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Hey guys, I'm just getting started on PoF maps for the First Time. Wondering if anyone else is on a similar level and would like to do some events/hearts/map completion/story/dungeons etc together.? Doesn't have to only be PoF, could be anything/anywhere really just that's the level I'm at. I'm a pretty new player, having a great time discovering the game. Would be great to have someone to discover it with!

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I am in EU, and my playtimes do vary. every other day (almost) I am on during the day times, around 12-6, and other days i am on in the evenings from around 21-00.Why do you think playtimes would not match? Feel free to add me as a contact in game if you wish, and anytime we are online and you feel like having someone to kill the mobs with just send me a message :)

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I would love to help out, the community is what makes this game so awesome. Feel free to message me in game if you see me online. Right now I have been pretty scarce, but I am trying to get back to spending more time in game.

I am in NA, but get online at a wide variety of times.

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Simplest approach, if you're comfortable with it, is to just broadcast over map chat (type /m in the chat window) that you are looking for a companion, and then anyone currently on that map can respond if they are interested. Good way to meet new people which often can lead to finding a guild you enjoy, etc.

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