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Why we don't need 'big' WvW updates


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I hate almost every wvw/ balance patch. Here are my reasons why:

  1. You dont listen to player feedback, sure you do a few posts on your 'plans' to be transparent and occasionally we get to name WvW weps but you DON'T listen to your audience. There are a ton of great class suggestions in these forums and none of them get implemented.
  2. The last 2 'big' updates are utter rubbish. Mounts in WvW? Who asked for that? You just
    . There were a number of forum posts on how mounts kills roaming (it did btw) and you took no action to stop it, all you did was add more warclaw skins.
  3. Core swap event, really? It has broken the game..perma castable utilities?? What are you thinking? You'd know that it's broken if you play tested your game even once!

Memes aside, we dont need big updates! because everything you touch turns to shit. Give us smaller updates ~ a new map/ map updates, new keep lords that are challenging to fight(reuse pve npcs?)/ meta swaps so zergs are not just scourges and firebrands, optimization updates, class improvements (after you read your own forums that is), keeps that have upgradable seige, I'm sure there are a ton of better suggestions in these forums.This brings me to my second point, listen to players on these forums or give veteran wvw players ingame polls, you might think that we don't know what's best for the game but you guys have no clue either. What you do with the data is upto you but it's always better to get a second opinion.

I understand the game's on maintenance (your gem store skin updates don't fool anyone) but this wont last if you don't listen to your players. You might take this as a random rant but streamers, content creators, hell even dulfy has stopped covering your game's content.. take that as a sign.

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@nxsage.6578 said:Give us smaller updates ~ a new map/ map updates,This is a pretty huge commitment for anet, they cant even make a functioning pvp map anymore.

new keep lords that are challenging to fight(reuse pve npcs?)I would think that most people in wvw dont want to fight bosses with raid like mechanics. Some of the desert BL lords are already annoying enough.

I understand the game's on maintenance (your gem store skin updates don't fool anyone) but this wont last if you don't listen to your players. You might take this as a random rant but streamers, content creators, hell even dulfy has stopped covering your game's content.. take that as a sign.

Unfortunately there isnt much hope for gw2 outside of pve, and even that is looking pretty grim right now. We are pretty much stuck with what we have and it wont get better. The best we can hope for is for the next mega balance/rework patch to shake the meta up a bit, but it will probably just make the game even more broken.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:I would think that most people in wvw dont want to fight bosses with raid like mechanics. Some of the desert BL lords are already annoying enough.That's true, but the bosses in desert BL still add a bit of personality to the game world. I'll take any update that adds flavor to these aspects of the game.

I understand the game's on maintenance (your gem store skin updates don't fool anyone) but this wont last if you don't listen to your players. You might take this as a random rant but streamers, content creators, hell even dulfy has stopped covering your game's content.. take that as a sign.

Unfortunately there isnt much hope for gw2 outside of pve, and even that is looking pretty grim right now. We are pretty much stuck with what we have and it wont get better. The best we can hope for is for the next mega balance/rework patch to shake the meta up a bit, but it will probably just make the game even more broken.Almost certain it will make the game even more broken is why I don't want one.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Unfortunately for players that still love this game I don't think anets plans for gw2 extend that far. Feels like anet knows ships sinking and is just trying to do their best to get as much out of it as they can. I could be 100% completely wrong of course.

I feel the same way too with all the weekly skin updates, the least they could do is listen to player feedback and give us smaller changes.

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It's rare to see a post that is almost 100% full of incorrect information. I just don't have the energy, but here is something

@"nxsage.6578" said:hell even dulfy has stopped covering your game's content.. take that as a sign.

Dulfy stepped away from her website for RL reasons as explained on social media. Looking at her website, it seems she hasn't updated ANY news on the IPs she covers since April. So clearly, she hasn't just ceased to cover GW2.

Strange isn't it, how ANET might not be listening to "suggestions in these forums" or be willing to " give veteran wvw players ingame polls," when you have quality posts like this, chock full of useful and accurate information..../s

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:pretty much everything you asked for are big updates.

Not really,A new map/ map updates - All wvw maps follow the same structure, they could take 6 months to release a new map and I'd still be happy.New keep lords that are challenging to fight - reuse existing pve npcs?Meta swaps/ balance changes - a week to study data, a few days to implement?Optimization updates - might be a lot of workClass improvements - this could be minor, there's tons of stuff people recommend in class related forums that just go unnoticed.Keeps that have upgradable seige? - They already have the structure for this (with mortars).

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