with a Play4Free account).

Good luck.

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I find that most festivals run for the right amount of time (2-3 weeks). They are not very deep, but I find them a somewhat nice diversion from regular play, and usually as the end time approaches, I'm ready for them to end as I've tired of them.Whenever I see a thread asking for some festival to be continuous, that just doesn't interest me much - I find them interesting because they are of limited time. If the festivals were year round, I probably wouldn't play many of them (except maybe wintersday when I need easy karma gain)

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Different strokes and all that. Personally this has become one of my favorite festivals. I've brought in any alts who didn't have Hoelbrak completed because it's been fun to run them through the completion while doing the Festival stuff along the way. The pinata bashing, fireworks shooting, and arena fighting are enjoyable enough that I've been doing them whenever they show up in the dailies. None of the offered skins really grabbed me but I've been storing up the available mats against the day I finally decide to bother with the skyscale. The easy achievement points have been really sweet.

I don't enjoy all of the Festival events but there is a simple solution. If I don't like it, I don't do it. The race gets boring to me after the first lap so having finished it a couple of times I don't bother with it anymore. Tried the stampede a couple of times the first day, didn't like it, haven't done any since. If other folks enjoy those things, good for them. Just because I don't care for myself doesn't mean that others shouldn't get to do them. Heck, that's my rule of thumb for the whole game - if I like it, I do it. If I don't like it, I don't do it. And I don't bother much with what other folks are doing or not doing. :)

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