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Kralkatite Ore

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Doing hearts is the answer to all of them. Join metas whenever they happen, finish easy hearts on multiple characters each day. Mistonium is really simple, just do each of the different rift events. For Kralkatite you want to do the Astralarium heart and the one to the south of it, ignore the pirate one because it's annoying to do compared to those two. Branded Mass took me the longest time, but the hearts are really quick and if you do it right you can set yourself up to do them quicker the next day. For the second and third heart you can simply stack up on the items to deliver, by killing the wurms and keeping the relics/grabbing all of the supplies whenever they're up and finish the heart by breaking off the fights. Next day deliver the items to instantly finish them. You need 20 supplies, not sure about relics.The last heart is really easy, just talk to the sad NPCs and pick the right choice, it's always the same so remember their lines or where each one stands.

Most importantly: Take your time. Don't burn yourself out by grinding the same tasks over and over.

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I believe @"Cyninja.2954"'s thread should address most of your questions.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77308/how-to-start-working-on-your-season-4-map-currencies

Read beyond the opening post, as there are some good suggestions in there, including using Tekkit's guide (and TaCO) if you prefer grabbing nodes over hearts.

A couple of other tips:

  • Some of the local metas are good for local materials. Notably the Istani metas generate a lot of Kralk Ore, if you can manage to join an organized map.
  • During Dragon Bash, one of the vendors allows you to trade DB candy for each of the six currencies once per week (some think it's too pricey; some think it's cheap at four times the cost).
  • Join someone's home instance daily, as it's quick & guaranteed (even if it's not all that much in total per day, it adds up).
  • As @Blocki.4931 says: take your time. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
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@"Blocki.4931" said:Doing hearts is the answer to all of them. Join metas whenever they happen, finish easy hearts on multiple characters each day. Mistonium is really simple, just do each of the different rift events. For Kralkatite you want to do the Astralarium heart and the one to the south of it, ignore the pirate one because it's annoying to do compared to those two.

The pirate one takes about 5 minutes if you salvage stuff from the shipwrecks and use the position rewinder. You set your position with the rewinder before picking up the salvage from the ship and bring it back to the heart NPC then rewind back to the salvage so you are basically only making one way trips except for the first one.

Branded Mass took me the longest time, but the hearts are really quick and if you do it right you can set yourself up to do them quicker the next day. For the second and third heart you can simply stack up on the items to deliver, by killing the wurms and keeping the relics/grabbing all of the supplies whenever they're up and finish the heart by breaking off the fights. Next day deliver the items to instantly finish them. You need 20 supplies, not sure about relics.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Help_the_Priory_with_their_excavations has the breakdown on how much each activity contributes to the progress

The last heart is really easy, just talk to the sad NPCs and pick the right choice, it's always the same so remember their lines or where each one stands.

I just remember the words the correct answer ends with. Less to remember. :)

There are only 3 or 4 answers anyway.

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@QueenBrianna.4892 said:Hi! How do I efficiently farm Kralkatite Ore? (For skyscale)

Bonus points if you can tell me about Difluorite Crystal, Inscribed Shard, Lump of Mistonium, and Branded Mass too ~

If you consider 8-10 days for gathering all the 250 materials to be a resonable amount of time, then:

  1. For Kralkatite: Do the Astralarium heart with 2 characters (10 minutes at most). In this time maybe you can have the chance to find a meteorite - more Kralkatite. In 5 days you have the 250 needed.
  2. Difluorite - no special advice. Do the meta. Do the hearts - not hard. Do a map trip to gather the Difluorite nodes. Although I was woried about difluorite, I ended with 60-75 each day. For 1, maybe 1,5 hours.
  3. Inscribed shard - PFFF!! You have to do the metaevent several times and to loot the chests. Do the hearts and buy the Shards. It is not difficult if you find events inside the heart range. Waiting between metas - you can wander on the map for Bundle of Inscribed Shards. HM - this can be a time costly activity. Maybe 2 hours for 50-60.
  4. Lump of Mistonium - Do the hears - 2 are very fast. Do rift events. Usually easy and fast. If you are lucky, in one hour you can participate in the rift events in all the regions of the map. Search for a guide for Mist Touched Chest - it grants 1 Mistonium/day. If you make a route, in 7-10 minutes you can loot the most accessible (11 for me). You can easy reach 40-50 Mistonium for 1-1,5 hours.
  5. Branded Mass - LOOOL =). This is the first (the only other is Kralkatite) material from LS I ever reached 2 k (the store limit). I think It was in the beginning, many instances of the map opened, and by changing the instance you had other nodes to gather. Yes, gather the nodes. Do the hearts. Do the metas. Find the dwarf chests - search for a guide - even without the SkyDragon you can reach most of them without effort. I can not estimate the time. Let's see 1,5 hours?

So, the total time needed to do all of this is around 6 hours. I never had so much time to play at once, so I never played all the maps in one day. But what I wrote is what I done on each map.

Good luck! In fact, you don't need good luck to complete this. You need iron nerves.

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