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Please remove HoT requirement of shield generators


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I did not even realise this was a thing before today. I was on an alt account going to try to attack the nightmare that is Veloka with the tons of siege in the keep facing it. I double-clicked on shield generators to throw down for people to use and got the message "this feature requires upgrading to Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns". I nope'd the heck out of there so fast when I realised it wouldn't let me throw down the shield gens, especially when siege was already starting to fire on us.

I can kind of swallow the pill of not being able to glide without having HoT. And maaaybe the pill of not being able to use the mount without PoF. But not being able to throw down or use shield generators is absolutely crippling and pretty much pay-to-win.

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@Kaatora.3186 said:The only thing you can do with shield gens on a non-hot account is deploy and refresh. When you refresh you are also stuck with the non working shield gen skills until you use swap weapon.You can't use guild enhancements either.I always found it weird that pof-only doesn't get access to a provisioner or their own version of it, as well as auto looting. These things seem like they should be available at the core of the wvw experience.

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They wanted to keep mechanics to specific expansions to make you want to get both. Auto loot should have been a general qol change added to the core game, in fact we had to beg them to even add it to wvw (the mode that actually needed it more with all the movement in fights) after they added it to pve mastery line first, but it's a feature to sell out.

P.S I don't agree with unlocking shield gens, the less use of that the better.

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GW2 has the most generous F2P I’ve seen. Most MMOs cripple basic leveling, QoL and more if they even allow F2P. And buying the GW2 expansions once to unlock abilities is a LOT cheaper than the ongoing subscription fees of other MMOs. :confused:

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@"DemonSeed.3528" said:The only thing you can do with shield gens on a non-hot account is deploy and refresh.If that was true I would have been able to throw down the shield gens for other people to use. Instead, I got the message "this feature requires upgrading to Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns".

Being able to deploy and use siege should be amongst the minimum expectations in WvW.

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@Kaatora.3186 said:

@"DemonSeed.3528" said:The only thing you can do with shield gens on a non-hot account is deploy and refresh.If that was true I would have been able to throw down the shield gens for other people to use. Instead, I got the message "this feature requires upgrading to Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns".

Being able to deploy and use siege should be amongst the minimum expectations in WvW.

You're right - this appears to be a new stealth change, and it must've happened only recently because up until you've mentioned, I have deployed some shield gen at least a month ago on a pof-only account. This change is even more silly due to the fact you can still buy them on tp but I guess it is to allow you to pass to guildies, however if that is so, then why did they not allow it to drop from the "2 Superior Siege Blueprint Cases" in skirmish chest? That is very inconsistent. If I'm not mistaken even the normals do not show from the siege vendor for non-hots.

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Frankly, no one is going to buy the expansions to deploy/use shield gens, so they should make that available to everyone. The mounts and gliding I suppose might entice someone to purchase one or both of the expansions, so I could see Anet leaving that as is.

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